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Everything posted by wingfield

  1. gedcom export error

    folks, I'm getting an error on gedcom export. I've never seen this before. I'm running the latest version of TMG 9.05 and have windows 10. I've attached the error message. I'd appreciate any help on this. david
  2. hello, I have a question about witnesses. I'm guessing it'd due to a misunderstanding on my part about how witnesses work. I've attached 2 files. TMG_detail.jpg = shows a CEN-ENUM event with Clark Suggs as principal and John Sellers Suggs as witness. TMG_spreadsheet.jpg = shows a witness report. the orange highlighted line reflects the CEN-ENUM event represented in the other file. in the spreadsheet it shows Clark Suggs as both the witness and the principal. why is the report not accurately reflecting what I see in the program GUI?? thank you, david
  3. question about witnesses

    Michael, I had to read it a few times; but then just modified the report and added the "witness role" per your guidance. after that, it clicked. thank you very much! David
  4. folks, has anyone ever put together an ancestor chart (or descendant chart) and displayed the religion of each individual? I'd appreciate any thoughts on how to do this. I'm thinking the "religion" tag; but not sure which fields to use. I typically use memo field for this type of entry; but not sure that's a practical output on a chart. thoughts? thank you, David
  5. "religion" on ancestor chart

    folks, that worked perfectly. thank you very much! David
  6. "religion" on ancestor chart

    Hello Terry, thank you for the quick reply. perhaps I'm misunderstanding your response?? if I go to the "data types" and then "box contents", I've already added "religion*memo"; so it appears I can add other types of tags??? not thinking I understand. thank you, David
  7. Hello, I'm trying to run the Ancestor Box Chart report and get the following error. any thoughts on how to resolve? "Operator/operand type mismatch. 8 FRMCHART5.CNTFILTERFLAG1.MSETCONTROLS" thank you.
  8. Ancestor Box Chart Error

    Jim, awesome! thank you very much for the fix and the alternate report suggestion. much appreciate your guidance on these forums. Best Regards, David
  9. Ancestor Box Chart Error

    Jim, ahnentafel-direct line is a good idea; and one I did not know about. I guess the error is just a bug?? the relationship chart doesn't show anything but names as far as I know. thank you, David
  10. Ancestor Box Chart Error

    Hello Jim, >> Are you trying to run the chart with multiple focus persons? the focus person is chosen on the report screen. this error occurs before the report screen comes up. >>There is no reason to create a data set to run a VCF chart unless you are trying to exclude people. I'm trying to exclude people. I'm creating a direct line ancestor chart (or trying to anyway :>) in order to provide information to sons of confederate veterans. I can manually provide what their looking for; but I was thinking it'd be much easier to just send them an ancestor chart with only the relevant individuals. I appreciate your help. any other thoughts? David
  11. Ancestor Box Chart Error

    Jim, I have no filter imposed. I am using a dataset created from "list of people" report. could that have anything to do with it? David
  12. folks, I'm trying to understand the enhanced GEDCOM export option in TMG. I've clicked it and exported. for a particular witnessed event, I get the below for the person (in other words I'm showing the entire person, not just the event) 0 @I2819@ INDI 1 NAME Susanna /Theno/ 2 SOUR @S944@ 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE {TMG Surety 3....} 1 SEX F 1 CHAN 2 DATE 24 DEC 2015 1 BIRT 2 DATE 18 DEC 1864 2 _SDATE 18 DEC 1864 2 PLAC Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA 2 SOUR @S944@ 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE {TMG Surety 3.33.} 1 BAPM 2 DATE 08 JAN 1865 2 _SDATE 08 JAN 1865 2 PLAC St. Peter's Catholic Church, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA 2 _SHAR @I1370@ 3 ROLE Witness 2 _SHAR @I1371@ 3 ROLE Witness 2 SOUR @S944@ 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE {TMG Surety 3.33.} 1 FAMC @F898@ I then import the gedcom (entire thing. above is simply an extract to help illustrate my question) into TNG. hopefully, there are some folks familiar with TNG, because perhaps the answer is related to what I'm importing the gedcom to??? anyway, when I look at the person who witnessed the above event - specifically person 1370 - I get the below (sorry, I don't know how to include attachments, or I'd show a print screen). TNG shows the below for the witness person. baptism 08 Jan 1865 St. Peter's Catholic Church, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA role : witness what it does not show is who the baptism is for (ie: person 2819). any thoughts on why this is the case? I guess my simple answer is that TNG simply doesn't pull in every line of a gedcom; but on the chance that it's another reason, I'd be interested to know. thank you, David
  13. Enhanced GEDCOM question

    Michael, I've started reading the two links you've provided. they will take several readings to fully digest; but wow - awesome information you've provided. thank you! David
  14. Enhanced GEDCOM question

    Hello Michael, I very much appreciate your response. I'll certainly read both your links and actually look forward to it. I'm going to guess that it will add a great deal of understanding to gedcom's and how I might make more robust imports into TNG (The Next Generation genealogy program - not to be confused with TMG :>) I understand your pint / gallon analogy; but the thing I still don't get is that in the gedcom it has the person who is being witnessed. in other words, the data field I'm interested in made it from the gallon (TMG) to the pint (gedcom). given this, I'm guessing it must be a TNG thing; though TNG is supposed to import gedcom 5.5 in it's entirety as I understand it. I may have just answered my own question though - TMG witnesses are part of "enhanced" gedcom from TMG, not 5.5. hmm.
  15. Hello All, For transparency, note that I’m posting this on both the TMG-Refugees site as well as the TMG forums. I wanted to get folks input on the following. I’ve been considering updating to Windows 10, as I’ve seen users that have shared their success in doing so and subsequently having no problems with TMG. However, I’ve become very concerned with the aggressiveness with which Microsoft is pushing Windows 10. People are now getting pop ups that only have one option "upgrade now" (yes, I recognize you can click the x and close the dialog). If I look forward, I can envision a scenario where Microsoft forces updates regardless of whether you want them or not. In this instance, I ask myself the question – what will ultimately break TMG?? I don’t know the answer to this; but I’d welcome input on the topic. In any case, whatever ends up breaking it could be pushed to my computer with little ability on my part to do anything about it. On a related topic, I wanted to test strategy for preserving TMG as long as possible. ( a ) Keep Windows 7 on an existing machine. ( b ) Purchase an external HD that hooks to USB and use “mirroring” software to mirror my HD in it’s entirety (yes, I recognize “mirror” does not equal “backup”). ( c ) If the motherboard or other aspect of the computer fails, purchase a new one and “restore” from the “mirror”. I recognize that this may be an over simplistic list of steps, so please feel free to comment on them as well. I look forward to a lively discussion on the topics I've brought up. David
  16. hello, after reading the forums, I figured I'd go ahead and install TMG under Windows 10. well I've successfully installed it with no errors; but when I open TMG, I get the below. "file access is denied c:\programdata\the master genealogistv9\repair.chk 11 TMGAPPOBJ.MFOXFIX" does anyone know how to fix this error? additional info. I ran the installer as administrator. I have the latest version of TMG thank you, david
  17. TMG 9.x error on Windows 10

    Jim, the repair/reinstall mode idea worked. thank you very much. I'm golden. David
  18. Strategy for Preserving TMG

    Jim, I backup before I get out the program, every time; even if that's more than one time a day. If I'm going to get out, I backup. same thing with gedcom enhanced exports. I didn't realize the .sqz was really a .zip. thank you for sharing that tidbit. David
  19. Strategy for Preserving TMG

    Folks, thank you for the replies thus far. >> You do not mention which version of TMG you are using. I'm using the final version 9.05. >> There will likely come a time when a TMG 7 or later installation and the version of Windows that's current at that time have an insurmountable conflict but that hasn't happened to date. this is what I'm trying to avoid. I'm looking out beyond, say, 5 years or longer. If it works on Win7 and Msoft stops pushing updates, then that's a stable system that would work indefinitely. >> However, Microsoft has historically taken steps to provide backwards compatibility to working programs, such as the existing "Compatibility Mode" feature in Windows. as a point of interest, and perhaps to generate further discussion on the topic - I have an old genealogy program that does not work in Windows 7 compatibility mode. >> Next, even if one was "forced" into that new OS and it also did not provide a mechanism for some older programs to work, I expect a virtual operating system package, e.g. Parallels, is highly likely to allow a previous compatible version of Windows to run as a guest operating system under that new OS, thereby extending further the lifetime of such older programs. I've considered this; but wouldn't you need the OS to install into the VM? Operating Systems these days are largely OEM installations. my knowledge of how these work is very minimal; but could you do this without the OS on disk?? >> Second, I would on occasion generate a report file of a Journal report of all people in the project using options to include everything. I've not done this, so I appreciate the suggestion. >> And by then I would expect/hope that a more modern version of a personal genealogy program would exist which would be able to import most of the TMG data. I hope you're right. I've looked at what else is out there, and none of it compares to TMG in my humble opinion. I've looked at Heredis, RootsMagic, Gramps, FTM (before it's demise), Legacy, and a few others that escape memory. Velke was the best and remains so in my view. It really is a shame he didn't put it into the Open Source community. As a sidebar, it would be interesting to know if he considered this; and further to understand what, if any, negatives prevented this. I recall someone asking the question on the forums, and the response was to go to the HRE project - but didn't really address the question being asked. Velke spent a couple of decades or more of his life coding TMG. I'm doubting someone else could do it in meaningfully less time. Point is, I am perhaps a bit more pessimistic than you are that something out there will show up that is as good as TMG was. To close my Velke sidebar, I sincerely hope his health is good. >> Finally, if I were really paranoid I would sometimes include files generated by the "export data" function of the TMG Utility which can export some of the internals of TMG, such as Places, Sentences, Sources, and Styles. also something I've not considered, so I'll take a look at this. thank you for comments thus far. David
  20. hello, I'm trying to write a list of citations report that lists all sources that start with "cem" (I consistently start all my cemetery sources with "cem") that are linked to a "burial" tag that have a source whose repository is "findagrave". the 1st two criteria I've figured out with no problem. I now have a report that shows all citations associated with a burial tag whose source starts with "cem". so far, so good. the challenge I'm having is that I can't figure out how to limit the report to show only those sources that are linked to a particular "repository", in this case my findagrave repository. for context (this is simply additional information), I also use TNG and am wanting to use the mod called "Burial Website Media Import" which creates a "findagrave" URL link in TNG that points to a particular burial memorial. this requires that all my citations have the words "findagrave" or similar along with the memorial number. so basically, I'm trying to get a TMG report that will allow me to clean up and add to those tags that are relevant to this exercise. any assistance is appreciated. david
  21. Report : List of Citations

    Michael - that worked great! thank you. I just dropped it into excel and put a quick filter in after using your suggestion.
  22. hello, I have Win 7 Home Premium running on a Dell XPS L502X with 8gig RAM, 64 bit OS, i7 processor. TMG 9.01 won't install without errors. Calls to TMG tech support have offered 2 comments. a) ask Jim on the TMG forums. manually register bblistviewv.ocx. here's what I've done to date. a) check for updates and install V9.01 through the program. upon completion, it gives multiple errors as noted at the bottom of this email. uninstall v9, manually install v9 as admin, check for update and install v9.01 through program. c) uninstall v9, manually install v9 as admin, download full v9.01 from whollygenes website and manually install as admin. none of above worked. next, WhollyGenes sent me instructions to manually register bblistviewv.ocx. d) I manually registered bblistview using the below command line from an "admin" run command prompt. this worked fine. regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\bblistviewv.ocx e) next, I tried running the update from within v9.0 again. this still yielded the error about bblistviewv.ocx. I'm about at my wits end here folks. please chime in if you have guidance on how to fix this issue. David PS : for some reason, I can't paste into this forum post, so I have no easy way to show the lengthy list of errors that's occurring. I have manually typed the first error below. "cannot load 32-bit dll c:\windows\system32\bblistviewv.ocx 113 TMGAPPOBJ.REGISTERCONTROL
  23. folks, there are not enough specifics in the thread messages to assess the specific issues. that said, I also had problems in the 9.03 upgrade. here's how I solved them. download the trial version from the website (yes, this is a full version). then go to the directory it got downloaded to. then right click, and choose "run as administrator". after the install, you may have to put in your serial number, so have it handy. after this, all worked fine for me.
  24. TMG 9.01 install errors. please help.

    thank you Jim. I'll give that a try tomorrow. time for bed....
  25. Hello, I'm running TMG v8.07 with windows 7 home premium. I'm running the "list of witnesses" report. I've provided a link below to help describe my problem. http://www.themeinerts.com/MeinertWebPage/tmg_mn.htm the 1st graphic I've provided shows the person view in TMG. you can clearly see that there are exactly 2 witness events for the date 7/25/1870. the 2nd graphic shows the report columns I've chosen on the "list of witness" report. I've also run this with "witness last given" without the "selected" in the column name. the output is the same either way. the 3rd graphic shows the report output. you can see that there are 3 records for this person on the date in question. the 4th and 5th graphics show the tag entries for the cen-head and cen-enum events. (a) why are there 3 records in the report, when there are only 2 events?? (b )you can see where on the person view, I have a "cen-head" and a "cen-enum" event. however, the "list of witness" report shows all three records with the "cen-enum" tag. any idea why? what happened to the record with the "cen-head" tag? also, this kind've implies that there's a witness record missing; which only further aggravates the observation in (a) above. (c ) any idea why there's a record on the report output showing "1870 Census, PA Allegheny Cnty" as a witness? there is no event on the person view with "1870 Census, PA Allegheny Cnty" as a witness. why is this showing up?? my expectation when I run this report is that I get 2 records, each respectively reflective of the 2 events shown in the person view. can anyone explain what is going on here?? thank you in advance for any assistance provided. btw - for the life of me, I can't figure out how to upload media on this forum. I see the "mymedia" link when creating this thread message; but I can't figure out how to upload to the "mymedia" area. perhaps Velke has this functionality turned off?? David