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Bob Velke

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About Bob Velke

  • Birthday 09/24/1961

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  1. After some time away from The Master Genealogist I returned this past year, only to discover I cannot open the full program.  Is there any way to to work around this ?  Is it possible to buy the full program from someone?

    Thank you!

    Debbie Seemueller, Westerville, Ohio

    1. Jim Byram

      Jim Byram

      Please post in the appropriate forum if you need help. Do not post in a "status".

      The first message in this topic has a link for purchasing the current (final) version of TMG.


  2. TMG to be discontinued

    I am sad to report that the decision has been made to discontinue The Master Genealogist ("TMG"). While thousands of TMG users appreciate the program’s many powerful features that are unmatched in other software, the market for those advanced features has proved to be insufficient to support the infrastructure that is necessary to support it and continue development. A variety of my own health issues have also contributed to this decision as I have fewer opportunities to focus on the things that would be necessary to develop and market the program. There is every reason to believe that TMG will continue to work for existing users for the foreseeable future but official support will end at the end of 2014, although we may release some more bug fixes (but no new features) before that. In the interest of those who may want to communicate their data to family members or upgrade to the latest release, we will continue to sell the full product and updates through September with the understanding that product development has been discontinued. After the end of the year, I expect to maintain the support forum which would be available for user-to-user support. Other online support forums, including the TMG-L mailing list, are also available to users. For 25 years, TMG has repeatedly pushed the boundaries of genealogical software and promoted the highest principles of scholarship in record-keeping and reporting. It has encouraged users to expect more from their family tree software, especially in the area of source citations, and the industry has responded by setting new and higher standards in its suite of “standard features.” To lesser degrees, programs have begun to emulate some of TMG’s other innovative features, including its powerful filtering/searching functions, flags, customizable screen layouts, shared events (i.e., witnesses), and narrative output options. As genealogical data has become more sophisticated, researchers have been increasingly confronted with the many limitations of GEDCOM in transferring that data. For more than two decades, our GenBridge technology has demonstrated that much more complete and accurate transfers can be achieved through direct imports. Other family tree programs have implemented the GenBridge technology or developed similar direct-import strategies, resulting in the preservation of precious data for countless researchers. I am proud of the leadership role that TMG has played in the evolution of genealogical software and I encourage TMG users to continue to press developers to raise their standards and implement features that allow researchers to do the same. In the interest of preserving users’ data, I have released a document that details TMG’s internal file structure and I will make GenBridge available for free to developers who wish to produce a direct import from TMG insofar as their programs support the same features. It goes without saying that this has been a painful decision and is a significant milestone for me. TMG has been a major part of my life for more than 25 years and it is not easy to let it go. I recognize too and regret the degree to which it may leave researchers uneasy about the future of their data and the prospects for their research tools. I am taking a necessary step back from the genealogical community but with the hope that my contribution to it has left researchers better equipped to accomplish their research goals. Bob Velke Owner Wholly Genes, Inc.
  3. A formatted version of the newsletter is available here:
  4. A formatted version of the newsletter is available here:
  5. 9.02 Role variables

    I'm having this same conversation with you on TMG-L. When that's done, one of us can post the answer here.
  6. TMG v9 is now available! This major update includes a variety of great new features that focus on making data entry faster and easier: - Citations – You can now add a new source without leaving the Citation screen. If/when you want it, you can still click on the [+] button to add a source using the full power of the Source Definition Screen. - Citations – There is now a button to preview the source output directly from the Citation screen. - Add Multiple People – You can now add shared events (e.g., Census) on the Add Multiple People and Add Family screens, including the role of each participant. To set up a shared event, click on Setup on that screen. - Add Multiple People – You can now add an Age column with a Birth Date column. If an age and the event date are added for a person, the Birth date will be calculated automatically. - Add Multiple People – A new Copy button allows you to copy the value in the top cell of a column to everyone else on that screen. - Tag Type Definition - Reminders can now be added for roles. - Tag Entry - Right-clicking in either principal ID number field offers an option to switch the Principal ID numbers. - Tag Entry - The notice about irregular date entry has been revised to work better and to be more informative. - Tag Entry - Reminders now show on the Add/Edit Witness screens. A role reminder will display if it exists and will change if you change the Witness roles. If no role reminder exists, the tag type reminder will display. - Sentences - The right-click menus in the Sentence fields are much more informative about the role variables being selected. - Sentences - A number of new variables for event tags have been added. The “Subject” is the person about whom the current sentence is being constructed (the current Principal or the current Witness). These new variables are designed to make the global and custom sentences much more flexible. Subject, Full name [s+] Subject, Full name without pronoun substitution [sS] Subject, Possessive full name [sG] Subject, Given name [sF] Subject, First name [sL] Subject, Last name [sA] Subject, Age [sE] Subject, Exact Age [sP] Subject, Pronoun he/she [sPP] Subject, Possessive pronoun his/her [sM] Subject, Objective pronoun him/her [sGS] Subject, Possessive given name [sFS] Subject, Possessive first name [sLS] Subject, Possessive last name [sFATH] Primary name of the father of the Subject [sMOTH] Primary name of the mother of the Subject [sPAR] The parents of the Subject [PL] Current Principal, Last name (i.e., surname) [POL] Other Principal, Last name [P1L] Principal #1, Last name [P2L] Principal #2, Last name [PLS] Current Principal, Possessive last name [POLS] Other Principal, Possessive last name [P1LS] Principal #1, Possessive last name [P2LS] Principal #2, Possessive last name [RL:rolename]: The last name of all the people assigned the given role - Master Place List - A column for place styles has been added. - ...plus dozens of fixes to bugs that were brought to our attention by users. After eight free upgrades in v8, there is a charge for this update ($29.00 download + $5 for an optional CD by mail) so you will need to go our web site to purchase a new unlock key and download the program: http://www.whollygenes.com/tmg.htm NOTE that TMG v8 and TMG v9 can be installed and run at the same time and the data projects are compatible (although the new sentence variables listed above will be ignored by v8). So you can install and get comfortable with the new features in v9 while you continue to work in v8. Users who purchased TMG v8 or an upgrade within the last 90 days will receive a free update to v9. Have fun! Bob Velke Wholly Genes, Inc.
  7. A formatted version of the newsletter is available here:
  8. A formatted version of this newsletter is available here.
  9. Speakers and Lectures

    Sadly, Donn Devine has withdrawn from the conference because of concerns about health issues. Laura Prescott, professional genealogist and past president of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) has kindly agreed to fill in, however. Her lecture titles and descriptions are posted with the others on the cruise page, http://www.whollygenes.com/cruise.htm . A draft lecture schedule is also available from http://www.whollygenes.com/files/schedule2013_draft.pdf . We're still working on a few details but a Cruise News newsletter should go out tonight with more details.
  10. Pre-cruise research trip

    The pre-cruise online meetings will be conducted by Craig Scott on Wednesday nights at 9pm Eastern time starting next week: Sept. 18, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, and Oct. 9. As you say, Monday is a holiday and NARA is closed but those who are interested in trips to Gettysburg or Annapolis on that day should contact me by email at bvelke@whollygenes.com. Craig will also be conducting an in-person presentation at the cruise hotel on that Monday evening for people who can't attend one or more of the Wednesday evening online presentations. We're still working on a few details on other issues but a newsletter should go out tonight.
  11. Class schedule for Cruise

    We're still haggling with the cruise line for the lecture space/time that we want but I think that a Cruise News will go out by tomorrow. Thanks.
  12. Cruise ship mews

    Caron, I visited the cruise ship the other day to see for myself. The fire was mostly contained on a part of a staff deck and did not affect the public areas. Some areas above, including our lecture venue were affected by water and smoke, however, and they have been completely rebuilt and refurbished with new furniture, etc.. I saw absolutely no sign of any lingering effects.
  13. A formatted version of this newsletter is available here.
  14. A formatted version of this newsletter is available here.
  15. A formatted version of this newsletter is available here.