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Everything posted by ketchell

  1. default web browser

    Figured it out. Insuring the URL type in file types wasn't enough. Scrolling down to the HTM file type it was still set to IE even though HTML and all the other settings were FF. Not sure why FF didn't change that. Apparently all the other links I use are HTML and SS and TMG use HTM. So fixed. Thanks for the reminder about HTM extension!
  2. I've only gotten into SS at a basic level. I can see that all I need to do is create a .html file and place in the -i folder for SS and create a link to as a menu button. I looked at John Cardinal's SS User Items options and he linked to the s1.htm, which is the first page of sources which contains next/previous buttons. That works well for those sources in the current TMG db SS makes. What I'm looking for is the best option to create an ALL sources .html file from TMG that I can link as a menu button in SS as a way of proofing all the potential sources (about 2300) in my TMG db as a cleanup. I'd like to include all the source components, even whether an exhibit is included as an option. I know there is a List Sources report option. But not sure how that would look as a formatted .html for review, so thought I'd ask if anyone had tried to create a clean looking file for review of sources with exhibit links in expectation they'll be a SS site in the future.
  3. I have HTML code in my source memos. For example: Online transcription at [html:]<a href="http://www.newrivernotes.com/va/nuckolls1.htm">'>http://www.newrivernotes.com/va/nuckolls1.htm"> New River Notes</a>[:HTML] Based on TMG help this is the correct format to "text" html links. However, when I make a site in Second Site and include source memos the source displays like this: [s816] Benjamin Floyd Nuckolls. Pioneer settlers of Grayson County, Virginia. 1914. Online transcription at http://www.newrivernotes.com/va/nuckolls1.htm">New River Notes. with the http: phrase as bold/underlined and clickable but it goes nowhere. So I looked at how SS had coded that source in the html itself, see below: <li id="s816">[s816] Benjamin Floyd Nuckolls. <i>Pioneer settlers of Grayson County, Virginia</i>. 1914. Online transcription at <a href=" <a class="ext href="http://www.newrivernotes.com/va/nuckolls1.htm">http://www.newrivernotes.com/va/nuckolls1.htm</a>">New River Notes.</a></li> If I manually edit the "s8.htm" file for the above to be: <li id="s816">[s816] Benjamin Floyd Nuckolls. <i>Pioneer settlers of Grayson County, Virginia</i>. 1914. Online transcription at <a href="http://www.newrivernotes.com/va/nuckolls1.htm">New River Notes</a></li> The manually edited version displays as follows and the New River Notes html link works correctly. [s816] Benjamin Floyd Nuckolls. Pioneer settlers of Grayson County, Virginia. 1914. Online transcription at New River Notes So this is some kind of TMG to SS translation problem for html in source memos. Is there a SS setting? Or is there another way to code html links in source memos in TMG? I do not want the html in the "URL" field in the source definition. I want to choose to include or exclude information about online availability or not as many sources are now available in multiple online versions. For example, in other cases I can access the scanned original book in Google Books and Ancestry.com and others, as well as perhaps a digitized transcription at another free source. I keep these for my information as one repository source could disappear on the web at any time as I've found over the years. Thanks for any experience and advise.
  4. Nevermind. I've answered my own question. The html coding in the source memo must have been dirty. I replaced and it now works with the [html:][:HTML] <a href> coding. However, as a useful tip for others new to HTML coding in memos, I discovered the [WEB:][:WEB] coding option for HTML and email. It makes it much easier to enter an html link by requiring only the URL and the text you want as the link if desired. It eliminates the full <a href etc.> coding which as in my case can be fraught with errors that you cannot see in the memo without converting by SS. The web coding is something I had never found in the TMG help before. You can search help for "web" and it will appear as the first or one of the first in the list.
  5. I had forgotten about the TMG Utility. Thanks for that suggestion. It does provide a nice quick .html list for all sources that will be useful. What it doesn't provide is the ability to include all the source components to see what's in them and which needed edited for old bad data. I'll just proceed on a 1x1 clean up to get everything in SS ready format.