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Barbara Rowe Hall

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About Barbara Rowe Hall

  • Birthday 04/21/1952

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  • Location
    Gloucester, Virginia USA
  • Interests
    New TMG user. Researching Rowe, DuVal, Tuttle, Jennings, Decker and related families.
  1. checkout error

    I have been having the same problem (still having it today) and reported it to Support on 12/24, but I haven't received a reply from them.
  2. Request Status of Upgrade Shipments

    From Bradley Hall Pennsylvania. I'm in the same boat as you. But, I have Cable internet, and downloaded version 7 and was up and running in less than a half hour. It wont hurt to try, if it don't work for you, you will still get your CD in the mail about the same time as I get mine, someday. Update: Having gotten no "official" comments on my post, I contacted Wholly Genes tech support via email on January 24. On January 30 I received notification from them that my TMG Gold v7 upgrade CD was being shipped that day via First Class Mail. The CD arrived in the mail today (Feb. 4). So for those of you who have been in the same situation as me (i.e. in automatic upgrade "limbo") who have been waiting patiently for your TMG Gold v7 upgrade CD to arrive, perhaps this is a sign that your wait is almost over, too! Has anyone else recently received their TMG Gold v7 upgrade CD? Barbara Hall
  3. According to an article in the Wholly Genes Newsletter of 15 January 2008 titled Upgrade Shipments: "An early set of TMG v7 CDs were found to have a problem with the menu system which is used to select the various installers that are on that CD. The problem is not with the TMG installer (which is the same as the one which is downloadable from http://www.WhollyGenes.com/files/tmg7setup.exe) but with the CD-ROM menu system. In fact, you can browse that CD and select tmg7setup.exe to successfully install the program. In light of the problem, however, we are _automatically_ shipping replacement CDs to those users who were affected. If you receive a CD and are unable to run the TMG installer from the menu, then please browse the CD and run tmg7setup.exe (or tmg7uksetup.exe for the UK Edition) directly. Then sit tight for a replacement CD in the mail. We know who you are <g> and it isn't necessary to contact tech support for a replacement. We apologize for the inconvenience. Meanwhile, all users who purchased or upgraded to TMG v6 after August 17th have now been notified by email of their free serial number for TMG v7. CD shipments are underway and we appreciate your patience." I am one of the users who purchased TMG v6 (Gold) after August 17th and so I have received my free serial number for TMG v7 by email. I have not yet entered any information in TMG v6 and, having had problems in the past with downloads, I decided to wait for the arrival of my v7 CD instead of downloading TMG v7 from the website and unlocking it. I was disappointed to read in the above announcement that there had been a delay in the shipment of the CD's. As of today, I still have not received my v7 CD, so I would like to know if ALL of the v7 gold upgrade CD's have now been shipped to folks like me? I don't want to bother tech support unnecessarily, but I would like to know when I should expect delivery of my v7 CD. Thanks for any reassurance that it's "in the mail" <g>! Barbara Hall