I finally got a chance to update to TMG 8.04 this afternoon.
I retried the troublesome List of People query:
Death Year >= 1889 AND (Death State = PA OR Death State = Pennsylvania OR Death State Is Empty) END
I get the same results - it won't save the query because the parentheses are allegedly unbalanced. (If I remove the last clause, "Death State is Empty", then it will save, and execute, the query.)
I then did an Optimize, Validate (it reported 1 error fixed), Optimize on my data set and retried - still says I have unbalanced parentheses.
Did Validate (reported 0 errors found) and Optimize again (as I see some posters say you should keep Validating until it says no errors are found). Tried my query yet again, and it STILL won't save for the same reason.
I've been carefully reading the query before I try to save it, making sure that I have one open and one closed parentheses, as in the English version above.
How do I get this fixed?