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I know the answer is here somewhere, but I can't find it.

I have lots of individual vital records, wills, letters, references, etc. that can be specific to one person. I want to keep a list of these as "Sources", in TMG. I can make each "reference" a Source. But....where is the best place to "attach" it to. Most of these "references" I have, do not need to be attached to individual Tags. I just want them listed to a specific individual or place. I am THINKING, that I can use the "Name" tag, and make each of my references a Source, and then attach each to the Name Tag. But is there a better way to do this??

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The best way, in my opinion, is to cite each source in every tag for which it provides evidence. That means the same source may appear as a citation in the Name Tag, the Relationship Tags for both parents, Birth Tag, and perhaps elsewhere. If you instead just cite it in an arbitrary Tag, like the Name Tag, you will have no way of knowing which information it actually supplied once you have a number of sources cited for each person.

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I agree with Terry that I prefer to cite every source I use for a person to all appropriate event tags for which that source provides information. Further, if I ever just wanted a list of all the sources associated with that person (or some group of people) the standard List of Sources report filtered for the appropriate Subjects would give me that.


However, if you are still intent on citng a set of sources to a person, and not citing them to that person's normal event tags, you might consider creating a separate custom Tag Type in the Other group, perhaps called something like "OtherSources". You could cite all these otherwise uncited sources to that one custom tag. For Narrative reports you might make its sentence something like "[P] was also mentioned in other sources." I would probably set this tag's Sort Date so that it was last in the narrative. Then any report creating a narrative with this tag would reference these citations at the end of this sentence, which due to the Sort Date would be at the end of the narrative. A separate Tag Type like this would also give you the option of choosing for various reports whether or not you included this tag type in the report and thus choose whether you only got the references you cited to normal event tags or also got these otherwise uncited sources.


Again, I don't think I would do it this way, but at least this might give you ideas about how TMG could be used to accomplish what you seem to want.

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