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Bob Velke

Wholly Genes Newsletter, 26 July 2010, Issue 2010-4

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Wholly Genes Newsletter

26 July 2010

Issue 2010, Number 4


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In this issue:


o TMG v8

o Cruise Lectures Announced

o UPDATED: Second Site v3.2.2

o UPDATED: TimelinerPlus!

o TMG Companion Products

o How to reach us



=== TMG v8 ===========================================


We realize that it’s been a while since we published news about TMG v8 but we want to assure you that we’re hard at work at it. We’ve recently had some breakthroughs in relation to some longstanding problems and we’re making progress toward a great release. We hope that we’ll be able to make an announcement before much longer and we appreciate your patience.


Bob Velke

Wholly Genes, Inc.



=== Cruise Lectures Announced ===========================


The 6th Annual Genealogy Conference and Cruise (Sept 18-25, 2010) is going to be a great event! While our group is technically sold out, there’s still some space on the ship at prices starting at just $953.86 per person (subject to availability). That price includes the 7-day cruise, food, port fees and taxes, shipboard entertainment, and attendance to all conference lectures and group events.


That’s a great price for a 7-day vacation, a first-class genealogy conference, OR trip to Mexico and Honduras – but you get all three in one package! You’ll also get one-on-one consultations with professional genealogists and opportunities to make new friends and meet fellow researchers from around the world.


As always we’ve got a terrific line-up of genealogy speakers and the following lecture titles have recently been announced:


- "They Came Together - They Stayed Together" by Hank Jones, FASG.

- "Genealogy Today: Where We've Been & Where We're Going" by Hank Jones,

- "A Genealogist In Hollywood" by Hank Jones, FASG.

- "Neglected History" by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak.

- "Cold Cases: Genealogists, Coroners and the FBI" by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak.

- "The Pension File of your Revolutionary War Veteran" by Lloyd Bockstruck.

- "The Wonderful World of Names" by Lloyd Bockstruck.

- "The Huguenots" by Lloyd Bockstruck.

- "One-Step Webpages: A Potpourri of Genealogical Search Tools" by Dr. Stephen P. Morse.

- "One-Step Webpages: A Hodgepodge of Lesser-Known Gems" by Dr. Stephen P. Morse.

- "From DNA to Genetic Genealogy: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask" by Dr. Stephen P. Morse.

- "Internet Sources for Military Genealogy" by Craig Scott, MA, CG.

- "Researching Your Civil War Ancestor" by Craig Scott, MA, CG.

- "Reasons For Not Serving" by Craig Scott, MA, CG.


All of those lectures are software-neutral but users of The Master Genealogist (TMG) will also find several lectures that focus on making the most of that software and its companion products.


For all of the exciting details or to make a reservation, please visit:




=== UPDATED: Second Site v3.2.2 ============================


Since our last newsletter, John Cardinal has announced an update to Second Site, the popular utility which uses your TMG data to generate web sites and data CDs that you can share with your relatives. Version 3.2.2 includes a new option to resize embedded image exhibits and a few other adjustments and fixes.


You can read more about the new features in the latest issue of Second Site News:



And as usual, all the changes are summarized in the Change Log:



Current Second Site 3 users can download the installer here:



This is a free upgrade for registered users of Second Site 3.



=== UPDATED: TimelinerPlus! ===========================


TimeLinerPlus! by BeeSoft is a FREE utility that offers a number of features to help you manage your TMG global timelines. BeeSoft has added a number of options in the recently released Version 3, including:

- Enabling timelines restricted to particular TMG person numbers in 3 ways

. individually

. via an entered list

. using the persons in a Focus Group


- a 'check' box to allow a view of the filter parameters from the ini file before proceeding with a run. Default setting is 'off''.

- an option to view Hobbies "The Internet Timeline" as a live example which can also be transferred to the TMG timelines collection.


You can download this free utility from:




=== TMG Companion Products =============================


The following companion products which were developed for TMG users like you:


"A Primer for The Master Genealogist"

A great new book for beginning TMG users by Terry Reigel.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/primer.htm


"Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist"

The popular book compiled by Lee Hoffman - now available in electronic form.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gettingthemost.htm


Video training for TMG on DVD

Getting Started, Intermediate, Advanced, or Expert

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/videotapes.htm


Second Site

Web site construction tools for your TMG data.

See http://www.JohnCardinal.com/ss

Latest version=3.2 Build 2


Pocket Genealogist

The TMG companion program for Pocket PCs and other Windows Powered devices.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pocketgen.htm

Latest version=3.45


GedStar PRO

The TMG companion program for PalmOS users.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gedstarpro.htm

Latest version=3.3



The research advisor that reads your TMG data directly.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gensmarts.htm

Latest version=


Map My Family Tree

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/mapmyfamilytree.htm

Latest version=1.4.11



Exhibit management utility

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pathwiz.htm

Latest version=v8


Chartform Delivery

An inexpensive chart printing service

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/wallcharts.htm


For the full list of companion products, please visit the Wholly Genes Community forum (http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm) and click on "Companion Products."



=== How to reach us ==============================


For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at:


or write to:



Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using.


You can also reach us at:


Wholly Genes Software

5144 Flowertuft Court

Columbia, Maryland 21044


410-730-9734 (fax)


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