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Loading Second Site onto an iPad?

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I've searched the archives on SS's message board to no avail. I am using the simplest possible setup of Second Site which I want to be able to access from my iPad. Apple being Apple, there's no easy way. I've tried using Dropbox on a copy of the site, but can't open the transferred file (error message says there's no software to open it with!). I didn't care that it took over an hour to upload; but was really irritated not to be able to open it once it was on my iPad.


I've spent hours going through the iPad apps library not finding anything relevant. Or, that I recognized as relevant. I do NOT want my site online, so please don't suggest that. I am NOT interested in sharing my site with anybody else - nor is syncing something I really care about. I figured I'd just upload it every time I re-made the site. My purpose is to have my entire database easily available to me when I can't have my laptop with me AND as an aid when I'm working on cleaning my files (TMG on laptop with SS viewable beside me . . . . I've found it MUCH easier to clean data this way).


I know there must be a way to get the site to open on my iPad, but can't figure it out. Can anybody help?


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I found a method that works better than the proposed Goodreader app for me. This only puts your SS folders/files on the ipad and the app is the html viewer. It is only for viewing and navigating. I put the -i and -o folder onto the ipad in Fileapp, then started the index.html file in the -o file and everything works fine for viewing, including most of the navigation except when a link jumps out to the Safari browser for a live internet link. You then have to "double-home button" to go back to Fileapp. I have a lot of photos, census images, icons etc. and everything works. I use a simple one-column layout and one person per page already so no problems in the layout display.


Here is the setup. Download the free version of Fileapp to your iPad. Download the free DiskAid desktop to your Windows PC. Connect your ipad to your PC with the USB cable. Open DiskAid and your iPad and its folders will appear on the left column. Choose "Copy to Device" on the top bar and then navigate to the folder on your PC you want to move to the iPad. I did the -o and -i folders for a particular family separately. Not sure if you can select two folders at once. They key here is that you can select an entire folder to move all at once. Then you can disconnect your iPad. Go the Fileapp application on the iPad and select the folders icon at the bottom of the ipad screen. I chose to put the -i and -o in a top level folder named SS files to keep them separate from other types of files. For me I select the SS files folder and then see the FamilyName-i and FamilyName-o folders; then select the FamilyName-o folder, and then scroll down and select the index html document. That pulls up the top level page. If you have already selected the page before, there is a "last opened" link in the folders view that will take you to that file directly. So far I've only experimented with one smaller family tree in SS format. Not sure what will happen with a very large format with even more images and pdfs. I should also note that all the source links work, including the link to the source pdf that I have added to each source.


Navigation isn't completely polished, when you need to go backwards depending on how you setup your SS output/files, but works very well for view the files and navigating within the basic SS .html files (vs the source attachments, pdfs, etc.).

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