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Jim Byram

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Posts posted by Jim Byram

  1. I'm starting to get a better feel for Bob's project and what's happening. There are three issues in going through his walk-through.


    1) At a point in the history of the citation table, the RECNO values for the citation records changed from 4 digits to 7 digits.

    2) Following the walk-through, adding a citation with CTRL-F3, a citation record is created with no RECNO.

    3) From that point, there is the appearance that citations are being lost; however, NO changes are occurring in the citation table.

  2. If you have this problem, please send me your project (with a description of how to cause it if possible). If you have already sent you project to Support, I need to know under what name, what date you sent it and the name of the project backup so that I can ask Support to retrieve your email and forward it to me.


    Bob's S-table is not typical and what works with his project to cause the problem appears to be specific to his project.


    You can contact me by email by clicking on the link below:

    Jim Byram

  3. May we know what steps so we can avoid them?

    This is not a general phenomenon and would appear to be project-specific. I have tried to replicate this in my test project with no success. So I can't tell you what steps to avoid.


    Or do we just have to take note if an "empty" citation appears and check that tag.

    What's an "empty" citation?


    At this point, I just don't know enough. Sometime tomorrow, I'll have a better picture of what's happening.

  4. I have just verified today that the missing citations are still a problem in Version 6.04. using just a few entries, I can show that after using CTRL-F3 to pick a citation from the list of previously used items, another citation that was recently entered disappears. I have been able to reproduce the problem and will send a copy of my database along with a sequence of steps to help them reproduce the problem. Let's hope it can be fixed.

    I've got your project and description and can replicate the issue. I didn't get the loss in step 6 but do get those in subsequent steps. Now trying to figure out what's happening.


    The problem is what happens in step 5. When you use CTRL+F3, a new citation is created with no record number. However, even if that is repaired, the citation losses in steps 6-9 occur. Reported the issue and sent the data to a programmer.

  5. There are three issues in the sources of the original Generations database. I was able to repair the Generations database and eliminate the import errors. Sources 26 and 37 don't import. This is correct for source 26 which is uncited but source 37 has citations from one person and will need to be added in TMG after import.

  6. I have TMG Silver UK edition v4.0b, which I used a few years ago on Windows 98.  I'm now revisiting my family history and am looking to purchase the latest V6 UK Edition software for Windows XP.  I also want to access my old V4.0b datasets. 


    Will V6 recognise the old datasets or will I have to run any conversions ?  I still have the V4.0b CD, but not a Win98 environment to run it on.

    Your question brings up two answers.


    First, TMG4 and TMG6 are different programs. You can import your TMG4 data sets into TMG6 projects. You would then work with the data in TMG6 and have no need to access the original TMG4 data sets.


    Second, TMG4 installs and works just fine under WinXP although there will be a couple of things missing that you need to download from the Wholly Genes web site or ask for.

  7. More...


    Here's what is going on. There is no bug.


    At some point, the Add Person template for data set #1 got damaged. When a project merge was done, the Add Person template from data set #1 was propagated to the newly merged data sets. That explains why all merged data sets have the problem.


    If you reset the Add Person template for data set #1, the problem goes away. Now all newly merged data sets will have normal Add Person templates.


    Of course, you need to reset the Add Person templates for all existing merged data sets.

  8. I would like to have the ability to keep track of what groups (civic groups, Churches, corporations, clubs, etc.) were in a particular town at a particular time and then link people and events to these groups.

    TMG has been used for projects of this type since its beginning.


    There is an approach and a feature that allow this.


    1) The approach - Create 'people' such as a church or a corporation or an organization or a census or a building. Literally, enter any entity as a person.


    2) The feature - Make use of the event tag 'witness' feature to link people and church-people or corporation-people or organization-people.


    An event tag can be linked to two Principals and an unlimited number of Other Witnesses. A 'witness' is any person associated with an event.


    So you create a 'person' named Elk Lodge #1102. You create a custom event named 1920 Membership List. You link as an other witness every person in your database who was on that 1920 membership list. Now you have the organization and all persons in that 1920 membership list tied together. You can create an appropriate event for each happening in the history of that organization with all associated people linked to each event. If the organization changed names, you create a new name tag with the appropriate date.


    You can create reports for the organization-person or for the real people. For each linked person, the 'witnessed' event will show up in his/her Person view and reports.


    An entity-person could have children. Say that the organization-person, Elks Lodge #1102 split into North Shore and South Shore lodges. Each could be a new identity and a new person.


    I think that you can see that the possibilities are endless for building a complex integrated database tying together the people and the 'entity-people' in your database. And this would appear to satisfy your basic requirements.




    You also wanted to deal with different towns. You could enter Place-people and appropriate event tags to tie all entity-people to the town. However, you'd probably not need place-people since each event tag for a person or entity-person will have date and place data.


    You could use the place data for the event tags for each entity person to generate reports. For example, you could generate a List of People report with a filter - Name contains ELK LODGE - to get a list of the Elk Lodges for all towns.


    (You can't respond to this topic. If you want to respond, just create a new topic and I'll move that message to this topic.)

  9. You're going to need to explain the context for this. The paths are references to external files on your local system and the case is not relevant in that context.


    Now you can have the external file reference as a network address where the multimedia data may be obtained. Are you actually using the GEDCOMs for data display on a server where the path must be mixed (or lower) case?


    If the GEDCOMs are used on a server and the local paths are converted to network paths, you would be in much better shape if the paths were in lower case rather than mixed case. That would also be much easier to handle in terms of standardizing the GEDCOM output. And looking at RootsWeb as an example... It seems that the issue is the filename, not the path since the path is basically discarded. The filename examples that I looked at were all lower case.


    I've looked at GEDCOM output from other programs and find no standard behavior in regard to this issue. The case of the filename is sometimes replicated but the case of the path is unpredictable.


    Do you have a spec document for the server that you plan to use regarding multimedia exhibits and what the server expects specifically in regard to a GEDCOM?


    Another thing that puzzles me is why this issue comes up now. The standard practice for TMG users using Second Site is to name all exhibits in lower case. Many other TMG users are building web sites by way of GEDCOM and this issue has never come up. I'm assuming that the users use lower case filenames and the tools that build the web sites from GEDCOMs are dealing with the case issues.

  10. The problem is corruption of the Add Person template after the project merge and I've reported this.


    After the merge, select a person in the new data set to place the focus on that data set.


    Use Add Person. (for example... Add / Unrelated)

    Click [setup]

    Click [Reset template]

    Click [OK]

    Finish adding your person (or cancel).


    That will reset the Add Person template for the data set and correct the problem. You need to do that for each of the data sets added by project merge in your current CONSOLADATED THURLEY project.

  11. Kenny,


    OK. Your description is very precise. Unfortunately, it's not a bug. The spouse events section will only appear for a spouse if that spouse has at least one name or event tag that would be included in the spouse section. A photo alone won't work as you found out. The photo is included in the report positioned in relation to the spouse paragraph. No spouse paragraph, no photo. Once you add any single tag such as your dummy Birth tag, the spouse events paragraph will be generated and the photo will be included.



  12. I made a list of the 56 photo's missed and all do not have a birth tag, I find nothing in HELP that says I have to have a birth tag or did I miss something.

    You didn't provide enough information. What are the photos linked to? Are they primary person photos? Have you used the correct report options? Etc. You need to describe all of the conditions involved. Is the issue the data or the report definition? Have you tried resetting the report definition to default and making as few changes as possible to send a Journal report with images to Word and then see if the images are present?


    If I go to a person with a primary person image and delete that person's Birth tag and print a Journal report with that person as the subject or as a child, his photo is in the Journal report sent to Word.


    There are many possibilities here and you're going to need to elaborate in order to pin down the conditions responsible for the missing images.
