This topic is for how-to tips and workarounds and fixes for issues encountered in TMG8.
Here are the guidelines for adding a reply.
1) One tip/workaround/fix per reply.
2) The description and step-by-step solution should be precise and to the point.
3) No replies to any of the posted fixes workarounds will be allowed. This is not a discussion topic.
4) How-to replies should be how to do something in the program that is not obvious, not how to do something the way that you do it.
All replies are subject to being edited or deleted if the quidelines above aren't followed. This is a topic for users to find quick solutions to common issues and needs to be easy to scan and search.
If you see an error or better way to accomplish a posted tip, workaround or fix, send me a PM with the post number and your revision. I'll edit the original as appropriate.
If you would like a tip/workaround/fix added (and can't do it yourself), send me a PM. I'll only add issues that are withing the domain of Support with their permission.