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  1. Importing Places

    Thanks, Jim. I've copied the PDF exhibits to the \The Master Genealogist v9\Exhibits folder and will re-add them.
  2. Importing Places

    Jim, The PDF's were used as "Media" (FTM's term) tied to sources/citations and linked to a file in \Family Tree Maker\Berry Family Media (all the JPG's were imported to TMG from the same folder). None of the PDFs were used as person images. An example is my father's birth certificate attached to the Source "Births, Arkansas State Board of Health, Arthur Yell Berry Jr, Arkansas Birth Certificate, No 4244554. The log created after the import said, ">The format of a file "AYB Jr, Birth Certificate, b 27 Jun 1913.pdf" is not supported." Some are single pages, like the birth certificate, some several pages from a Bible or Will, while others are book length, as a genealogy, memoire/autobiography. Besides having quick access to them as I researched, I included them so a user would have immediate access to them on a web site. I realize they will not show up in a TMG report and actually I haven't posted anything to Second Site yet so they may not work there either. If not, perhaps it's best I simple list myself as the Repository. For my own use, I can still add them manually to the TMG citations. Thanks for you help.
  3. Importing Places

    I'm a new user and have just imported data from Family Tree Maker 2008/2009. I have two issues, which I can correct, but am looking for an easier solution. First, in cleaning up the Master Place list, I have some 250 entries like the following, all sitting in the Country field: "Alabam Cemetery//Madison/Arkansas/USA/-1852//" and "All Saints Church/Helmsley/Yorkshire//England/-88885//" (without quotes) Many other Places ended up in the correct fields while others are easily moved with Ctrl and left arrow. The ones like the above examples move as a group which means editing with a lot of cutting and pasting (I'm a slow 2-finger typist). Is there an easier way to correct these rather than editing each one? And, out of curiosity, what do -1852, -88885, etc. mean? Second, I have over 200 PDF files as exhibits that did not import. Some are attached to multiple persons. At this point I can't see a way to get them into TMG other than copying them to the Exhibits folder and then manually adding then to the appropriate individuals. Any suggestions? Thanks, Artie Berry