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John Graff

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Posts posted by John Graff

  1. The spouse of a child shows up in the Children's Window.  I have a direct ancestor male child who had 3 spouses during his life; the second wife bore the child who is my direct ancestor; however the third wife is the one displayed in the Children's Window.  How can I get the second wife to be displayed in that location?

  2.   I tried renumbering and TMG started with the 6-digit number in lieu of the number 1 and for my second person it reverted to the number 2 and continued on in perfect order.  So I've abandoned that approach.  How do I load a back up file?  I close the existing file. I can find the back up file but it is in a <*.sqz">  extension and it doesn't want to load.  



    Yesterday I was entering several new people into my family tree in TMG v9 and I was using the TMG F2 feature to use all of my “skipped” person ID numbers (from people that I had deleted).  I didn’t realize it but I finished using all the “skipped” numbers  and I continued using F2 to select "unused" (but now new) numbers when TMG “blinked” and my ID numbers went from 4222 to 512892.  I cannot get TMG to recognize my last person’s ID as 4221 and make my next person’s ID number 4222.  Can anyone help me?



