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Witness reporting on Narrative Report

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I have recorded someone as a midwife on a birth. She does not show up on a narrative report selecting all variations of events and all tags selected for report for the person whose birth she assisted in.


However, on the witness' narrative report, the person born who she acted as a midwife for, there is a sentence. However, it states "She was born with the assistance of Midwife's name on date" The She is the person born and not the person for the report. Why would it say "she"? This makes no sense. How is anyone going to know who "she" is. And the "memo sentence" included in the Birth tag is also printed which makes no sense in the witnesses report.


I thought I understood something about witnesses and P1 and P2 but the way my TMG is working, aarrgh!


I want witnesses to appear with their role (their sentence) in the person's report who they are listed as a witness. I also want the information to appear in the Narrative report for the witness. I have looked and I can't find any way to get witness sentences to print on a Narrative report. Doesn't it make as much sense for this to happen as it does for a child's birth to appear as an event in the person's life???



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The Witness Sentence is used in the report for the person who is the Witness. If you want the witness to appear in the narrative of anyone else, say the narrative about the Principal, you need to add a statement in the sentence of that person. For example, you might add to the Principal's Sentence in the birth tag:



or, if you create a Role for the midwife:



The Roles Tutorial on my website (link below) may help.

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