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Diane Hosler

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About Diane Hosler

  • Birthday November 23

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  • Location
    Grand Rapids MI
  1. TMG V9 on a New Laptop

    For $50 Comprenew with do a complete transfer from the one computer to the other. I've used this twice, with noTMG problems
  2. TMG Performance since last windows update

    I've been using mine quite a bit the last few weeks with no problems, but I do use exhibits.
  3. how to reset lost color to a flag

    Yes, I realize in being brief it was confusing. I read further and have success in reestablishing the accent! Thank you for being there.
  4. how to reset lost color to a flag

    I have a large data base. As people are posted on line they were/are given a W flag which was in color, so I could instantly see when I went to their page that they were posted. Now the color is missing on all those records. The W designation is still there. I have searched Terry's book for information on how to get that color back for those individuals with a 'W'.
  5. When I switched to TMG, I added a W to the ?,Y, N, in the 'Cleaned' flag for people who have been posted on line, which is a large number. The W was colored coded. Suddenly the color is not there. I can't figure out how to color back to the W flag. Diane Hosler
  6. Reports don't print

    YES Thank you! RTF worked!
  7. Reports don't print

    I did these things, and there is still no response from the printer. I am not getting the error message. BTW, thanks for hanging in here with us.
  8. Reports don't print

    Using Windows 10 and Epson printer. When I try to print a report I get a OLE error code 0x80040154 class not registered, and then program goes into a cycle I can't get out of. Have run all the maintenance suggestions. Otherwise TMG working good.
  9. I too cannot print reports, Window 10, TMG 9.05. Not a new printer. I have another program from which only recently I cannot print, and they have identified a Window 10 update from last fall/early winter as the cause. Windows has been notified and apparently is working on the problem. Wondering if it could be the same problem here.
  10. Thank you. I have your book, which is great. Especially appreciated the suggestion to color code files (from UFT) as they were cleaned, and which I now do for ones as they are put on Werelate. Diane Hosler
  11. I upgraded to v9 online and now would like to have a backup CD.
  12. I did upgrade, but recently had a computer crash, and was able to download TMG. but do not have a disk. When I e-mailed about purchasing one was advised to download the trial version to a disk. Now, that doesn't make sense to me. Is there a way for me to have a disk, in case the web link dries up?
  13. Is there a solution focus groups in TMG 8 on Windows 7 missing spouses when the option box is checked?
  14. ASUS EEE & thumbdrive

    I have an Acer Aspire One D270 netbook with Windows 7 which I purchased only for the purpose of looking up TMG information at the library and other locations. I will continue to input on my desktop and thought I would transfer/update my project on to the netbook by using a thumb drive. Questions are: Is there a better way to achieve this? Because I downloaded TMG, I don't have a disk. How do I download the program to the netbook? Diane
  15. Viewing Gedcom Export

    Thank you, Michael