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About vabopi

  • Birthday 07/26/1947

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    Lisboa, Portugal
  1. Backup and Restore issue

    Answering to your question, it was following the backup/restore process that this issue appeared, although the technical reason may be elsewhere. On the solution to the problem, your advice on that TMG 9 with Windows 9 topic was spot on, thank you.
  2. Backup and Restore issue

    I have been using TMG 8.08 on a XP virtual machine (Parallels) fully satisfied. However, since XP has been discontinued I installed TMG 8.08 on a new Windows 7 virtual machine, and restored a full backup. All is quite well with an odd exception: Every window that opens with the Reports drop down menu shows a color on the text boxes that should not be there... and that prevents me from reading the text. Also other windows like Master xxx Lists have the same problem. Any idea? Please see the linked image: http://1drv.ms/1mhplQp
  3. TMG V-9

    Thank you for your 3 suggestions. I shall use all 3 !!! the evolution from v7 to v8 seemed easier and... btw, a better investment.
  4. TMG V-9

    Thank you for the answer. But as a matter of fact, my scope was to differentiate two windows v.8 and v.9 side by side by the icon on the top bar. Being a Mac user, the shortcut is not relevant.
  5. TMG V-9

    This is certainly a tiny problem, but is it possible for me to change the color of the TMG v.9 icon? I would like to differentiate from v.8 as it happened with previous versions.
  6. SkyDrive with TMG8

    I am also using Skydrive, but only for backup purposes. When I have to eventually use a different machine, the 1st step is a restore, and the last a backup. I am not confident enough to keep the actual data files on the Skydrive folder, but I would like to hear from more experienced users.
  7. Adding a Citation ...

    Thank you. Sorry to know that, I have to deal with it the hard way!
  8. Is it possible to add a citation in one go, to an event (e.g. birth) of each one in a group of people in the PE or Focus Group? I have to add a citation of the same source to the birth of large number of people. I played around with a few possibilities, including TMGU, but couldn't find the way to save me a lot of work... Thank you.
  9. Years ago on the topic "Future version eight hopes and suggestions." I wrote a post about using Easy Search and its relation with Project Explorer Sort Order. If I set the PE sort order to "Given name, Surname, Birth date", (or other sort options) the ES looks for the Surname. If I set the PE sort order to "Given name, Surname, Death date", the ES looks for the Given name as it should. After a major upgrade and several updates, that strange behavior persists. Isn't this a bug or am I missing something?
  10. Changing a flag globally

    I upgraded from v7.04 only 6 weeks ago, never changed the language, and that is why the order of Y,N,? cannot be changed. As this adoption flag is not really important to me, I noticed this glitch yesterday only by chance. I did a few tests, and following Michael Hannah suggestion, I changed the language, having chosen English UK. Now the default is "N", and after the correction of the wrong values set before, this problem seems solved. I hope that the use of English UK has no drawbacks. For now, I have also included this flag - together with "Living" - to the "Add Person" form.
  11. Changing a flag globally

    I found out that oddity casually. In fact I have 10000+ individuals with only 2 adoptions. Here is the image link: http://db.tt/z0VKnGOg
  12. Changing a flag globally

    I have noticed that my TMG v8.08 Flag manager shows the "Adopted" flag options like this: Y,N,? whereas v7.04 shows: ?,N,Y Since I cannot edit the standard flags, every new individual on the DB is "adopted" by default... So, have I to remember to set the flag to N every time, or is there a way to change the options order? Or perhaps disable that odd standard flag and create a new one with similar purpose? Thank you.
  13. 8.07 and Mac

    I still have TMG v.7 sitting on the Windows side, where I carefully installed it last year after my migration from PC to Mac. However when I recently upgraded to TMG v.8 I accepted - not willingly... - the default installation path. When I realized that, I was prepared to uninstall and repeat the process following the procedure you recommended. But before that, as I have secure backups of my data, I gave it a try as it was, and so far I felt no need no reinstall. I must say that I am not an expert, and have only the kind of computer knowledge acquired along many years of computer usage. Sometimes it leeds me to wrong solutions... On the Parallels "settings -> options -> sharing" I have all options ticked. Perhaps the divide between Mac/Win sides are dimmer, or virtually non existent!
  14. 8.07 and Mac

    Default TMG v. 8.08 installation with 2 customized folder paths: Exhibits and Backup. No problems at all. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100859272/Captura%20de%20ecr%C3%A3%202013-05-8%2C%20%C3%A0s%2019.16.04.png
  15. I asked you because my native language is not the same as yours, and - as explained - I was not sure I had understood it perfectly.