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TMG Window Hung Windows 10 on Big Sur OS11.1

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Hi,  I'm running TMG 9.05 under W10 on a Mac using Parallels Desktop 16.1.2.  My TMG window cannot be closed.  I was working with a source citation box (having used Add Person + icon) and must have hit cancel without then seeing the pop up box: "Are you sure you want to lose the changes to this screen?" and continued to work within the citation box.  Now I have three windows open, none of which can be closed (Add Person, Citation, Yes/No lose changes warning).  None of the Yes, No, Cancel, Ok buttons work and the menu items are all grayed.  I've tried to close the window through CTRL/ALT/DEL to no avail.  Have also opened a new window which will close but not the old one. Have shut down Windows, Parallels and my MacBook - nothing works.

I can open and work with within a new window, but cannot optimize it nor back it up because the other window is still open.   HELP!!

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Open the Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) end all TMG processes... not only at the top under Apps but also in the list under Background processes.

Alternatively, restart Windows

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Thank you Jim.  Actually, I wasn't doing the Mac keyboard version of CTR/ALT/DEL (CTR/OPT/DEL), but erroneously was using  CTR/CMD/DEL.  Closed the program from Task Manager without getting involved in the background processes and that did the trick.  Thank you!

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Just to note. Sometimes, when you close TMG, the process persists (when it shouldn't). In those cases, you will find the 'The Master Genealogist' process in the Background processes list in Task Manager. It doesn't hurt to end the persistent process. One symptom of this is that you try to start TMG and get a message that it's already running.


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