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Microsoft Office Single Image 2010

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I am just setting up a new laptop, a Dell XPS with Windows 7, 64-bit, operation system and MS Office Home and Business software package. I downloaded TMG 8.04 when signed in as "Administrator" and it fires up fine for that user. I then switch over to become the "Guest" user to actually do work, but when I fire up TMG it starts to open and then over top I get a new window that comes from my operating system that says "Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Office Single Image 2010" and this window seems to start doing something and then blinks and starts over. It does this for 5 or 6 times (or until I click "close" a few times) and then TMG finally opens and all is well.


This same behavior happens with TMG Utility. No problem opening that program as the "Administrator" user, but this MS Office Single Image garbage happens when I call up TMG Utility as the "Guest" user.


I cannot find out anything about this Image program, cannot find it resident in the list of "Add or Delete Software" list or anywhere in my directories as shown in Windows Explorer. On a Microsoft webpage talking about distribution of Office 2010 with new PCs: "The Office 2010 Single Image": One single image that contains all of the elements necessary to preload all three Office 2010 suites onto new PCs for easy end-user activation. The image is part of the OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK)."


I have already installed my MS Office Home and Business software, but only have fired up and used MS Word and Excel. Do I need to fire up all of the other parts too? I certainly have not found a way to query Microsoft about this on their website. If other TMG users have had this problem, did you find a fix?


Dave Ball

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Yes, I had seen that, but it was written in 2010 and there are many other sites with a similar complaint thread that show a continued problem up to current time, plus Microsoft has made many changes to both Windows 7 and the Office suite since then. I am pretty reluctant to uninstall Office, since it was pre-installed on my new Dell at the source and, while I have a Product Code, I do not have discs with the software from which to do the reinstall. Other discussion boards talk about using MISCUU2.exe, which used to be a Microsoft fix it tool (and is still available on-line at other sites) to uninstall the Office Single Image 2010 software, but after it was discovered that one could, through misuse of the tool unrelated to this problem, do some real software damage, Microsoft removed it from their site and have replaced it with "Fixit For Office 2010", which I understand from the technical message boards does not fix my Office Single Image 2010 problem. I was hoping that this had occurred in someone else's TMG8 install and had been successfully fixed by some method that could be shared.


Thanks for looking around the web for me. I did uninstall Adobe Acrobat Reader and re-downloaded it from the web, but with no change to my problem.


Dave Ball

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