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Neil Grantham

Merging 2 copies of the same project

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Hi everyone,

Whilst working with the 'witnesses' thread on this board earlier in the week. I think I have stupidly worked on both my laptop and PC, with 2 versions of the project.

So, on the laptop, I resolved the witnesses in Tags with Terry's help, altereing several people's roles to 'Clergy' etc., and on the PC, I had entered some new data.

I restored the laptop project to the PC and consequently have lost the latest data.


I am thinking I need to do a full backup of the PC which now has the Tag amendments, and then restore an older PC backup to get the data, save out that data somehow, then restore my 'current' backup and add in the data I regain.


What's the easiest way to do that?

As far as I know I've just lost the data of 4 people. Before you say 'just enter it again' I wrote the data on a magazine which is now gone. (It was data relating to my daughters fiance and his family, given to me by him)


Thanks for suggestions.


Edited by Neil Grantham

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I would do the following.


Leave the project that is now on your PC (from laptop) alone.


Take your latest backup (containing the edits to the 4 people concerned) and restore - ensuring at step 2 you alter the location in the bottom box so that the original project is not overwritten.


You can then reinput the informtion from the restored project to the saved project. (For just 4 people I think it would be easier to input the changes manually but you could make a new dataset with the four people in - delete the complete restored datset (leaving just the datset with four people) and merge the projects).


Having finished delete any projects and/or datasets that are no longer required.

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