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E Wilcock

Using TMG7 Projects on a Windows 98 computer?

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My TMG projects are all in TMG 7.03 UK on a desk top computer using Windows xp Home.


I want to take three projects away with me on my old lap top which runs on Windows 98 and thus still has the UK version of TMG 6.12?


One way would be to install TMG 7 on the old computer? Does anyone run TMG7 on windows 98?


Another would be to save a back up of my TMG 7 projects and restore that back up in TMG version 6.


As a trial, I have restored a TMG7 UK .sqz back up file to TMG 6.12 UK, opting to restore the Project plus all customisations.

There was a warning message that the back up was from a later version and could not be restored. But none the less, the import continued and opened. It seems OK and all my new data is there.


While I am away with my lap top, I'd like to continue tidying up projects, mainly sources. Is there any reason why this cant be done in version 6 and then be backed up and restored (anew) to TMG 7?


I'd welcome expert advice. Both on operating systems and on shifting Projects backwards and forwards between different versions of TMG.

E Wilcock

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According to Whollygenes New Features in TMG v7 the answer appears to be no for running TMG7 under windows 98 eg: "TMG v7 is native to Windows Vista. It will also run on Windows XP and Windows 2000. (Windows 98 and NT are no longer supported)."


I believe you cannot restore an older newer versions backup files on an older version eg: TMG7 on TMG6 and just because it seems to have worked. Be aware that it may just lead to a corrupted database as TMG7 had more information in the database that TMG6 does not know how to interpret or even how to store.

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My TMG projects are all in TMG 7.03 UK on a desk top computer using Windows xp Home.


I want to take three projects away with me on my old lap top which runs on Windows 98 and thus still has the UK version of TMG 6.12?


One way would be to install TMG 7 on the old computer? Does anyone run TMG7 on windows 98?

As Sam said, TMG7 is not supported under Win98.


Another would be to save a back up of my TMG 7 projects and restore that back up in TMG version 6.

TMG v6.12 will not open a v7 project. There are structural differences in the v7 project.


Newer versions of the program can open (and update) older project versions.


Older versions of the program can never open project versions newer than the version that program version supports.


There is no way to accomplish what you would like to do.

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I am only a user of TMG, just like Sam and Jim, but have to agree that you just can't do that. Windows 98 is too old. Even Microsoft ended all support of Windows 98 over 3 years ago. The announcements of TMG Version 7 made it clear both that Version 7 files would not be usable in Version 6, and that Version 7 would not support Windows 98.


I understand that you want to actually modify the TMG data on your laptop, but the OS on that laptop is way too old. Sorry. The only alternative I can think of is to create something that you can read on that old laptop, maybe some kind of reports made in a word processor that can output an older file version that your laptop could read. You could then view your data and make notes to yourself of the changes you need to make when you have access to your main computer.


I agree that it is frustrating to consider a laptop that functions perfectly well as too old, but current programs of any kind including any modern genealogy programs are unlikely to work on that very old OS.



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