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About Jim

  • Birthday August 29

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    Lake Alfred, Florida

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  1. Over the years, I've built 1 large database that includes both my family and my wife's. I have had thoughts of spliting the 2 families and wondering if there is a right way and a wrong way to accomplish this. Has anybody out there ever done this with TMG v9? Is it even possible? Maybe someone out there can give some advice as to how to approach this task if possible at all. Maybe you can just tell me if I'm crazy for trying... Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Jim
  2. I checked and found only 3 Name_PD files. 1 is the one in question (Name_PD.DBF) and the other 2 are the ones you mentioned not to mess with (.FPT & CDX). I did have a backup of the PROJECT FILE done just a couple of days earlier. I made a copy of this backed up Name_PD.dbf and load it back to replace the damaged one. It seemed to do the trick and I am back up and running. Thanks for your help. It's really great to have someone that can give help, suggestions and support to old time TMG users. I really appreciate you. Jim
  3. Last time using my project, in attempting to close, I pressed 'yes' (by mistake) when asked if I wanted to 'backup'. Subsequently I pressed the 'cancel' button and the project closed. Now it will not open and gives me this ERROR message: PROJECT NAME_PD.dbf not found. Can anyone help?
  4. .dbf file not found

    Thanks Jim, I will do that if the problem persist. Now when it happens, I just keep trying and out of the blue, it works.
  5. Every once in awhile, for no apparent reason, when I try to open a project, it gives me a error message that it can't find file "project_ ND.dbf not found". Can anyone tell me what has happened. It appears that this file has been corrupted some how and I can't figure out what's going on. When I look at my documents projects, it appears to be there but it still won't open the project.
  6. OK..Thanks. The flag was used 8 times and after I deleted the 8 occurrences, I was able to go back and delete the Flag. I must have created that Flag several years ago and forgotten that I had done it. Do you happen to know if, when I created this custom flag, did I do something wrong that resulted in these errors? It must have worked OK when I used it on these 8 people. Anyway, thanks so much for your help. I appreciate it very much.
  7. When I attempt to delete this tag type, It tells me that I can't because it been used 8 times, Is there a way to see where those 8 tags have been used?
  8. For many many years I've avoided using this particular tag type because I always got an error message when I tried. It is the only tag type that I've ever tried to use that gives me an error message. The error messages are: 1. operator/operand type mismatch. 5 2."frmevents cntparentchilda mvalidate" 3. Variable 'laroles' is not found. 61 I looked at passed post and was not able to see anything like this. Can anyone help?
  9. Variable errors

    Thanks Jim, Sorry for the post, I should have searched before posting. I'll do better the next time. Just for reference, can you give me the reason this type of error occurs. Maybe I would be able to prevent it from happening again.
  10. For the last few days I've been getting errors when I add information to a detail page. It seems like it only happens when I use "cut and past" to enter info for a person. When I type the info in instead it doesn't seem to give me the errors. There are 3 errors that I get: 1. Variable :BYSEQ" is not found, 51 reppush, 2. Variable "BYFIELD" is not found. 90 reppush, and 3. Table has no index order set, 91 reppush. Can anyone give me some advice?
  11. I'm attempting to find certain text items in my database. According to the "help contents", this should be able be accomplished from the Edit menu. There is and item in this menu called "Find text" but it and most all other items in that menu are grayed out. Can anyone help me out as to why?
  12. I'm trying to change the name of an exhibit and can't seem to find out if it is possible. I'm probably missing something very simple, but can't seen to get it done.
  13. Windows 11

    Buzz, Refer to message Sept 25 from Bettle3247
  14. I just discovered that the Automatic "Relation" Tag does not work using Win11. Unless I'm doing something wrong???
  15. ID numbers

    I have a couple of questions relating to ID numbers. 1. Can an ID number be changed once you add a new person if I made an error? 2. The reason I ask this question is when I added a new person, I inadvertently changed the next unused default ID number but did not notice it right away. Now every time I add a new person, the program wants to use a number that is the next number in sequence to the number I screwed up. Now when I use the F2 key to see what the next unused ID number, it has 2 groups of numbers. The remaining numbers (the ones that should be there) but after that another sequence of numbers starting with the number I messed up. An example may help: When I now hit the F2 key it lists to groups of numbers, 3000 thru 4000 but after that it starts with another group starting with 30002999 thru 30004000. Is there any way of deleting that last group of numbers or do I need to renumber may whole data set? Sorry for the long question but I have no other way of explaining it.. Jim