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TMG v7.02 - Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005

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Not sure it is helpful to post this; I did a search on the forum and found that others have experienced the same problem. FWIW, I got this error yesterday;


Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2008.07.23 09:53:18 PM. Error log file: C:\Program Files\The Master Genealogist v7\VFP9Rerr.log

Called from - tmgmain line 556 {C:\Program Files\The Master Genealogist v7\tmg\programs\tmgmain.prg c:\program files\the master genealogist v7\tmg7.exe}


I think I was attempting to click on someone, but I don't recall if it was in the Sibling, Children or PE window.


regards, beth


OS: Windows XP

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This is a known issue for a few people when double-clicking on a name in the Siblings window.


I recently asked for user help with this on the TMG mail list and got only one volunteer.


The work-around is to navigate through a parent to move to a sibling.

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Guest Michael Dietz
This is a known issue for a few people when double-clicking on a name in the Siblings window.


I recently asked for user help with this on the TMG mail list and got only one volunteer.


The work-around is to navigate through a parent to move to a sibling.


This same error just occurred to me when I clicked on a child in the Person View of the Details Window. What is a bit odd is if I repeated the clicking without acknowledging the error message it worked. Of course as soon as I clicked on the error message the program aborted.



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This is a known issue for a few people when double-clicking on a name in the Siblings window.


I recently asked for user help with this on the TMG mail list and got only one volunteer.


The work-around is to navigate through a parent to move to a sibling.


okay, thanks Jim. I'll try to remember to do that.



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Guest Michael Dietz
This is a known issue for a few people when double-clicking on a name in the Siblings window.


I recently asked for user help with this on the TMG mail list and got only one volunteer.


The work-around is to navigate through a parent to move to a sibling.


This same error just occurred to me when I clicked on a child in the Person View of the Details Window. What is a bit odd is if I repeated the clicking without acknowledging the error message it worked. Of course as soon as I clicked on the error message the program aborted.




I have some additional information on creating this error.


I have two projects open at the same time, basically with just the Tag Entry Window under a Person View for each side by side. I am comparing the individuals in the two projects. When I need to look at a related person for the primary person I have up in both windows I get the error when I double click on the new individual in the left side project and then immediately (or very quickly) double click on that individual in the right side project. If I double click on the left side and then only single click on the individual in the right side, wait a second or two, and then double click it the error does not occur.


It seems as if the computer does not have enough time to transfer the focus from project 1 to project 2 if I go too fast. I am using version 7.03 on a Pentium 4 CPU 3.00 GHz 2.99 GHz 1.99 GB of RAM Physical Address Extension (as shown by the System function under the Control Panel Menu). The OS is Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP 3.


Hope this helps pin this nuisance down.



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Yes. Many of the C0000005 errors are timing issues. A user thought that she was getting the Siblings window C0000005 error. What she was actually doing was to double-click on a name in the Siblings window and then to immediately click in the Tag Box. That last click triggered the C0000005. This is similar to what you are doing but is happening with only one program instance.


Keep in mind this is happening in the FoxPro code outside of the TMG code and the timing issue is a FoxPro issue. Very hard to work around.



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