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Everything posted by GenerationGoneBy

  1. The little Person Icon

    Where does the person Icon by the person's login name come from and why are they different. Can we change them?
  2. 9.02 Role variables

    Reading the newsletter if sounds like the automated process is first going to try and fix role variables for us if the role is the subject of the sentence. Is there a way to opt out of this automatic update if we are happy with our [R:rolename] sentences and don't want to change to the new [s:rolename] variables. I can see where I will have to edit a lot of sentences back to the [R:rolename] otherwise. Other than that, I am thrilled with this new feature. It sounds just like what we have been asking for for a long time and I can't wait to use it.
  3. 8.06 Insufficient Stack Space

    I downloaded TMG 8.06 the first time through the check for update feature and got the error Insufficient Stack Space. I uninstalled TMG and deleted all the folders and reinstalled from the full installer last night. This morning, the project I was using was not found by TMG, so I reimported the data. Started getting Insufficient Stack Space error and TMG would no longer open. Uninstalled TMG yet again, deleted folders and reinstalled with a new clean update from the full installer (downloaded it a second time to be sure I have the correct file.) TMG opened, I restored my project and shut down TMG. When I reopened it, got the error Insufficient Stack Space error and TMG 8.06 will not open at all. Cancel shuts the program down. Ignore just redisplays the error. Help takes me to a help file. It talks about running the file in a desktop icon, but I have no idea what this means.
  4. TMG 8.05 - problem in data entry

    Helmut, In the PV you can have a tag tell you to show the ROLE NAME or PRINCIPAL. Since you are seeing PRINC, I assume you have the DEATH Tag set to show PRINCIPAL. Go to the MASTER TAG TYPE LIST and edit the DEATH TAG. On the OTHER tab, select USING LABEL ABOVE if you want the role shown or leave it as it is to see what you are seeing. I am not sure why you are only seeing PRINC instead of PRINCIPAL, but that is the only explanation I can think of for what you are seeing. TMG has worked this way for as long as I can remember.
  5. Returning to TMG 7.04?

    I am still with 7.04 because of the issues with roles. I will remain in 7.04 until 8.0x fixes all the bugs in the way roles are edited, sorted or renamed. If I need the word processing abilities of 8.0 I can always import my data, and print.
  6. My new favorite layout

    Here's my current layout, using the FG for my anscestors, and the PE open and of course, my huge custom toolbar. What does yours look like?
  7. Shirley, Not sure it if's related, but I have the same problem when I edit my custom roles that came from TMG 7.04. I posted about editing roles on the forum, so you might read that and see if it's similar to what you are seeing. I haven't noticed validating changing my roles, but if you are in the tag (after you have edited the role name) and click on the Tag Name, it will change them from the custom role to Witness on the tag edit window. I have reported what i saw, and hopefully it will be fixed in a future version. I am just a user, so I am not sure if anyone from support has seen your post.
  8. Editing Role Names 8.02

    When editing role names in the Master Tag Type window, if you edit more than one role name at a time for a tag, only the last role name gets updated in existing tag types. When you open an existing tag, in the drop down window for the role list, it will show the role as you edited it, but any existing Principals or Witnesses that use that role will still show the old role. If you click on the tag type label, those roles will change to Principal or Witness, and have to be manually updated. Example. If I edit role "fr wh male 0-5" "fr wh male 5-10" and "fr wh male 10-20" only the role "fr wh male 10-20" will be changed in existing tag types. The roles "fr wh male 0-5" and "fr wh male 5-10" will still show in existing tag types as they were before the edit. Notice that highlighted role in drop down list is "free white male 00-05" (I edited the role "free wh male 00-05" to "free white male 00-05"). Yet notice that James M. Gee (a witness to an existing tag type imported from 7.04) has the old role of "free wh male 00-05" f you click on the role itself, it will show a different role. Ex above. If I click on a witness with the role "fr wh male 0-5" and go to the Edit WItness window, the role will not be "fr wh male 0-5". I believe it is defaulting to the role that is sorted first in the list, since the ones I noticed were always "Head of Family" which is the first role I have sorted in the list. Now I double clicked on the witness James M. Gee 1213 whose role plainly shows as "free wh male 00-05" in the Tag Entry window, but notice that the role shown on the Edit witness window is "Head of Family." Also if you edit a role name, the role name variable [R:Rolename] is not being updated in the role sentences. If you manually update it to match the role name, then since the role names are not being updated in existing tag types, your sentences will print "An unknown person.." Notice that highlighted role is "free white male 00-05", but highllighted role variable in the sentence still shows "free wh male 00-05" I did all editing of roles in English US. I did not try to see what translating roles in other languages would do. You will only see this issue if you edit more than one role name at a time in a tag type.
  9. Tags - Roles - Sentence

    Thanks for updating us Jim. Good luck.
  10. Tags - Roles - Sentence

    Freddy, When you say you have changed, does that mean you have edited the role name translations? If so, that is your problem. This is a known bug in TMG 8.01. It has been fixed in 8.02. Just reinstall from your backup and don't edit or sort role name translations until 8.02 is released. That may be why you are seeing two of each role. I don't know why you can't edit the sentences, but it may be an after effect of the role bug issue. You can still use roles from TMG 8.01, just wait a while until you sort them in the list, or try and edit the role name translations. 8.02 is supposed to fix this issue for us. Hopefully this will fix your sentence editing problems as well.
  11. Tags - Roles - Sentence

    Freddy, Are you sure one of those isn't Father Bride and father bride1? TMG 8.0 does not treat roles with different case as different roles, so if you have both Father Bride and father bride, that is the same role and you have it listed twice in the same tag type. I don't see how that could have happened to be honest. When you added the roles from TMG 8 (whether you chose to enable them or not) they were supposed to have a 1 added to the end of the role name if you already had a role by that role name. So if you already had Father Bride, and TMG 8.0 was going to add father bride, it should have added a 1 at the end of the rolename. Since you say you are using DUTCH, you have translated one role name to Father Bride and another role name to father bride. You can change the translation to the role you aren't using to something else (like "DELETE ME"). But that should not affect your ability to edit role sentences at all. Have you tried contacting support at support@whollygenes.com? I really don't know what more to suggest.
  12. Visiting A Record Office

    Not using the UK version, but this is what I do. First I search for everyone who was in a certain place. Say a cemetery. I then print an Individual Narrative for each of those people (use the filter on the report.) If it's a lot of people this may not work, but the beauty of it is, I get one page (or sometimes two) for each person in that area, with all their events. So I can look up what I don't have on them while I am there. Have fun. Don't forget to take some snacks too. If you aren't allowed food, I take hard candy. Most places don't mind it and it keeps blood sugar level.
  13. Sentence in roles

    Freddy, If you edit the sentence in the Tag Entry window>Sentences window, that creates what TMG calls a local sentence. If you then try and edit the sentence for that role in the Master Tag Type list, and print a report for the person you created that local sentence for you will not see the changes you made in the Master Tag Type list. The way to fix that is to delete the local sentence in that person's PV screen and then it will use the global sentence. If that's not the issue, then I am not sure what's going on, because all role sentences can be edited.
  14. Custom Tags and Roles TMG7 to TMG8

    I haven't seen it in 8.0 or 8.01 either Terry. And I have imported my data several times. But like Jim said, I did have an issue with the beta version. I chose to not have the roles that shipped with 8.0 enabled. But all my custom roles did get enabled.
  15. Export to GEDCOM very unreliable

    Vera, Is there a way a moderator could change this topic title, to something like Export to Gedcom-Issue Solved? That way those of use reading the topics can tell at a glance this is not an issue with TMG. Thanks, Teresa
  16. Here is a screen shot of the duplicated roles in the tag edit window 8.01. I think the issue has to do with either A) editing the sentence for the male to add a --when I had no sentence before adding a sex filter in the MTTL or C) editing the age range for a role. Tag role names were edited in English US. This tag has a large number of roles.
  17. Duplicated roles in Tag Edit WIndow

    Actually, it happens when you edit a role name more than once from the MTTL Tag Edit window. But thanks so much Vera for replicating, reporting and also for fixing the image. If you edit the role once and save out of the MTTL Tag Edit window, you will not see this bug.
  18. Duplicated roles in Tag Edit WIndow

    Thanks Glenn. Still trying to learn this new forum setup. Do you need the image as a jpg? I can resave it for you if you do.
  19. Cannot merge two sources

    It just worked for me in 8.01 using the sample project. I just picked two sources at random. #1 and #6.
  20. Duplicated roles in Tag Edit WIndow

    Here's how to reproduce in sample database: In the Sample DataBase: Open the Birth tag: Edit role CHILD to TEST. Edit role TEST to Child Okay and Close to get out of MTTL Open any Birth tag: Click on the drop down list for P1, role Child is now at bottom of list. Okay out of tag edit window. Open MTTL and Edit Birth Tag Move Child to top of list Get error ErrorMarker: Record is out of range. 50 TAGTYPEDEFINITION.MMOVEUPDOWN (I am now thinking it may be related.) Click Abort Okay and Close (this clears the error message) Open MTTL and Edit Birth Tag Move Child to top of list Ok and Close out of MTTL Open Tag Edit window. In P1 dropdown list, role child and (for me) role recorder will be repeated at bottom of list. recorder will be at the top of the list where child should be. Teresa
  21. 8.01 Tag Edit window

    Here's what happens. Open tag entry window. Click on +sign to open add witness. Type in the witness ID button. The warning comes up that I am -55 years ... for this tag... It and the reminder window both open behind the tag entry window. I think the secret is the tag reminder. I noticed that tags are opening a LOT slower for me in 8.01 than they were in 8.0. I think the problem is this tag type has a reminder attached and the reminder isn't opening before I start editing the witnesses. So the warning and the reminder are both trying to open at the same time.Tagedit window8.01.bmp
  22. Problem with individual narrative report? (Solved!)

    Since I prefer the IN, I do include the parents on the birth tag. Here are my sentences: [:CR:][:TAB:][RF:Father]< and [RF:Mother]> became the parents of <[R:Child]> <[D]> < [L]>. <[M]>[:NP:] [:CR:][:TAB:][RF:Mother]< and [RF:Father]> became the parents of <[R:Child]> <[D]> < [L]>. <[M]>[:NP:] [:CR:][:TAB:][R:FatherStep] raised his stepchild, [R:Child], child of [R:Mother] <and [R:Father]> born <[D]> < [L]>. <[M]>[:NP:] [:CR:][:TAB:][R:MotherStep] raised her stepchild, [R:Child], child of [R:Mother] <and [R:Father]> born <[D]> < [L]>. <[M]>[:NP:] Hope this helps. I do not use the step parent relationship if the child was grown when the parents remarried, only if the step parent was the one who was in a custodial type relationship while the child was growing up.
  23. Tabulated Census report

    I have always wanted a census report like the one below, so that I could keep up with each person's census data and easily print it out. With TMG, I can now have such a report. It takes a while to set up, but once you do, it is fairly easy to maintain. Here are the basic directions. First you need to create a new language called Tabular (or census or whatever you want to call it) This will allow you to keep your usual census sentences, and also have the sentence structure to create this report, without having to create a second tag. First thing I had to do for each census tag is create new roles. I wanted each person to have a separate role, so that their data would print on a separate line in the report. Remember if you do this, you will need to add those new roles to your current ENGLISH language sentences. For the 1850-1870 censuses, I created the roles Household member01- Household member10. So far, I haven't needed more. I then changed everyone with the role of Household member to the new role. The Head of Household has the role Head of Household or in some cased Head of Family. For the 1880-1920 censuses I created the roles Son01-Son12 and Daughter01-Daughter12. The role is first assigned based on the person's sex, and then by their position on the census. So you would have only one role per number: EX: Son01, Daughter02, Daughter03, Son04. This will place each person in the right order on the report. I changed my current daughter, daughters, son and sons roles to the correct new role. Once again don't forget to add these new roles to your ENGLISH census sentences. Now in each tag, make sure you are editing the sentences for you TABULAR language and use the role sentences below. Remember, that roles HAVE TO BE exactly like they are in the sentences. If your role names are different from mine, be sure and edit the sentences accordingly. To get the ages to print in the report, I created a Name-style called Census that allows me to put the person's age in the suffix field. This information may show in indexes, and does show in Second Site, so be sure you understand the implications before undertaking this endeavor. Birth 1816 in VA. Marriage 8 DEC 1836 in Williamson County, TN, Groom: George L. Gee Bride: Sarah Jane Rash. 1840 Federal population census Enumeration Date: in 1840 Enumerated in Williamson County, TN, Head of Family: George L. Gee Possible free white male 00-05: Unknown Gee Possible free white female 20-30: Sarah Gee. 1850 Federal population census: Enumeration Date: 10 OCT 1850 Enumerated in Williamson County, TN, Head of Household: George L. Gee (age 33) Household member: Sarah J. Gee (age 30) Household member: James M. Gee (age 7) Household member: John W. Gee (age 6/12) Household member: George W. Gee (age 5) Household member: Thomas H. Gee (age 4). 1860 Federal population census: Enumeration Date: 24 AUG 1860 Enumerated in Davidson County, TN, Head of Household: George L. Gee (age 44) Household member: Sarah G. Gee (age 41) Household member: James M. Gee (age 17) Household member: Thomas A. Gee (age 14) Household member: John Gee (age 12) Household member: Susan Gee (age 8) Household member: Maria Gee (age 6) Household member: Elizabeth Gee (age 3). Became widowed between AUG 1860 and APR 1861 Deceased spouse: Sarah Jane Rash. Marriage 8 APR 1861 in Davidson County, TN, Groom: George L. Gee Bride: Mary A. Taylor. 1870 Federal population census: Enumeration Date: 10 AUG 1870 Enumerated in Rutherford County, TN, Head of Household: George Gee (age 54) Household member: Mary Gee (age 41) Household member: James Gee (age 24) Household member: John Gee Household member: Albert Gee (age 23) Household member: Susan Gee (age 18) Household member: Mariah Gee (age 16) Household member: Lizzie Gee (age 15) Household member: William Gee (age 7) Household member: Emma Gee (age 4) Household member: Robert Gee (age 2). Death between 1876 and 1880 in TN. Information continues with his son: 1880 Federal population census Enumeration Date: on 15 JUN 1880 Enumerated at: in the 8th Civil District of Rutherford County, TN, Household head: John Gee (age 31) wife: Elrod Gee (age 30) daughter: Loula F. Gee (age 7) son: James A. Gee (age 5) daughter: Sarah Gee (age 4) daughter: Cora Lee Gee (age 2) daughter: Tennessee Gee (age 1). 1900 Federal population census Enumeration Date: on 22 JUN 1900 Enumerated at: in the 8th Civil District of Rutherford County, TN, Household head: John Ghee (age 56) wife: Martha Ghee daughter: Sallie B. Ghee (age 28) daughter: Tennie Ghee (age 20) son: John W. Ghee (age 19) son: Ed Ghee (age 17) son: Thomas A. Ghee (age 15) daughter: Susan H. Ghee (age 13) daughter: Dennie E. Ghee (age 12) son: Clifton S. Ghee (age 8) son: Longae L. Ghee (age 7). Death 10 APR 1907 in TN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1850-1870 Census sentences TABULAR LANGUAGE Use this same sentence for all roles Be sure and change the date for each census tag! [:CR:][:CR:][bOLD:]1850 Federal population census:[:BOLD] [:CR:]Enumeration Date: < [D]>[:CR:]Enumerated < [L]> [:CR:]Head of Household: [R:Household head ]<[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member01]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member02]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member03]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member04]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member05]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member06]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member07]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member08]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member09]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:household member10]><[:CR:]Household member: [R:one household member]> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1880-1930 Census sentences TABULAR LANGUAGE Use this same sentence for all roles Don't forget to change the years for each census tag! [:CR:][:CR:][bOLD:]1880 Federal population census[:BOLD][:CR:]Enumeration Date: <[D]>[:CR:]Enumerated at: <[L]>[:CR:]Household head: [R:Household head] <[:CR:]wife: [R:wife]><[:CR:]husband: [R:husband]>[HID:]Enter children in order. If the first child is a son, use son01. If the next three children are girls, use daughter02-04, then use son05 for the next son. This will put children in order, yet keep thier roles correct.[:HID]<[:CR:]son: [R:son01]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter01]><[:CR:]son: [R:son02]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter02]><[:CR:]son: [R:son03]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter03]><[:CR:]son: [R:son04]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter04]><[:CR:]son: [R:son05]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter05]><[:CR:]son: [R:son06]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter06]><[:CR:]son: [R:son07]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter07]><[:CR:]son: [R:son08]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter08]><[:CR:]son: [R:son09]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter09]><[:CR:]son: [R:son10]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter10]><[:CR:]son: [R:son11]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter11]><[:CR:]son: [R:son12]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter12]><[:CR:]son: [R:son13]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter13]><[:CR:]son: [R:son14]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter14]><[:CR:]son: [R:son15]><[:CR:]daughter: [R:daughter15]><[:CR:]step son: [R:step son]><[:CR:]step sons: [R:step sons]><[:CR:]step daughter: [R:step daughter]><[:CR:]step daughters: [R:step daughters]><[:CR:]brother: [R:brother]><[:CR:]brothers: [R:brothers]><[:CR:]sister: [R:sister]><[:CR:]sisters: [R:sisters]>. <[:CR:]brother-in-law: [R:brother-in-law]><[:CR:]brothers-in-law: [R:brothers-in-law]><[:CR:]sister-in-law: [R:sister-in-law]><[:CR:]sisters-in-law: [R:sisters-in-law]><[:CR:]son-in-law: [R:son-in-law]><[:CR:]sons-in-law: [R:sons-in-law]><[:CR:]daughter-in-law: [R:daughter-in-law]><[:CR:]daughters-in-law: [R:daughters-in-law]><[:CR:]grandchild: [R:grandchild]><[:CR:]grandchildren: [R:grandchildren]><[:CR:]grandson: [R:grandson]><[:CR:]grandsons: [R:grandsons]><[:CR:]granddaughter: [R:granddaughter]><[:CR:]granddaughters: [R:granddaughters]><[:CR:]mother: [R:mother]><[:CR:]father: [R:father]><[:CR:]father-in-law: [R:father-in-law]><[:CR:]mother-in-law: [R:mother-in-law]><[:CR:]grandfather: [R:grandfather]><[:CR:]grandfathers: [R:grandfathers]><[:CR:]grandmother: [R:grandmother]><[:CR:]grandmothers: [R:grandmothers]><[:CR:]uncle: [R:uncle]><[:CR:]uncles: [R:uncles]><[:CR:]aunt: [R:aunt]><[:CR:]aunts: [R:aunts]><[:CR:]nephew: [R:nephew]><[:CR:]nephews: [R:nephews]><[:CR:]niece: [R:niece]><[:CR:]nieces: [R:nieces]><[:CR:]cousin: [R:cousin]><[:CR:]cousins: [R:cousins]> <a farm hand: [R:farm hand]><[:CR:]farm hands: [R:farm hands]><[:CR:]a hired girl: [R:hired girl]><[:CR:]hired girls: [R:hired girls]><[:CR:]a lodger: [R:lodger]><[:CR:]lodgers: [R:lodgers]><[:CR:]a servant: [R:servant]><[:CR:]servants: [R:servants]><[:CR:][M]> ------------------------------------------------ I do not have multiple roles for anyone other than sons and daughters. Any other role with multiple people attached will show everyone on the same line. I don't have many instances like this, so I didn't feel a need to add all those extra roles. If you have lots of nieces or nephews living with your heads of household, then you might want to add multiple roles for those roles too. Use the same naming sequence as son and daughter to get them to print correctly. Don't forget you have to change each person to their new role. This will take a while if you already have your census information set up. In the 1850-1870 tags, I made the spouse Household member01 and each child was named in the order they showed in the census. In the 1880-1930, I assigned the role based first on the person sex, then on the position they were in the census. Example: daughter: Sallie B. Ghee (age 28) Daughter01 daughter: Tennie Ghee (age 20) Daughter02 son: John W. Ghee (age 19) Son03 son: Ed Ghee (age 17) Son04 son: Thomas A. Ghee (age 15) Son05 daughter: Susan H. Ghee (age 13) Daughter06 daughter: Dennie E. Ghee (age 12) Daughter07 son: Clifton S. Ghee (age 8) Son08 son: Longae L. Ghee (age 7). Son09
  24. 1930 Census-Betty Frain

    1930 TMG Census Sentences These were created by Betty Frain. You can contact her at brfrain@comcast.net Use this sentence for the Head of Family Role. Head of Family (male): [:CR:][:CR:][:TAB:][R:Head of Family] was listed as the head of household on the 1930 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Apr 1930 . Also living in the household were <his wife, [R:wife]> <, his son, [R:son]> <, his sons, [R:sons]> <, his daughter, [R:daughter]> <, his daughters, [R:daughters]> <, his step son, [R:step son]> <, his step sons, [R:step sons]> <, his step daughter, [R:step daughter]> <, his step daughters, [R:step daughters]> <, his brother, [R:brother]> <, his brothers, [R:brothers]> <, his sister, [R:sister]> <, his sisters, [R:sisters]> <, his brother-in-law, [R:brother-in-law]> <, his brothers-in-law, [R:brothers-in-law]> <, his sister-in-law, [R:sister-in-law]> <, his sisters-in-law, [R:sisters-in-law]><, his son-in-law, [R:son-in-law]> <, his sons-in-law, [R:sons-in-law]> <, his daughter-in-law, [R:daughter-in-law]> <, his daughters-in-law, [R:daughters-in-law]> <, his grandchild, [R:grandchild]> <, his grandchildren, [R:grandchildren]> <, his grandson, [R:grandson]> <, his grandsons, [R:grandsons]> <, his granddaughter, [R:granddaughter]> <, his granddaughters, [R:granddaughters]> <, his mother, [R:mother]> <, his father, [R:father]> <, his father-in-law, [R:father-in-law]> <, his mother-in-law, [R:mother-in-law]> <, his grandfather, [R:grandfather]> <, his grandfathers, [R:grandfathers]> <, his grandmother, [R:grandmother]> <, his grandmothers, [R:grandmothers]><, his uncle, [R:uncle]> <, his uncles, [R:uncles]> <, his aunt, [R:aunt]> <, his aunts, [R:aunts]> <, his nephew, [R:nephew]> <, his nephews, [R:nephews]> <, his niece, [R:niece]> <, his nieces, [R:nieces]> <, his cousin, [R:cousin]> <, his cousins, [R:cousins]> <, a farm hand, [R:farm hand]> <, farm hands, [R:farm hands]> <, a hired girl, [R:hired girl]> <, hired girls, [R:hired girls]> <, a lodger, [R:lodger]> <, lodgers, [R:lodgers]> <, a servant, [R:servant]> <, servants, [R:servants].> <[M2]> Use this sentence for the Head of Family Role. This is the female sentence. Head of Family (female): [:CR:][:CR:][:TAB:][R:Head of Family] was listed as the head of household on the 1930 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Apr 1930 . Also living in the household were <her husband, [R:husband]> <, her son, [R:son]> <, her sons, [R:sons]> <, her daughter, [R:daughter]> <, her daughters, [R:daughters]> <, her step son, [R:step son]> <, her step sons, [R:step sons]> <, her step daughter, [R:step daughter]> <, her step daughters, [R:step daughters]> <, her brother, [R:brother]> <, her brothers, [R:brothers]> <, her sister, [R:sister]> <, her sisters, [R:sisters]> <, her brother-in-law, [R:brother-in-law]> <, her brothers-in-law, [R:brothers-in-law]> <, her sister-in-law, [R:sister-in-law]> <, her sisters-in-law, [R:sisters-in-law]> <, her son-in-law, [R:son-in-law]> <, her sons-in-law, [R:sons-in-law]><, her daughter-in-law, [R:daughter-in-law]> <, her daughters-in-law, [R:daughters-in-law]> <, her grandchild, [R:grandchild]> <, her grandchildren, [R:grandchildren]> <, her granddaughter, [R:granddaughter]> <, her granddaughters, [R:granddaughters]> <, her mother, [R:mother]> <, her father, [R:father]> <, her father-in-law, [R:father-in-law]> <, her mother-in-law, [R:mother-in-law]> <, her grandfather, [R:grandfather]> <, her grandfathers, [R:grandfathers]> <, her grandmother, [R:grandmother]> <, her grandmothers, [R:grandmothers]> <, her grandson, [R:grandson]> <, her grandsons, [R:grandsons]> <, her uncle, [R:uncle]> <, her uncles, [R:uncles]> <, her aunt, [R:aunt]> <, her aunts, [R:aunts]> <, her nephew, [R:nephew]> <, her nephews, [R:nephews]> <, her niece, [R:niece]> <, her nieces, [R:nieces]> <, her cousin, [R:cousin]> <, her cousins, [R:cousins]> <, a farm hand, [R:farm hand]> <, farm hands, [R:farm hands]> <, a hired girl, [R:hired girl]> <, hired girls, [R:hired girls]> <, a lodger, [R:lodger]> <, lodgers, [R:lodgers]> <, a servant, [R:servant]> <, servants, [R:servants]>. <[M2]> Use this sentence when there is only the head of household and one other person. HOH+1(male): [:CR:][:CR:][:TAB:][R:HOH+1 was listed as the head of household on the 1930 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Apr 1930. Also living in the household was <his wife, [R:wife]> <, his son, [R:son]> <, his daughter, [R:daughter]> <, his step son, [R:step son]> <, his step daughter, [R:step daughter]> <, his brother, [R:brother]> <, his sister, [R:sister]> <, his brother-in-law, [R:brother-in-law]> <, his sister-in-law, [R:sister-in-law]> <, his son-in-law, [R:son-in-law]> <, his daughter-in-law, [R:daughter-in-law]> <, his grandchild, [R:grandchild]> <, his grandson, [R:grandson]> <, his granddaughter, [R:granddaughter]> <, his mother, [R:mother]> <, his father, [R:father]> <, his father-in-law, [R:father-in-law]> <, his mother-in-law, [R:mother-in-law]> <, his grandfather, [R:grandfather]> <, his grandmother, [R:grandmother]> <, his uncle, [R:uncle]> <, his aunt, [R:aunt]> <, his nephew, [R:nephew]> <, his niece, [R:niece]> <, his cousin, [R:cousin]> <, a farm hand, [R:farm hand]> <, a hired girl, [R:hired girl]> <, a lodger, [R:lodger]> <, a servant, [R:servant]>. <[M2]> Use this sentence for the female Head of household and only one other person. HOH+1(female): [:CR:][:CR:][:TAB:][R:HOH+1] was listed as the head of household on the 1930 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Apr 1930. Also living in the household was <her husband, [R:husband]> <, her son, [R:son]> <, her daughter, [R:daughter]> <, her step son, [R:step son]> <, her step daughter, [R:step daughter]> <, her brother, [R:brother]> <, her sister, [R:sister]> <, her brother-in-law, [R:brother-in-law]> <, her sister-in-law, [R:sister-in-law]> <, her son-in-law, [R:son-in-law]> <, her daughter-in-law, [R:daughter-in-law]> <, her grandchild, [R:grandchild]> <, her grandson, [R:grandson]> <, her granddaughter, [R:granddaughter]> <, her mother, [R:mother]> <, her father, [R:father]> <, her father-in-law, [R:father-in-law]> <, her mother-in-law, [R:mother-in-law]> <, her grandfather, [R:grandfather]> <, her grandmother, [R:grandmother]> <, her uncle, [R:uncle]> <, her aunt, [R:aunt]> <, her nephew, [R:nephew]> <, her niece, [R:niece]> <, her cousin, [R:cousin]> <, a farm hand, [R:farm hand]> <, a hired girl, [R:hired girl]> <, a lodger, [R:lodger]> <, a servant, [R:servant]>. <[M2]> Use this sentence when the Head Of Household was the only person living in the household. HOH living alone: [:CR:][:CR:][:TAB:][R:HOH living alone] was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 census < recorded [D]> < [L]>, living alone. The official date of this census was 1 Apr 1930 . <[M2]> You will need to set up sentences for each of the roles in the sentences above. Here is an example using the Daughter role. [R:Daughter] was listed as the daughter of [R:Head of Family] on the 1930 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Apr 1930 . <[M2]>
  25. 1920 Census-Betty Frain

    1920 TMG Census Sentences These were created by Betty Frain. You can contact her at brfrain@comcast.net Use this sentence for the Head of Family role. This is the male sentence. Head of Family (male): [:CR:][:CR:][R:Head of Family] was listed as the head of household on the 1920 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Jan 1920 . Also living in the household were <his wife, [R:wife]> <, his son, [R:son]> <, his sons, [R:sons]> <, his daughter, [R:daughter]> <, his daughters, [R:daughters]> <, his step son, [R:step son]> <, his step sons, [R:step sons]> <, his step daughter, [R:step daughter]> <, his step daughters, [R:step daughters]> <, his brother, [R:brother]> <, his brothers, [R:brothers]> <, his sister, [R:sister]> <, his sisters, [R:sisters]> <, his brother-in-law, [R:brother-in-law]> <, his brothers-in-law, [R:brothers-in-law]> <, his sister-in-law, [R:sister-in-law]> <, his sisters-in-law, [R:sisters-in-law]><, his son-in-law, [R:son-in-law]> <, his sons-in-law, [R:sons-in-law]> <, his daughter-in-law, [R:daughter-in-law]> <, his daughters-in-law, [R:daughters-in-law]> <, his grandchild, [R:grandchild]> <, his grandchildren, [R:grandchildren]> <, his grandson, [R:grandson]> <, his grandsons, [R:grandsons]> <, his granddaughter, [R:granddaughter]> <, his granddaughters, [R:granddaughters]> <, his mother, [R:mother]> <, his father, [R:father]> <, his father-in-law, [R:father-in-law]> <, his mother-in-law, [R:mother-in-law]> <, his grandfather, [R:grandfather]> <, his grandfathers, [R:grandfathers]> <, his grandmother, [R:grandmother]> <, his grandmothers, [R:grandmothers]><, his uncle, [R:uncle]> <, his uncles, [R:uncles]> <, his aunt, [R:aunt]> <, his aunts, [R:aunts]> <, his nephew, [R:nephew]> <, his nephews, [R:nephews]> <, his niece, [R:niece]> <, his nieces, [R:nieces]> <, his cousin, [R:cousin]> <, his cousins, [R:cousins]> <, a farm hand, [R:farm hand]> <, farm hands, [R:farm hands]> <, a hired girl, [R:hired girl]> <, hired girls, [R:hired girls]> <, a lodger, [R:lodger]> <, lodgers, [R:lodgers]> <, a servant, [R:servant]> <, servants, [R:servants]>. <[M3]> Use this sentence for the Head of Family Role. This is the female sentence. Head of Family (female): [:CR:][:CR:][R:Head of Family] was listed as the head of household on the 1920 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Jan 1920 . Also living in the household were <her husband, [R:husband]> <, her son, [R:son]> <, her sons, [R:sons]> <, her daughter, [R:daughter]> <, her daughters, [R:daughters]> <, her step son, [R:step son]> <, her step sons, [R:step sons]> <, her step daughter, [R:step daughter]> <, her step daughters, [R:step daughters]> <, her brother, [R:brother]> <, her brothers, [R:brothers]> <, her sister, [R:sister]> <, her sisters, [R:sisters]> <, her brother-in-law, [R:brother-in-law]> <, her brothers-in-law, [R:brothers-in-law]> <, her sister-in-law, [R:sister-in-law]> <, her sisters-in-law, [R:sisters-in-law]> <, her son-in-law, [R:son-in-law]> <, her sons-in-law, [R:sons-in-law]><, her daughter-in-law, [R:daughter-in-law]> <, her daughters-in-law, [R:daughters-in-law]> <, her grandchild, [R:grandchild]> <, her grandchildren, [R:grandchildren]> <, her granddaughter, [R:granddaughter]> <, her granddaughters, [R:granddaughters]> <, her mother, [R:mother]> <, her father, [R:father]> <, her father-in-law, [R:father-in-law]> <, her mother-in-law, [R:mother-in-law]> <, her grandfather, [R:grandfather]> <, her grandfathers, [R:grandfathers]> <, her grandmother, [R:grandmother]> <, her grandmothers, [R:grandmothers]> <, her grandson, [R:grandson]> <, her grandsons, [R:grandsons]> <, her uncle, [R:uncle]> <, her uncles, [R:uncles]> <, her aunt, [R:aunt]> <, her aunts, [R:aunts]> <, her nephew, [R:nephew]> <, her nephews, [R:nephews]> <, her niece, [R:niece]> <, her nieces, [R:nieces]> <, her cousin, [R:cousin]> <, her cousins, [R:cousins]> <, a farm hand, [R:farm hand]> <, farm hands, [R:farm hands]> <, a hired girl, [R:hired girl]> <, hired girls, [R:hired girls]> <, a lodger, [R:lodger]> <, lodgers, [R:lodgers]> <, a servant, [R:servant]> <, servants, [R:servants]>. <[M3]> Use this sentence when there is only the head of household and one other person. HOH+1(male): [:CR:][:CR:][:TAB:][R:HOH+1 was listed as the head of household on the 1920 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Jan 1920. Also living in the household was <his wife, [R:wife]> <, his son, [R:son]> <, his daughter, [R:daughter]> <, his step son, [R:step son]> <, his step daughter, [R:step daughter]> <, his brother, [R:brother]> <, his sister, [R:sister]> <, his brother-in-law, [R:brother-in-law]> <, his sister-in-law, [R:sister-in-law]> <, his son-in-law, [R:son-in-law]> <, his daughter-in-law, [R:daughter-in-law]> <, his grandchild, [R:grandchild]> <, his grandson, [R:grandson]> <, his granddaughter, [R:granddaughter]> <, his mother, [R:mother]> <, his father, [R:father]> <, his father-in-law, [R:father-in-law]> <, his mother-in-law, [R:mother-in-law]> <, his grandfather, [R:grandfather]> <, his grandmother, [R:grandmother]> <, his uncle, [R:uncle]> <, his aunt, [R:aunt]> <, his nephew, [R:nephew]> <, his niece, [R:niece]> <, his cousin, [R:cousin]> <, a farm hand, [R:farm hand]> <, a hired girl, [R:hired girl]> <, a lodger, [R:lodger]> <, a servant, [R:servant]>. <[M2]> Use this sentence for the female Head of household and only one other person. HOH+1(female): [:CR:][:CR:][:TAB:][R:HOH+1] was listed as the head of household on the 1920 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Jan 1920. Also living in the household was <her husband, [R:husband]> <, her son, [R:son]> <, her daughter, [R:daughter]> <, her step son, [R:step son]> <, her step daughter, [R:step daughter]> <, her brother, [R:brother]> <, her sister, [R:sister]> <, her brother-in-law, [R:brother-in-law]> <, her sister-in-law, [R:sister-in-law]> <, her son-in-law, [R:son-in-law]> <, her daughter-in-law, [R:daughter-in-law]> <, her grandchild, [R:grandchild]> <, her grandson, [R:grandson]> <, her granddaughter, [R:granddaughter]> <, her mother, [R:mother]> <, her father, [R:father]> <, her father-in-law, [R:father-in-law]> <, her mother-in-law, [R:mother-in-law]> <, her grandfather, [R:grandfather]> <, her grandmother, [R:grandmother]> <, her uncle, [R:uncle]> <, her aunt, [R:aunt]> <, her nephew, [R:nephew]> <, her niece, [R:niece]> <, her cousin, [R:cousin]> <, a farm hand, [R:farm hand]> <, a hired girl, [R:hired girl]> <, a lodger, [R:lodger]> <, a servant, [R:servant]>. <[M2]> Use this sentence when the Head Of Household was the only person living in the household. HOH living alone: [:CR:][:CR:][:TAB:][R:HOH living alone] was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 census < recorded [D]> < [L]>, living alone. The official date of this census was 1 Jan 1920 . <[M2]> You will need to set up sentences for each of the roles in the sentences above. Here is an example using the Daughter role. [R:Daughter] was listed as the daughter of [R:Head of Family] on the 1920 Census <recorded [D]> <[L]>. The official date of this census was 1 Jan 1920 <[M2]>