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Gender of Parents

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I have been adding my brother's two wives, and his children by each wife. I have just put a sort date as I don't know the birth or marriage dates. Every one is sorting in the correct order on my brother's detail screen, but when I look at his children, he is a mother instead of father. On my brother's detail screen my parents are both mother's. As I look back at the parents of each ancestor, the parents are all mothers!


I suspect that I entered something out of order that may have caused all this mess.

Is there a correct order for entering a man with a first wife and a daughter and a son, then a second wife with a son and daughter older than his and then a daughter they have together?


I think I need to restore and then enter the family in the correct order? Is that right or is there a bug?


Thanks for any advice.

Francie :wacko:

Edited by Jim Byram

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It seems that all parents on the detail screen are listed as Mother. Each person has 2 Mothers and no Fathers. All the Father/mothers have M as their sex flag. All the real Mothers have F as their sex flag.

What have I done?



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I found the answer to my problem on the TMG-L archives! The father had sex as "M" but was listed as mother. The mother had sex as "F" but was listed as father.



"You need to unlink the father from the MOTHER-BIO tag (could be PARENT-BIO

tag) and attach him to the FATHER-BIO tag. And then do the same for the



Teresa Ghee Elliott"


Thank you Teresa!!! :)

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