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Bob Velke

Wholly Genes Newsletter, 20 April 2008, Issue 2008-5

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Wholly Genes Newsletter

20 April 2008

Issue 2008, Number 5


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In this issue:


o UPDATE: TMG v7.01 is now available!

o Conference/Cruise Lectures Announced!

o UPDATE: Second Site v2.1 Build 9

o "A Primer for The Master Genealogist" - Second Printing

o Dorothy Turner, 10 years and counting

o TMG Companion Products

o Wholly Genes online chat

o How to reach us



=== UPDATE: TMG v7.01 is now available! ==========


The Master Genealogist v7.01.0000 is now available. This free update adds a few new features and fixes a variety of issues that were brought to our attention by users.



o An option to Initialize Repeat Files was added to the Files / Maintenance menu.

o Formatting codes were added for left indenting ([LIND:]) and centering ([center:]) of text in word processor reports. See 'Formatting codes' in the help index.

o JournalIntro and JournalConclusion tag types were added to support text before and after the structured part of the Journal report. See the entries under the 'Journal Report' entry in the Help index.

o Filters were added to aid selection of people for DNA studies. (e.g., Is a Matrilineal Ancestor, Is not a Patrilineal Descendant, etc.) See 'Filters for DNA Studies' in the help index.



o The Repeat function for citations now always opens the Citation window with the last citation entered. Thereafter, you can press F3 on the Source Number field to repeat even earlier citations.






o An error could occur when a flag had been added to the Add Person template.

o Double-clicking in the citation field could give an error.

o In some cases, an 'error building key for index' error occurred when adding a person.

o The buttons at the right end of the Citation field could be hidden when using the v7 resizing method.

o The screen could be hidden when opened with the multiple monitor option selected in Preferences.

o Using F2 to select an unused ID# didn't select the first available number.

o Other potential errors were fixed.



o An error occurred when trying to select a custom frame under certain conditions

o Corrected some labels on the Report Definition screen.

o Chart configuration - Some discrepencies between the default and reset configurations were resolved.



o Tag Box - Name tag labels were truncated to 14 characters of the possible 20-character length.o Details window didn't size properly when stretched beyond a certain point.

o An error could occur when trying to navigate to a person using the Siblings window.o Associates, Children, Siblings windows - There were some issues with right-click menu options being available.

o An error occurred when a person had no primary parents and you right-clicked on the Mother or father label on the Person View and selected 'Edit this Tag'.

o If you right-clicked in the Tag Box and selected 'Add Tag', there could be a problem scrolling the Master Tag Type list depending on where you had right-clicked.

o The date display was not refreshed in the Associates Windows when the Preferences date format was changed

o An Open dialog occurred when the program was started and the Project Explorer had been filtered the last session.

o Sort by ID# onthe Project Explorer was incorrect under some conditions such as after a data set merge until Validate File Integrity had been run.

o Use checkmarks option was not updated on the Window menu when the Associates window was added.



o The DNA Heritage template was updated with some label changes.

o The Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) template has HVR3 added.

o An Open dialog could occur when a new test was selected from the DNA log and the [Add] button clicked.

o Fixed various scrolling issues with DNA templates during data entry.



o An error was encountered after adding a WMV file.

o Drag and drop to the Exhibit Log didn't work when the focus was something other than a person

o Insert new OLE didn't work.

o The display of the 'Exhibit output reordering' checkmark in the right-click menu was backwards.

o Using the Windows application key opened an extra screen.

o When using the [Add] button, the file type selection should now be 'remembered'.



o Buttons were hidden when the filter window was stretched.

o Filters - Some filters could be saved with an empty value field.



o Some icons were missing on the Research Suggestions from GenSmarts screen.

o The '&' character in a user name blocked the functioning of the module.

o GenSmarts - Under WinVista, the CTRL+I feature should work with GenSmarts or later and TMG v7.00 or later.



o TMG4 import - Dates on Name-Marr tags were lost.

o TMG4 Import - With some TMG4 data sets, an error occurred that would prevent completion of the import.

o The default export path was not being used for the first use of some export file types.

o Export Sources and Source Types didn't always point to the export folder specified in Preferences.

o Import Sources - Some of the exported data was not being imported.



o Welcome screen - Now has the focus when the program starts

o Center the current window - Error using this option when no windows were open.

o Center the current window - This option only worked with top-level windows rather than with all windows.

o Move up/down buttons - On several lists, the move up/down buttons were not always active or inactive when they should be.

o Relationship tag - F6 wouldn't delete a citation.

o Master Repository List - Column headers didn't stick when adjusted.

o Accent screen - Saving with F9 gave inconsistent results.

o Easy Search toolbar - Some issues with docking the toolbar were fixed.



o All legal characters (as specified by the operating system) can now be used in the layout names and in the layout comment field.

o Custom layouts were not available after a restore until you exited and restarted the program.



o The [Reset defaults...] button was doing more than it should.

o All settings on the New People tab weren't being saved.

o Current Project Options. Places tab. Country names are now shown in the current language.

o The Associates window was added to the Item Tips tab.



o Individual Narrative report - Strange text appeared at the end of the report when output to HTML.

o Narrative reports - All text within the [size:][:SIZE] format was printed in the "Courier New" font. The text will now be printed in the current text font.

o NarrativeChildren tag - Various issues were resolved

o Journal - The Options on the Tag tab for "born 1861" and "b. 1861" had no effect on the output on the ancestor report.

o Journal - The new [+] code didn't work correctly in a child paragraph

o Journal - Checking "Suppress Details for Living persons" caused output problems in the "Children of ___ and ___ were as follows" statement when the children are flagged as living.

o List of Citations - An error occurred when the report was output in columnar mode and a place part was output.

o List of Names - Some incorrect labels were used on the Report Definition Screen.

o List of People - Errors occurred with the column width calculations when a report was output.

o List of People - The primary checkbox in the filter wasn't working correctly.

o List of Sources - An error occurred if using the 'Number of repositories = n' filter.

o List of Sources - Outputting the report with a repository field included in the output columns gave an error.

o List of Sources - Problem specifying data set value in filters.

o Escape character - various issues with the escape character were fixed.

o An error and various issues with deleting/resetting report configurations were fixed in the Book Manager.



o The date format selected in Preferences wasn't being used.

o When a tag has two or more witnesses assigned the same Role and the variable [R:rolename] was used in the sentence for that witness, the names of all the witnesses with that role were listed when only the current witness should be listed.

o Sentence preview could fail to refresh when the Principals are switched and auto recalc is off.



o Master Source List - Errors when cancelling a source were fixed.

o Source elements - There was an error when adding and double-clicking the list too rapidly.

o Source templates - Sensitivity braces in the "name" source elements caused the entire full footnote and short footnote to be empty.



o It was possible to create two primary tags of the same type.

o The display of dates with modifiers for witnesses was truncated

o When editing a source template, escaped text in square brackets was converted from lower to upper case when the field was saved.

o A manually created sort order of citations failed to 'stick' under certain conditions.

o It was possible to close the Tag Entry screen with the Citation screen still open.

o The Sentence Structures screen had an issue when using v5/6 resizing.

o Sometimes a citation selected using the [Repeat last citation] button didn't display until the tag was saved and re-opened.

o The Sentence screen right-click menu or Name tags contained some options that didn't apply.

o With the v5/6 resizing option enabled, the Witness Add/Edit screen was 'flashing' when opened.

o Marriage tag - When edited to add a date, the tag could be changed to non-primary for one spouse.



o The last 'List of folders for location' path selected should now be 'remembered'.

o On first use, When you add paths to VFI using the 'List of folders for location' option and click the [Add] button, the path was not opening using the Exhibits path specified in Preferences.



o Place information button - the GNIS and GNS links were updated.

o Web Place menu - the GNIS link was updated

o Web Other menu - All links were checked and updated as necessary



o Installer - Some fixes were made to the installer translations.

o Error - variable 'LCS' not found error was fixed.

o Move Person - Multiple source types of the same name would be created event when they were identical.

o Last Edited Date - The Last Edited Date is now updated immediately after a flag edit is saved.

o Relationship tag types - The rebuild all sentences button is now disabled

o Reminder window - When v5/6 resizing was used, the memo font setting was ignored and the Reminder text always displayed in 8 pt.

o Research Log - Comment text from an existing selected task would be copied to a new task.

o Research Task - 'Paste Unformatted Text' was added to right-click menu

o Shutdown - An error could occur under WinVista.

o Spell checker - Spaces were added to text being checked.

o State/Province Abbreviations - Couldn't use '-' character.

o Translated labels - Various issues of translated labels not displaying correctly were fixed.

o Tools menu - Checkmark appeared next to Text Editor when timelines were toggled on.

o Cue Cards - Some corrections were made and German translations were added

o German reminders for some source types were added (any existing reminders will not be overwritten)

o Some corrections were made to Tips and Hints

o Picklist - When adding a witness with the Picklist, if a non-primary name is selected, the ID of the person will be selected and the specific name variation will be automatically selected in the list of name variations (if in Advanced Data Entry mode).

o Edit menu - The 'Filter the Project Explorer' option will be disabled when the Project Explorer is not open.

o After encountering an error during backup, a successful backup message occurred when the backup was not successful.

o Custom Toolbar Manager - In some cases, buttons were not being selected from the correct Buttons folder.


This free v7.01.0000 update requires a previous installation of v7.00.000 (Users with a prior version must first upgrade to v7.0). To download and apply the update, run TMG, access the Help menu and choose "Check for an update." Alternatively, you can choose "Check for a Program Update" from the Windows Start menu > The Master Genealogist group. The update will be applied automatically. Upon restarting, the startup screen will reflect a version number of "v7.01.0000."



=== Conference/Cruise Lectures Announced! =========


Wholly Genes is proud to announce the lecture series for the 4th annual Genealogy Conference and Cruise, October 26-November 2, 2008, the largest genealogy conference on the seas.


This year's star-studded lineup of twelve speakers is perhaps the most impressive in the history of this popular event. They will present an amazing range of genealogical topics that includes U.S., UK, and Irish resources, land records, Civil War records, Revolutionary War records, pension records, mapping tools and other online resources, as well as expert methodology and problem-solving techniques. More than 400 people are expected to attend this event which has sold out in each of the previous years because of the quality of the speakers and the surprisingly low cost. In fact, it is already more than half sold out even though the lectures were not previously announced and it is more than 6 months away.


Attendees willl improve their research skills while the ship is at sea, relax in the comradery of friends, family, and fellow researchers at night, and enjoy uninterrupted vacation time on four tropical Caribbean islands (St. Kitts, Antigua, St. Thomas, and Puerto Rico). They will even have opportunities for private consultations, meals, and other elbow-rubbing with some of the most famous professional genealogists from the U.S., England, and Ireland.


The announced lectures include:


Genealogical Problem Solving: Professional Tips for Everyday Success

by Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS

Faced with a brick wall? Finding a new database or more books to buy is usually not the answer. Those walls crumble when you learn more effective ways to use common records and advanced techniques for tracking elusive ancestors. This lecture covers twelve important techniques to apply every day you do research.


The Identity Crisis: Right Name, Wrong Man? Wrong Name, Right Man?

by Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS

What do we do with ancestors whose names don't 'match' from one record to the next? Or those who pose the opposite problem: too many men or women of the same name? This session examines social customs and naming patterns that cause ancestors to be known by different names, then offers techniques by which we can establish that any two records do or do not apply to the same person.


Tracing Land Ownership

by Barbara Vines Little, CG

Provides a detailed description of how to trace land ownership including of the laws of inheritance and tax law and records.


Femme Covert or Femme Sole: Women and the Law

by Barbara Vines Little, CG

This lecture covers English common law and its effect on women from the colonial period through the Civil War. A woman, whether servant, slave or free, frequently lost and gained property and other rights based upon her age and marital status. In order to successfully research women, it is necessary to understand these rights and how and under what conditions they changed.


The Naming of the Green: Irish placenames and surnames

by John Grenham

The deeply tribal and territorial nature of early Gaelic society resulted in strong connections between particular Irish surnames and localities, connections that can facilitate and illuminate Irish genealogical research. The talk details the adoption and development of surnames and place-names in Ireland, with a view to providing a context for research and with particular attention paid to the implications for research in the major Irish sources.


Irish Genealogy Online

by John Grenham

For a variety of reasons, Irish records have long been much more difficult to research online than the records of many other parts of the world. This is now changing. The talk gives some background and details the slow process of Ireland coming on line.


Genealogical sources for migrants on the move within the UK

by John Titford, LHG FSG

An examination of a range of resource material, some of it mainstream, some delightfully different, including Parish registers, maps, Quarter Sessions records, poor law records of settlement and migration, personal diaries, and non-conformist chapel minute books. Examples will focus on "bounce-backers," migrants within the UK who left home and then returned.


How to write your family history

by John Titford, LHG FSG

A look at reasons why you should write your family history, complete with comprehensive guidance on how to do it, based upon the speaker's best-selling book on the subject.


Finding Your Ancestors in City Directories

by Tony Burroughs, FUGA

Whether they lived in large cities or small towns, ancestors can be tracked from year to year. While following this trail, genealogists can pinpoint deaths, marriages, migrations, and also discover occupations and employers. Methods, records, sources and case studies will be presented.


Did Your Ancestor Serve in the Civil War?

by Tony Burroughs, FUGA

How can you determine if one of your ancestor's served in the Civil War? How can you verify oral history which says one of your ancestor's served in the Civil War? If you know their ancestor served in the Civil War, how can you investigate you ancestor's war experiences? This lecture demonstrates strategies for identifying Civil War ancestors, provides methods of proving genealogical relationships, illustrates Civil War records and resources, and discusses navigating through records at the National Archives.


Beyond Y-DNA: Your Genetic Genealogy Options

by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak

Surname studies using Y-DNA tests are a popular and obvious application of genetic testing for genealogical purposes, but are you aware of your other options? Come learn about mtDNA, SNP, BioGeographical and ethnic tests, as well as the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation and the Genographic Project, and determine if one or more of them is right for you.


Right Annie, Wrong Annie

by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak

An Irish lass, Annie Moore, tripped down a gangplank and into the pages of history in 1892 when she became the first immigrant to arrive at Ellis Island. But less than a century later, an Illinois-born Annie Moore had somehow taken her place and was celebrated in song, statue and literature. That all ended when some stubborn genealogists decided to use their sleuthing skills to seek out the right Annie. Come learn how she and her true descendants reclaimed their rightful place in history when their reunion was featured on the front page of the New York Times.


Researching Your Revolutionary War Ancestor

by Craig Scott, MA, CG

Want to joint the DAR or SAR? Having difficulty locating and proving the service of the elusive ancestor. This lecture will get you started in the right direction to locate and prove the service of your Revolutionary War ancestor. It will take you further into the records than you have gone before.


Beyond Pension Research: You stopped too soon!!

by Craig Scott, MA, CG

Pension application files provide a rich source of genealogical information and they lead to other information about our ancestors. Understanding pension law, pension ledgers, payment vouchers and claims will add to your understanding of your ancestor and his immediate family.


Plotting, Scheming, and Mapping Online

by Cyndi Howells

The Internet is a source for a variety of maps and geographical tools that will help you in your research. From new maps and atlases with online driving directions to old gazetteers with county lines and ancient place names, the Internet has them all. We'll explore those resources, ideas for using them, and integrating them into your research routine.


Virtual Cousin Research Project

by Cyndi Howells

Ideas to coordinate research efforts with fellow genealogists and cousins online. Work with Internet-specific tools (calendars, blogs, wikis, Google, etc.) to make communicating, organization, and research efforts a success.


Although the following additional experts are not scheduled to give a lecture, they will participate in various events and provide private consultations:

o Robert Charles Anderson, FASG, Director of the Great Migration Study Project for NEHGS

o Sandra Hewlett, CG, professional researcher and councilor for NEHGS

o Dick Eastman, technology expert and editor of Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter


In a surprise move that will be welcomed by many researchers, the organizers have recently added David Allen Lambert, NEHGS Online Genealogist, to the speaker list. David will moderate a series of evening group discussions and take questions from attendees. Similar ad hoc gatherings in previous years proved very popular so David's roundtable discussions are expected to draw large crowds.


Lastly, users of The Master Genealogist (TMG) will find a separate series of lectures that are designed for beginner, intermediate, and advanced users of that software and its companion programs. Presentations or consultations will be available from Bob Velke, President of Wholly Genes, members of the technical support staff, as well as many of the best-known experts in the TMG community, including John Cardinal, Jim Byram, and Lee Hoffman.


Two group cocktail parties and an optional shore excursion to the Library of the Caribbean on St. Thomas are also being planned.


Best of all, seven days and nights on a luxury cruise ship, a full-fledged genealogy conference, and an exotic Caribbean holiday will cost less than a typical week's vacation at the beach. At prices that start at less than $850 per person (including food, ship-board entertainment, and all conference events), it will be a memorable event and a cost-effective investment in your research.


For more information about the 4th annual Genealogy Conference and Cruise, please visit:




=== UPDATE: Second Site v2.1 Build 9 ============


John Cardinal has made the following announcement...


Second Site Version 2.1 (Build 9) is now available. This free upgrade adds some interesting new features, including the ability to create thumbnail images for Pictures added to SubPages. As usual, there are also a few minor enhancements and bug fixes.


You can read more about this release in the current newsletter:


... and see all the details in the Change Log:


Current Second Site 2 users can download the installer here:




=== "A Primer for The Master Genealogist" - Second Printing ===


Terry Reigel's new book "A Primer for The Master Genealogist" has been receiving many favorable comments on the Wholly Genes Forum and TMG-List, and sales have far exceeded expectations! The initial US printing will be sold out in a few days, and the second printing has just arrived. (There have been no changes to the content).


You can listen to Terry discuss the book and TMG in an interview on DearMYRTLE's Family History Hour 25 March 2008 genealogy podcast. The interview focuses on how the book can be helpful to new users of TMG, and covers some features of TMG that might attract users to adopt the program. The podcast can be found at http://podcasts.dearmyrtle.com -- look for the 25 March 2008 podcast.


Dick Cleaveland's review of the book in the April 2008 newsletter of the Roots Users Group of Arlington said "Terry Reigel has recently published this outstanding book aimed at helping us learn the use of TMG while laying a solid foundation for the development of our genealogies. While it starts with a chapter devoted to the raw beginner it proceeds through the program's features in an orderly and logical way, interjecting advice on the best ways of using them...


"The text is clearly and concisely written, and sprinkled liberally with examples and illustrations � roughly one illustration per page."


The book is available from the Wholly Genes webstore at:




=== Dorothy Turner, 10 years and counting ==========


This year marks Wholly Genes Software's 17th year in business! That's right - the first version of TMG (DOS) was released in 1991. That kind of longevity is uncommon in the genealogy software business. In 1993, George W. Archer wrote "Archer's Directory of Genealogical Software" which itemized _hundreds_ of programs that were available to family historians at that time. The number of those programs which are still developed and supported today can be counted on one hand.


Perhaps more remarkably, Wholly Genes' senior support technician, Dorothy Turner, last week marked her 10-year anniversary with the company! If you have had the occasion to correspond with Dorothy, you know of her thorough knowledge of TMG and the patient and cheerful attitude that she always demonstrates on the phone or by email. If you've ever worked in a customer service position, you know that 10 years is a very long time to stay cheerful !


If you've benefitted from Dorothy's dedication to customer service, feel free to drop her a short note of congratulations at dorothyt@whollygenes.com.



=== TMG Companion Products ======================


The following companion products which were developed for TMG users like you:


"A Primer for The Master Genealogist"

A great new book for beginning TMG users by Terry Reigel.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/primer.htm


"Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist"

The popular book compiled by Lee Hoffman - now available in electronic form.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gettingthemost.htm


Video training for TMG on DVD

Getting Started, Intermediate, Advanced, or Expert

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/videotapes.htm


Second Site

Web site construction tools for your TMG data.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/secondsite.htm

Latest version=2.1 Build 9


Pocket Genealogist

The TMG companion program for Pocket PCs and other Windows Powered devices.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pocketgen.htm

Latest version=3.11


GedStar PRO

The TMG companion program for PalmOS users.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gedstarpro.htm

Latest version=3.2



The research advisor that reads your TMG data directly.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gensmarts.htm

Latest version=


Map My Family Tree

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/mapmyfamilytree.htm

Latest version=1.4.11


Chartform Delivery

An inexpensive chart printing service

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/wallcharts.htm


For the full list of companion products, please visit the Wholly Genes Community forum (http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm) and click on "Companion Products."



=== Wholly Genes online chat =======================


The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be Saturday, 26 April 2008, at 2pm EST and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world.


Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Public Chat in the Support menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there!



=== How to reach us ==============================


For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at:


or write to:



Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using.


You can also reach us at:


Wholly Genes Software

9110 Red Branch Road, STE O

Columbia, Maryland 21045


410-730-9734 (fax)


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