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Posts posted by Terry Reigel
I see that too, and I don't understand why it should be. Maybe a bug?
Anyway, here are two alternative methods:
1. Use the Add menu instead of the Add Person Screen, and choose Child there.
2. Add a son or daughter, and then change the Sex flag of the child to "?".
5 hours ago, patj said:I think the paths are ok. I assume the program wouldn't open if the paths were not correct.
That's not necessarily correct. The paths used by reports are not involved in the program opening. If you have restored your TMG data from another computer the specified paths may well not exist on this computer. See my article on moving to a new computer for information about how to fix path issues like this.
I've never seen the [:CR:] code generate a second line feed, either in TMG reports or in Second Site.
It doesn't look like you can access the Given Name field from Find and Replace.
I think you need to use Change Name Parts. It's easy to find a Given name ending with the asterisk but it's not obvious to me how to remove it. I think it requires some techniques I've used but forgotten.
I expect John Cardinal to see your post soon and explain how to do it.
20 minutes ago, Morbius said:One thing I have been trying to do is figure out how to figure out how to get the "Individual Narrative Preview with Sources" to generate sentences on children with endnotes. That is why I have to generate both the narrative and the FGS report, the latter to get notes on children into the report.
Would a one or two-generation Journal work better for you? If so, set up one with the options you want and add it to the custom toolbar so you can use it as a preview tool.
You do that by adding carriage return codes -- [:CR:] -- and if you want to indent the new paragraph to match the style of the Journal report, tab codes - [:TAB:] - to the Sentences at the places you want the new paragraph to begin. You can either type in those codes, or use the right-click menu in the Sentence field to insert them.
You can do that by modifying the Sentences of individual Tags, or if you want all Tag of a specific type to start with a new paragraph, by modifying the Sentences of the Tag Type.
Another method is to create custom versions of Tag Types you sometimes like to start a new paragraph and include those codes in those custom Tag Types. Then, if you want a particular Tag to start with a new paragraph change the Tag Type for that Tag to you custom version.
If you are not familiar with modifying Sentences you may find my articles Customizing Your Tags helpful.
You should be able to delete the tag, but if you can remove the wife's ID# from the existing tag that might do it. Alternatively, make the existing tag non-primary. It will then appear in the Tag Box below. See if you can then delete it.
As you were advised on FaceBook, though with somewhat confusing nomenclature, go to the Person view for Morris. Click on the Mother Tag two lines below his name, which should show Sophie as his mother. Delete that Tag.
You're welcome, Nancy.
"Move" isn't exactly an obvious way to delete people. "Delete" would seem to be the way to do that, but as you know you can't delete people until you remove their connections to others. So it turns out "Move" is a way around that when you are talking about a number of people.
Michael has told you how to move the people to a new Project. But I thought you have already done that and now just want to remove them from the original Project.
If that is you question, the easiest way to do that is to Move them (Edit > Move Person(s) command) to a new Data Set you create in the Project. Once all of them are moved, delete the new Data Set.
I too started with TMG 4 and seldom use the Project Explorer. But in this case the advantage is you can use it to directly change the focus to each person in turn. If you use a report to find the people you have to manually navigate to each person.
You can just double-click on a name in the PE and the focus will change to that person. You can then edit the baptism tag and repeat for the next person. My one concern with doing this is as you edit a person they no longer qualify for the filter, and there may be a delay while the filter - recalculates. I've not tested, so I'm not sure if this is an issue or not.
If that proves to be an issue, filter for the Flag you have set instead of using the filter I suggested. That way there is no new filter to compute so long as you don't change the flag.
I'd think a filter on the Project Explorer like:
Birth... # of Tags is greater than 0 AND
Baptism... # of Tags is greater than 0 ENDShould give you a all the people with both tags. Then you could go down the list in the PE and change the Roles in the Baptism Tag. May still be a lot of work but it would be an automatic way to get to the right people.
As Jim says, you are not using the default sentences for these tags, as they do not include references to the parents. Either you have created custom sentences, or these sentences were imported from another program. I think UFT is the only program from which TMG imported sentences - did you import from that program?
I any case, if you are satisfied with the mention of parents as you show for the Birth Tag, the solution is to create an alternate custom Tag Type for the Baptism for cases were both appear, or to create alternate Roles in the existing Baptism Tag Type, which do not repeat the redundant information. I'd suggest adding an alternate Role to the existing Baptism Tag Type. You could use this Sentence in the new Role:
[P] was baptized <[D]> <[L]>[:CR:]
This would of course require that you locate the people this applies to and manually changing each to the new Role.
If you are not familiar with adding Roles my Roles Tutorial may help.
Yes. Download the installer from any of the several locations where it's available (see topic "Final Installers" in this forum for one) and make your own CD.
In all TMG genealogy reports, both descendants and ancestors, you normally specify just one person -- the starting person. The report then finds all the others depending on the setting you make in Options. If you specify more than one starting person you are asking for a separate report for each one.
And as a result you have probably deleted the place information from where it was being used. Did you check your Repositories as I suggested before deleting the place data?
You remove unused records with the File > Maintenance > Optimize command. If they are not removed that means they are used somewhere. I think the only place they can be used other than in Events is in Repositories, but Jim could verify that.
You can see where a Place entry is used by clicking on that place record, then clicking the Events button on the right. A window with all the Event Tags that Place is used will open. Note that this will not include any Repositories where it is used.
If you are using two separate versions for TMG and Second Site, you hide them from each other like this:
For the TMG version: [HID:][SS-HID:][:HID] ... TMG only content ... [HID:][:SS-HID][:HID]
The [SS-HID:] ... [:SS-HID] codes tell Second Site to ignore what is between them. Nesting them inside TMG's [HID:] ... [:HID] codes keeps TMG from seeing the Second Site codes.
For the Second Site Version: [HID:][SS:] ... Second site only content...[:SS][:HID]
The [SS:] ... [:SS] codes tell Second Site to ignore the TMG [HID:] ... [:HID] codes, which hide this content from TMG.
Another alternative for Second Site is to create a table in HTML so it fits well on the web page. If you also use TMG output, you can use one method in TMG and the HTML in Second Site by use of [HID:] ... [:HID] codes and the special Second Site "unhide" codes to control which version gets displayed in which medium.
I would do as you have, then add a FamilySection Note tag (for Second Site) and a NarrativeChildren tag (for TMG reports) that explains he was a foster child (or whatever language you like). This will leave him with their own children in the list of children for the parents in narrative output, but correctly note his status. I'd add other tags to him identifying his birth parents and the circumstances.
Note that using the foster child relationship tags has no useful effect except when you are looking at him or the parents in TMG. In all other respects you might as well use the standard parent/child tags. You need to create other tags, such as I suggested above, to explain the relationship in any output. Note that my suggestions offer no help in Family Group Sheets for charts, but I never use them so have no suggestions for them.
Michael has dealt with adoption on like issues more than I have, so will probably have other suggestions on how to deal with this.
It sounds like this is a one-time occurrence. If so, I'd just create local Sentence like:
[P], foster son of [FATH] and [MOTH], was born <[D]> <[L]>
If you actually encounter it enough you could create a Role for that in Birth Tag Type. If it every occurs in your database when only one parent is entered you could create a Role for that too, with a Sentence like:
[P], foster son of <[FATH]><[MOTH]>, was born <[D]> <[L]>
You can still buy a license (unlock code) for TMG 9 from Harry Goegebeur. You can download and install the UK edition. See the pinned article in the TMG 9 section of this forum.
An unlock code is only valid for the version (full number) of TMG it was issued for, and has no other value. So your v8 code is good if you want to stay with v8, otherwise you need to buy a new one for v9.
You can find user-to-user support here and on the TMG list on Rootsweb. This forum is supported financially by Bob Velke, the developer of TMG, and I expect it will continue as long as he does that. The support is provided by users, just as with the TMG List on Rootsweb.
How to activate a grayed-out option
in The Master Genealogist v9
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You're welcome, Doris.