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    Val d'Oise, France
  1. - Uninstalled current TMG 9.03 - Downloaded tmg9setup (trial version) from whollygenes.com - Installed the new program (had to run tmg9setup as an admin) - Launched TMG 9.03 and got a windows 8.1 freeze - Powered-off/power-on and restarted Windows - Restarted tmg9setup as an admin - Executed TMG 9.03 successfully with my reappeared projects. - Everything works fine... likely until next update !
  2. Hello, I tried to upgrade from v9.02 to v9.03 with the 'check for an update' option like suggested on the 'upgrade center' page of the website but all my projects have diseappered after the installation of this update. How can I restore my projects ?
  3. pdf reporting issue

    The printer was already installed but the NULL local port was not selected and dedicated to 'Send To OneNote 2013' So I swapped and selected the LPT1 port for 'Send To OneNote 2013' and the NULL port for 'Wholly Genes PDF Writer v4' But the issue is not resolved.
  4. Hello, I have a problem with pdf reporting. I get the following pop-up messages when creating the pdf file: Printer not activated error code -30 unable to start the print job Thank you in advance for your help
  5. Hello, Having experienced the rollback issue of the failed update from v8.0 to 8.2 on my desktop PC I would like to know how I can iexecute the same update on my laptop machine (Windows Vista) without facing the same problem. Thank you in advance.
  6. I also experienced this upgrading problem from v8.0 to 8.02 on my Windows Vista machine. The solution for me was to do like MrSniffer: 1. to delete the c:Program Files (x86)The Master Genealogist v8 folder 2. to execute tmg8setup.exe (full v8.2 file). After this I did not even have to re-enter my v8 code and my project files seem to be Ok now.
  7. My ancestry in Alsace-Lorraine (France), Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate(Germany) - http://www.robert-weinland.org/ - Top15 family names are: Weinland/Weyland/Weiland, Lagraviere, Chone, Liocourt, Husson, Berne, Michel, Seyer, Quirin, Charton, Bruch, Ludmann, Goelzer, Schoendorf, Gehder