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Posts posted by Terry Reigel
Yes, I don't see why not.
I put "Passport Application" in both the [Record Type] and [Title] Elements. I'm not sure that's the best plan, but it seemed to work for me.
The truth is, I pretty much ignore the Bibliography output, though I do use it for citations in my "outline" website where I include people who I've done little research on.
You're Welcome, Tom.
I use the Naturalization Record Source Type, which seemed to me to fit this source well.
I've modified the Source Type as follows for all usage, not just for passport applications:
I totally rearranged the SF because I didn't like the way it worked.
I've added the custom [SUFFIX] Source Element to many of my Source Types to get suffixes to display properly. I've added the custom [SF GIVEN NAME] Element to many Source Types so the given name can be displayed in the Short Footnote, for use when a surname occurs often in my data. I've added the standard Source Element [COMMENTS] to many of my Source Types, to record that I found the record on various online sites, or other notes.
I think this would work:
Create a "Marriage Hidden" tag or something like that, but make sure it's in the "Other Event" group, not in the "Marriage" Group. That way TMG will not recognize it as a marriage tag. Exclude the Sentences in this Tag so it will not appear in reports.
Delete the current Marriage Tag, and replace it with your custom Tag so you don't loose your record of the marriage.
They are with all the other Project Files. By default, that is C:\Users\{user}\Documents\The Master Genealogist v7\Data\Projects, I think it is. You can see where it is in your case by going to Help > Access Folders and selecting the User Data item on the list that appears. Dismiss the warning and the user data folder on your system will open. The open the Projects subfolder (and any further subfolders if you have put your Projects in separate folders).
The files you are looking for have names like {project name}_S.CDX and {project name}_O.DBF
There's nothing really you can do with them. You can't really even read them with a database reader.
As I replied to your question on FB, if you look at the File Structure page on Lee Hoffman's site -- http://www.tmgtips.com/dbnames2.htm -- you can see in the TMG 5,6,7,8 section (yellow background) the S and O Project files are were the Focus Groups information is stored.
The first step I suggested was to use the List of Events report, based on a filter for citations to your four sources, to set a flag. Then use that flag in the List of People report to get the people who have events that cite one of the four sources. Do I need to spell this out in more detail?
My caution was that the list of Events report will only find event tags with those citations. So if a person has a Name Tag or an Relationship tag that cites those sources, but no event tags that do, that person will be omitted.
You can get there with this method, provided you can accept citations to your four sources to Events, not to relationship or name tags:
1. Create a temporary Flag.
2. Use the List of Events report with a filter for any Citations using the source numbers. Use the Secondary output to set the flag.
3. Use the List of People report with a filter based on the flag. Set the output to provide the data you need.
This will give you the data you want, but you won't be able to format as you specify without further processing, probably most easily in a spreadsheet.
I don't see a way to capture this data for people who only have citations to the four sources in name and relationship tags, other than to find them with the List of Citations report and manually change the flags for them.
Even if your end product is a physical book, you could do your proofing of the text and notes with Second Site, then use a Journal for your final product.
The Journal Report does not display Source Numbers. Rather, it displays numbers for Citations. Since a given Source can be cited many times in Tags that appear in your Journal report, often with different Citation Details, the Citation numbers cannot be the same as the Source numbers.
There is at least one way to display Source Numbers in a Narrative presentation. If you use Second Site to display your narratives in a website, Second Site does display the Source Number as the first item in each footnote.
It would also be possible for you to add a Source Element to each of your Sources that has the Source Number, then have that Element appear in the output templates. However if you have very many Sources defined that would be a large task to undertake.
So one could install the US version and import into that, then merge the resulting Project with an existing Project created in the UK version? Would that work?
As I recall you can't install TMG twice on the same computer, so the US version would have to be on a different computer? I don't remember all the details about how the two versions work. That seems complicated.
On the other hand, I see that TMG Utility has a a feature to change Place Styles. So one could import, then change the Place Styles before merging into the main project.
I don't recall what happens during Merge with you happen to have two places otherwise the same but with different Styles, which could happen if you already have some US places in the main Project.
Isn't the default Place Style set for a Data Set, not a Project? Since you cannot import into an existing Data Set there would seem to be no way to set the default Place Style for an import. So a TMG-UK user can't set the place style for an import to US other than having using a US version of TMG to make the import. No?
Preferences that affect the appearance of the TMG screen are part of the Layout. If you change those preferences and want them to persist when you re-open TMG you need to save your changed layout.
I do include the Sort Date for the Marriage Tag in the Add Person Screen so it will sort approximately correctly when I don't have a marriage date. That still leaves the Date empty. I don't understand why the Marriage Tag is not created for you Jeff when you leave everything blank for that Tag. It is when I try it.
But you might try adding the Sort Date field and entering something there to see if that makes the Tag appear for you.
I'll offer a different point of view. The issue I have with lumping census sources is when you output the data -- the more you put in the CD the longer the notes become, and I typically cite a given census record many times -- once for the Census tag, but then for Name, Relationship, Birth, and sometimes Occupation and Immigration Tags for every person in the household. When you print a report with citations every one of those tags gets the full details. Of course if you are already lumping census sources, how big you make the "lumps" is only a matter of degree as far as how long the notes get.
TMG Utility and Second Site are written by John Cardinal.
Gene Stark wrote GED2HTML, a program to make a very basic website from a GEDCOM file. So far as I know he's never written anything specific to TMG.
You're welcome, Ed.
Sounds like you have somehow made it "Inactive." To fix that, open the Master Source list, and click the "More >>" button at the lower left.
Find the source in question on open it. Near the top of the General tab of the Source Definition screen there is a box labeled "Active?" -- in it select Yes and click OK.
You probably want to change the Master Source List to it's normal format. To do that, click the "Less <<" button at the bottom right.
As you've found, you can't get the chart you want by sending a PDF to a printing service until you convince VCF to print it on a single over-size page. The key to doing that in my limited experience is to tell Windows, not VCF, that your PDF "printer" is the default printer. It seems that VCF continues to size the chart sections based on the Windows default printer even when you tell VCF to use a different printer.
Yes, and yes.
You can find people with a Flag set to a specific value by use of a Filter in the List of People Report. Use a Filter like this:
MYFLAG ... = Equals ... X ... END
where "MYFLAG" is the the name of your Flag, and "X" is the value you want to test for.
You can also delete the Flag which will remove it from everyone. Of course if you have already set it correctly for some people it will remove it from them as well.
Yes. When you right-click and select [M1] you are choosing the variable [M1]. In other words, you are telling TMG to fetch the contents of the M1 segment and insert it there.
You would normally do that for other variables, like name, date or place. It would be uncommon to have a memo segment refer to another memo segment, though I can see one might do that if creating separate memos for two or more Principals or Witnesses, where you might want to create some specific text for each person and incorporate some text used in common with it.
You just type in the two bars to create the segments. You can put a space in front and after them if you like to make them easier to see.
The problem you are having now is that you are creating the Memo segments incorrectly. You do not enter [M2], [M3], etc. When you do that you are entering the variable for those segments, but they appear in the output as "unknown value" because there is not such segment actually created.
Instead, you create the segments but putting in two bars -- ||
So your Memo should look like this:
The following information was listed on [PFS]Death Certificate # 7053 19582. The Informant was Madolyn Hammock, [RF:Witness] [PP] daughter. DOB listed was 4/20/1882 at Utah which does match the birth information previously known for [OBJ]. [PGS] age listed at last birthday was 79.||[PP] last Occupation was Smoker, at Armour Packing Co., a Meat Packing business or industry for 25 years.||[PGS]SS# was 505-05-6686.[PF] did not serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. .... -
You still haven't answered Jim's question. Are you talking about Sources or Tags? He mentioned Sources and you respond "yes" then say again "Tag." Which are you asking about? Without knowing that we can't help.
Focus Changes to Different Person after Tag Entry
in The Master Genealogist v9
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I've found for the last few days that when I enter a Tag for the current focus person, when I close the Tag Entry Screen the focus shifts to a different person. It seems to be one person for a while, then a different one. Then in one case it didn't shift the focus, but when I tried to enter a new tag the ID# in the new Tag was that of the person it had been shifting to, not the person displayed as current focus person.
Re-indexing hasn't helped.
Is there a known fix for this?