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John Weidner

Endnotes as Roman Numerals

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First the great news. Just bought and started using TMG 8. Migration from TMG 7 to TMG 8 appears flawless.


Now the bad news.


When creating a Family Group Sheet in TMG 8 to print as a PDF, the very first endnote appears as an Arabic numeral 1 and the remaining endnotes all appear as Roman Numerals.


I searched throughout the Family Group Sheet report options and cannot find any setting for changing this.


I made an individual narrative report and the endnotes appear as Arabic numerals - which is what I want.


Any hints or is this a programming issue for Bob Velke?


Thank you in advance!

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John -


I am not seeing that problem. Try resetting the report to its default configuration using that new button under the configuration name and see if that clears it up.


How do you like the new FGS table format? There are some suggestions for customizing the appearance in the thread on coordinating FGS and VCF over in the VCF forum.



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I am having this exact same problem.


I can reproduce the problem when I try to embed memos in addition to having endnotes.


If I combine the endnotes, it's not a problem.

Edited by sb10

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sb10 is absolutely right. I have many Journal reports created in TMG 7 that have both sources as endnotes, AND embedded memos. In TMG 8, that combination (output to Word or PDF) creates a report in which the endnote numbers are all roman numerals. I hope this can be fixed rapidly, because the reports are nearly unreadable, and the matching endnotes are almost impossible to find.

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Hi John,


Others have reported this before, and it seems to be a strange problem with the brand new report writer in V8. It seems that if you specify endnotes for sources, and Memos as embedded, the note reference numbers for the source notes are generated in Roman numerals. At least this was previously reported for both Journal and Individual Narrative reports, and now in FGS by you.


I haven't tried it myself, but supposedly as "work arounds" if you specify footnotes instead of endnotes this does not happen, nor does it happen with other settings for Memos. At least this might give you some things to try to get a usable report until Wholly Genes fixes this.

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I have the same problem with Journal reports generated using version 8. The list of sources in endotes of the Word documents have Roman numbers. I have to change the Roman into Arabic numbers in the Word program. I hope that the problem will be solved with the next update.

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I am also on TMGv8.04 and am seeing the roman numeral numbering on endnotes when using embedded memos. I would like to see a fix to this ASAP. The workaround is okay, but not what I want to do in the long run.

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