Bob Velke 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2007 Contact: Linda Reinfeld ( Boston Area TMG Users Group is an organization seeking to educate users of "The Master Genealogist" (TMG) and to share experiences with the program and other useful computer software related to TMG to research and record genealogical data, to utilize the data, and to display and share the data. It maintains a mailing list on called BostonAreaTUG where Group members may share with others in the Boston Area.Meeting Info: If you live in the Boston area and would like to learn with us while contributing your experience, please join us and request to be added to the group or mailing list.Our meetings are held from 1-4 PM on the third Saturday of each month in Burlington except for the summer when we take a break. Directions: Turn off 95/128 at exit 32B, Middlesex Tpke, heading towards Boston (away from the Burlington Mall). Immediate left onto Wheeler Road. Then first left (about 1/4 mile) onto Commonwealth Executive Drive. There is only one building, at the end of the road. Go in the front door, upstairs. The meeting will be on the left on the second floor. There is an elevator. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites