The Oakster 0 Report post Posted April 28, 2007 I have an illness tag with the sentence: --a brain tumor after a routine eye test. Further tests showed a tumor at the top of her spine. When I run reports, (individual narrative and Ind.Nar. previews) the sentence is shown as: She was ill with (an unknown value) etc If i put 1 exclusion marker, I get the same sentence on the report. It says in Help that double exclusion markers should stop the entire tag from being printed. Whenever I post a topic on here its always me doing something wrong, so what have I done wrong this time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry Reigel 0 Report post Posted April 28, 2007 Sounds like you are putting the exclusion marks in the Memo, not in the Sentence. Exclusion marks in the Memo only keep the memo text from printing, not the rest of the sentence (yes, I know, Help seems to say otherwise ). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Oakster 0 Report post Posted April 28, 2007 Thanks Terry, I knew it would be something I was doing wrong. Thanks again. I did take sentence field to mean the memo... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites