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Visual Fox Pro Error when creating new project

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Tried to create a new project from the welcome screen and received the following Visual Fox Pro Error report



Microsoft Visual FoxPro


Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2008.01.01 10:34:30 AM. Error log file:


C:\WINDOWS\system32\vfp9rerr.log Called from - islockset line 2912 {C:\Program Files\The


Master Genealogist v7\common\programs\dsutils.prg dsutils.fxp} Called from - tmgappobj.mrunvalidate


line 842 {c:\program files\the master genealogist v7\libs\appobjtmg.vct c:\program files\the master


genealogist v7\libs\appobjtmg.vct} Called from - opendataset5 line 1014 {C:\Program Files\The


Master Genealogist v7\common\programs\dsutils.prg dsutils.fxp} Called from - tmgappobj.setuptables


line 17 {c:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct c:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct}


Called from - tmgappobj.cdatapath_assign line 5 {c:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct c:\program


files\common\libs\appobj.vct} Called from - tmgappobj.mopenproject line 119 {c:\program


files\common\libs\appobj.vct c:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct} Called from -


tmgappobj.mcreatenewprj line 95 {c:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct c:\program


files\common\libs\appobj.vct} Called from - menuobjtmg.mnewproject line 2 {c:\program


files\common\libs\menuobj.vct c:\program files\common\libs\menuobj.vct} Called from - ON... line 0


{ } Called from - tmgmain line 531 {C:\Program Files\The Master Genealogist


v7\tmg\programs\tmgmain.prg c:\program files\the master genealogist v7\tmg7.exe}





Tried the same from the file menu and did not receive an error.

Edited by altogatto

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Ok Seems to be related to a bad install, as I have removed tmg7 and reinstalled


Could be related to my other two post related to the language features!


[TMG7] Error messages when switching to a newly imported language



Language Issue




After reading about the Fatal Error Exception Code =C0000005 on the following forum:



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