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Creating a filter, then GEDCOM for Jewish people in database

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I got some help with this several years ago and have (of course) forgotten how to do this. I'd like to make a new GEDCOM to upload to Family Tree of the Jewish People on JewishGen. The problem is I can't remember how to do this.


My mother was Jewish and my father was not. I want to leave out his family, my husband's family, and my ex-husband's family from the GEDCOM. I'd also like to include not just my mother's ancestors, but also those who married into not only her family, but into the extended family. In other words, I'd like to include all the Jews in my database, not just the ones directly related to my mother.


For example, my mother's grandaunt Helen Greenberg married a man whose surname was Shae. He had changed his family name from Shaevitz to Shae. I'd like to include his family (ancestors and descendants), even though they aren't related to us. Another example -- my grandmother's sister's daughter married a man with the surname Marc. That was a shortening of Marcovitz. I'd like to include his parents and brothers and sisters and their descendants in the GEDCOM.


Is it really complicated to achieve this?


Thanks in Advance!

Michele Chavez

long-time TMG user, but not exactly a "power user"

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Create a flag... Jewish, vlaues ?,Y,N


Set all those who are jewish to have a flag value of 'Y'.


Export those with Jewish=Y.


You didn't say if you have a tag for those who are Jewish that could be used with the List of People or List of Events to set the flag in one step. You could set the flag for clusters of people based on different people and their ancestors or descendants or their surname.

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