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UK placenames

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Created new dataset with UK placenames and UK names as default dataset styles but when adding any tag that includes placename details, tag entry screen shows US placenames even though place style button says UK standard placestyle - driving me mad!!


Why does UK version have US styles as default?

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Hi Raysmi,


it seems to be a bit strange. I tried the followoing, which should be similar to your problem:


I have a project with German place and name styles.

I opened the dataset management to create a new dataset, the defaults of the styles at the bottom of this screen said German place and name style.

I created the new dataset called test. --> it showed US name and place style.

After changing these to German styles I closed the dataset management.


Adding a new person to the new dataset gives me my German styles as default.


Maybe you did not change the proposed value (you would assume that the same defaults as you have for the "standard" dataset are used).

Edited by Helmut Leininger

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As Helmut says, you need to set the default styles in the Data Set Manager.


The US styles are the standard styles and are the defaults for a new data set.. The UK styles are custom styles and need to be selected.


There is no difference between the US and UK programs. The Tmg9.exe program is the same in both cases. The UK installation just has some UK customizations added.

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Thank you both for your suggestions. I have selected UK style in the dataset manager and have also checked that the uk style in the master style list is OK. When I add new person and anything else associated, on the tag entry screen the place style button indicates UK Standard Place and when I hover my mouse over the button it tells me the output is: Addressee, Detail, Village/area,Town/City,County/Region, Country etc

however, the corresponding buttons indicate the following: Addressee, City, County, State. Country etc.

If I click on the place style button the place style selection screen opens indicating that UK style is selected, I close it and the buttons on the tag entry screen change to what they should be. Although I can cope with this it is very confusing and has not happened to me before - I have one project that has 5 datasets within it and each time I created a new dataset (in TMG versions prior to 9) I didnt have this problem so I am very confused!



I seem to have solved the issue albeit in a round about way! If i look at the master tag type list and edit a particular tag, the tag type definition general screen indicates that nothing is selected for the default style, if i change this to 'use dataset default style' it solves the issue so all I have to do is change every tag type I use - a good few hours work!!

Edited by Raysmi

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Make sure that Add Person is also set to using the Data Set default style for each tag type being added. In Add Person, you need to select each tag type being added in the list and check the style. You also need to do this for Add Multiple People if you use that feature.

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