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1890 Census Reminder

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Enumeration Date: 1890

Each family was enumerated on a separate sheet.

The only surviving fragments are as follows:

* Alabama—Perry County

* District of Columbia—Q, S, 13th, 14th, RQ, Corcoran, 15th, SE, and Roggs streets, and Johnson Avenue

* Georgia—Muscogee County (Columbus)

* Illinois—McDonough County: Mound Township

* Minnesota—Wright County: Rockford

* New Jersey—Hudson County: Jersey City

* New York—Westchester County: Eastchester; Suffok County: Brookhaven Township

* North Carolina—Gaston County: South Point Township, Ricer Bend Township; Cleveland County: Township No. 2

* Ohio—Hamilton County (Cincinnati); Clinton County: Wayne Township

* South Dakota—Union County: Jefferson Township

* Texas—Ellis County: S.P. no. 6, Mountain Peak, Ovila Precinct; Hood County: Precinct no. 5; Rusk County: Precinct no. 6 and J.P. no. 7; Trinity County: Trinity Town and Precinct no. 2; Kaufman County: Kaufman.

Each person was asked:

Full given name


Whether soldier, sailor or marine in Civil War or widow of such person

Relationship to head



Age at nearest birthday

Whether Single, married, widowed or divorced

Whether married between Jun 1, 1889 and May 31, 1890

Mother of how many children and how many living


Father's Birthplace

Mother's Birthplace

Number of years in United States

Whether naturalized

Whether naturalization papers have been taken out


Months employed during census year

School attendance during census year

Able to read

Able to write

Able to speak English, if not which language

Whether suffering an acute or chronic disease

Whether defective in mind, sight, hearing or speech, crippled, maimed, or deformed. Name defect

Whether prisoner, convict, homeless child or pauper.


Memo is for any information about the family or enumeration

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