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Robert Jacobs

Problem with individual narrative report? (Solved!)

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When I run the individual narrative report there is no mention in the report of the birth(s) of the children of the subject. I do not use sureties, and the surety options are set appropriately. All tags are selected on report options screen.


By contrast, the individual details report does show the birth of children.


Is this by design, the result of some simple-minded error that I am committing, or a b_g?




Edited by Robert Jacobs

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Narrative reports include only events in which the subject is a Principal or Witness. The default Birth tag does not include the parents, so the children's births do not appear in the Individual Narrative. The Relationship Tag you see in the Details screen is not an event tag, even though it displays the date and place from the child's primary Birth Tag, and goes not produce any output.


Some users add the parents as Witnesses in the children's Birth tags exactly so they will appear in the Individual Narrative. The downside of this, other than the effort involved, is that it becomes somewhat duplicative in the Journal Report, since the children are listed at the bottom of the parents' sections.


Another alternative is to use a one-generation Journal instead of the Individual Narrative.

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Since I prefer the IN, I do include the parents on the birth tag. Here are my sentences:

[:CR:][:TAB:][RF:Father]< and [RF:Mother]> became the parents of <[R:Child]> <[D]> < [L]>. <[M]>[:NP:]

[:CR:][:TAB:][RF:Mother]< and [RF:Father]> became the parents of <[R:Child]> <[D]> < [L]>. <[M]>[:NP:]

[:CR:][:TAB:][R:FatherStep] raised his stepchild, [R:Child], child of [R:Mother] <and [R:Father]> born <[D]> < [L]>. <[M]>[:NP:]

[:CR:][:TAB:][R:MotherStep] raised her stepchild, [R:Child], child of [R:Mother] <and [R:Father]> born <[D]> < [L]>. <[M]>[:NP:]



Hope this helps. I do not use the step parent relationship if the child was grown when the parents remarried, only if the step parent was the one who was in a custodial type relationship while the child was growing up.

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