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  1. Voice Recognition

    Hi All, Just started playing with windows 10 Voice Recognition with the intention of using it with TMG 9. However hit a snag right at the start, if you "start listening" TMG promptly closes, no error, no warning, just vanishes. Has anybody come across this? Or have W10 & TMG9 happily working with voice recognition?
  2. it doesn't attempt to copy the pjc until TMG closed. What files are you particularly concerned about?
  3. Yes, I had misinterpreted the message/functionality of the check box. John got me thinking on the rationale of not backing up images with TMG internal backup - "can cause the SQZ file to exceed the maximum size of a ZIP file." Using 7-zip I zipped up a copy of the images directory and the compressed file is 10.0 GB (10,756,108,301 bytes to be accurate ) which is way bigger than a zip file can manage and I guess foxpro db are limited to 2Gb So the error is more a file limitation than an error as such. & as far as being related to failure to import into Family Historian a complete red herring. The uncompressed directory is 11.2 GB (12,026,769,408 bytes) so indeed the compression doesn't achieve very much at all.
  4. Hi John yes - I don't really use internal TMG backups at all, it was just that this seemed to be identifying an issue that may (or may not) be related to an attempt to import into Family Historian to have a look at that. I have read over the last few days a several pieces of advice which concurs with you. I do have separate back up regimes. (ISP Cloud solution & SmartSync Pro for local processes.) In step 3 of the backup process, under project items > Project data files you see "external exhibits", hovering over that it tells you it has found x links to external exhibits and specifies a database project_I_.dbf. I had presumed that this was backing up the links not the image itself. But as I do not actively use the process I haven't really looked at it in any detail. However if it is backing up the image then I agree this is totally pointless as they are external to the project and are backed up as part of my data resiliency program. But having found this OLE error am now a bit obsessed with identifying the object in question. I did look at inserting OLE objects some time ago but can't remember why or where. I don't think there is anything that would identify the object in your handy utility and I recreated a second site site (local, I don't have a published version) and that worked fine I also enabled thumbnails but the db they are stored in went over size limitation and broke. Replaced it with backup copy and reduced the thumbnail size to just 50. Again this ran OK so in both cases each and every exhibit would have been touched. I was hoping one or both would identify the problem object. The performance issue opening the exhibits window seems better now. I had used performance manager to look at running process, and as this had been going over several days possibly ever since the last W10 update I was concerned something more fundamental was at work. Nvidia graphics driver updated recently as well. However all seems well now. I can look at Family Historian using another project, I just have this OLE error nagging at me. Dave
  5. Hi Jim, Diane, Oddly seems to be better today. Carried out routine maintenance (again) which included this time a backup of the project. I rarely do an internal TMG back up of the project as its is backed up on the fly to cloud, on PC shutdown to two external devices and once a week to a back up PC (which in turn is backed up to external device prior to this) so effectively I have a current backup, daily back ups, weekly backup and a two week old back up. I may be a little paranoid about data loss. However there is some problem with the TMG Backup when you include the links to external files - OLE Exception error c0000005 or c00000fd which cause the backup to fail. This does not impact normal bau operation of TMG. This problem is also present with the project daily backups, I haven't checked older. Dave
  6. Hi Jim, Thanks for response. Using OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763 Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB Total Physical Memory 31.9 GB Available Physical Memory 25.5 GB Total Virtual Memory 36.7 GB Available Virtual Memory 28.8 GB Page File Space 4.75 GB Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Adapter RAM (1,048,576) bytes Driver Version Resolution 3440 x 1440 x 59 hertz Bits/Pixel 32 Has been fine on this PC since project moved to it some years ago Just in the last few days its been really slow when opening the Media page. And having noticed that you then start to realise everything else is also a bit slow. Main project has just under 10K people & the external exhibit directory is some 11Gb containing 13,711 files in 481 sub directories. Have tried tiny projects and they suffer the same issue, but they are pointing at the same exhibit directory which may or may not be relevant. Dave
  7. Hi all, Just recently TMG performance has bombed, most noticeably opening exhibits but is actually quite slow at redrawing any of the gui. No changes have been made, all I can link this with is last Windows (10) update. Have gone through normal file maintenance. Tested on a very small project & the problem is the same as on my main large project. Anybody else seen this? - if anybody else is still using TMG............ Dave
  8. TMG 9.01 install errors. please help.

    yes was going to roll back but first tried installer from site straight over the top all OK now
  9. TMG 9.01 install errors. please help.

    Anybody managed to get this resolved - same problem for me on a TMG instigated update to TMG 9.04
  10. Preferences in trial version

    I have reset the preferences to default and then was able to modify back to the way I like them and this has worked - although the age column intermittently unselects itself Dave
  11. The Discontinuation Of TMG

    Totally agree with Wal. Is there any movement in this direction? Dave
  12. I am just having a look at 9 and am unable to set preference for primary tags to bold - it just sticks using the * preferences > Program Options > Tag Box Is this because its the trial version?
  13. Sentence Order

    Hi smee again. I had decided on a sperate census occupation tag...but was then thinking about the occupations you get from birth certificate or marriage certificate. Started thinking about roles. I've added a Father's Occupation role and constructed a sentence for that on the standard Birth Tag. [:CR:][:CR:]At the time of his son [PF]'s birth <[DD]>, [FATH] was a <[L7]> living at <[L]> I ummed and ahed about where to record the actual data - L7 is not included in L and is first "unused" line, however the memo field might be better. This lets me add both bits of data we glean about a father from the birth certificate. You can do the same thing for marriage. Which of course then starts me thinking for an occupation role for the census. I can get the data entered in one tag, see the data in the person view, and it prints. Still playing with this though Dave
  14. Sentence Order

    Ah, OK it doesn't do what I thought it did Set Sort Dates will not change existing sort dates, regardless of how they were set. As a result, it can not be used to alter sort dates set by a previous use of Set Sort Dates.
  15. Sentence Order

    Hi, The memo is far more poweul than I had first thought and allows you to tailor text per source. However again if I was going to use this method I should have used from the start. I have found you can use John Cardinal's utility to order sort date, just experimenting cautiously with this at the moment. TMG 8 I gather has some new reporting tools & you can use in 64bt mode on W7 - do we have any ~ release date known? Dave