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  1. Similar problem. When I’m on person ID X and try to add a tag, it goes to an entirely different (and unrelated) person. Running 9.05 on Win 10/64. ​Driving me crazy. ​Did all the usual maintenance. ​Better this morning, but expect disaster around the corner! Pat
  2. New Project "add ***" grayed out

    Oh, I closed and opened a couple of times and it gave me the usual "welcome" screen and now it works. Sorry. As I said, not enough coffee. Pat
  3. I created a new project this morning. It looks normal, all the options are as they have been for several other projects, but the "Add Person" button is grayed out, and I cannot add anyone. The "add" tab has the same result. The entire column is grayed out. I'm sure it's that I haven't had enough coffee, but can anyone help here? Pat Dunford
  4. Windows 10 and TMG 9

    On 2 September, I made several attempts to unlock my TMG 9, eventually, and with no apparent differences in the items or the case of the items used in the unlock screen, it opened. It opened for a few weeks. Then, about every third day, I would have to unlock it again. Yesterday, it refused to take the entries, and gave me the "read only" screen. They were copied from the same text file I had been using since September, no changes. I've tried every way I can to make this work. Ideas? Running Win 10 home /64 bit. I can't find the information on updating Win 10, but I'll bet it has. Pat Dunford
  5. Windows 10 and TMG 9

    Well, tried again this morning and IT OPENED! Just in case someone else has this problem -- outside of I rebooted the system between the previous and last tries -- is that I noticed when I copy/pasted the code, the cursor was not at the end of the line. I fiddled with it, thinking I had added a space in copying. Whatever, it worked! Jim, thanks for your trying to help! Pat
  6. Windows 10 and TMG 9

    Jim When I put in the information for the unlock screen. The same name and email address I've used for a decade, plus the last registration number I have, from .04, I get a screen that says it is incorrect and that it will open in read-only mode, and that the next time I open up it will ask for the "correct" information in order to unlock. I just looked up the email, dated 2/9/2014, and the information I'm putting is is exactly what is given in the email. Pat
  7. Windows 10 and TMG 9

    I should clarify that after the failure notice, I click on the message and THEN it opens in Read Only mode.
  8. Windows 10 and TMG 9

    I was running TMG 9.04 on my Windows 7 (forgot to get the .05). This morning, upgraded to Windows 10. Opened up TMG, it wouldn't open. I don't really remember what the screen had on it, maybe an "unlock" screen, maybe not. Over the past few hours I have installed 9.05 over 9.04 and also a clean install of 9.05. In every instance, I get the unlock screen. I complete the form with (as far as I know) the same information I have used w/WhollyGenes for the past decade, including the case (caps or lower case or mixed). Only the serial # is different, and I used the SN from the 9.04 I installed last fall. I have opened the usual way, and also as administrator. In every case, I get a failure notice. Mostly it opens up as a 'read only' file. I'm most perplexed about this. Any ideas?
  9. Missing msvcr71.dll

    Thanks, Jim I missed that! So, are people being successful with an "install over" or should we be uninstalling and a fresh install? Pat
  10. Missing msvcr71.dll

    Jim and Terry I installed v 9.04.0000 the other day (with great difficulty, I might add. Thanks to Terry's tips, I finally got it done!). I believe I got it by using a previous version to "salt" the program and make it take the new one. Now, we have v9.04.000x? Point is, I have a copy of the exe file, named tmg9setup.exe in my downloads, dated 11/26/2014. Today, I downloaded the "newest" version from Bob Velke's message link. Fortunately, I downloaded it to a different download folder. It's name, of course, is tmg9setup.exe, dated 12/4/2014 Now, since we are apparently going to have to use both of these (????) to update to today's file, would it be possible to change the name of the first one to tem9setup_old.exe or something? Otherwise, believe me, my old brain is going to screw this up. I have only switched over one computer, so I'm sure I have a "really old" version of 9 on my laptop. I'll also make a copy of that exe file. But, how to keep them all straight???? Pat
  11. Entering Old Style Dates

    This query and answer is what I have always expected of TMG. This morning, in correcting a year, the program defaulted to the "from-to" instead of leaving the double date as 1651/52. Anyone have any idea what has happened? Using v 8.04. Pat
  12. FreeImage.dll missing

    Thanks, Jim That did the trick! The first time I opened a file I got the "dreaded blue screen" (??? who knows why?), but now it's working perfectly, and the VisualChartform is back in action! So, if anyone at the SIG meeting this afternoon asks for help on VCF, we can bring it up. Whew! Pat
  13. I haven't been able to build box charts -- or anything -- using VisualChartform because I get a pop-up telling me I'm missing the file: FreeImage.dll Specifically, the message is: "FreeImage.dll cannot be found. Please reinstall from the original disk." I checked on my other computer (where there is no problem) and find that the file is at: C:\Windows\System32\FreeImage.dll I rechecked this computer, and do not find the file. I tried "reinstalling" TMG by way of the latest "upgrade," but that made no difference. And, of course, I have no "original disk." Ideas? Pat
  14. Died and buried or Died and cremated

    Terry Should have been more clear. The cremation tag is from the tag group Burial. Whether or not I made it up from a burial tag, or whether there is a standard "cremation" tag, I don't recall. However, the abbreviation as listed on the tag is "cre." I thought perhaps I had made up the tag -- and the new abbreviation didn't "take" oh, well. I'll just take the "burial" off the list of items to show. It will probably read better that way anyway. Thanks. Pat
  15. I dont' know if this is sentence structure, or a gliche in the system, or what, but here it is. I have several people who were cremated after death. The cremains then were (1) scattered, (2) buried in the family plot, (3) sitting on a mantle. In a journal report, I have it set to provide the abbreviated BMBD for the person at their first appearance, with parents. Later, of course, the information is ellaborated on in the individual paragraph, if the perso is carried down. In the Individual paragraph, where I have BMBD first, it produces as I set it. On the abbrevidated BMBD wiith the parents, however, it doesn't. What it does is use the "bur." abbreviation, rather than the "cre." abbreviation. "d. 6 Aug 1980 in Nogales, Arizona; bur." This may be ok for those whose cremains were buried, but not those niched, scattered, or whatever else. Ideas? Pat