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About rlgleason51

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/06/1951

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    Dumfries, VA

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  1. "Variable Go Term Not found" msg in windows 11

    Yes. It was very helpful.
  2. "Variable Go Term Not found" msg in windows 11

    Guys Thanks for the info. It was my exhibits path that was having a problem. I selected default when I opened the project again and this issue went away., funny Thing: The "default" path is the one I originally setup. At least that is what is seems like as all of my exhibits are displayed when checking. Thanks again.
  3. I installed Windows 11 using Parallels on my mac. I then installed TMG 9 and had no issues. Ran it an restored my project file from the backup. Closed TMG and then reopened it and got the message "Variable Go Term not found". I did a repair via the installer, then uninstalled and reinstalled TMG several times. Always I would get the message after trying to open TMG a second time. What i causing this and how can I fix it? Related to Windows 11, I cannot find the location of the *.lo files. Thanks. Bob
  4. Cannot open TMG 9.05

  5. Cannot open TMG 9.05

    Thanks. Worked like a charm.
  6. Cannot open TMG 9.05

    I was copying my project via backup and restore from my mac computer to my laptop. while restoring, I got an error message saying the layout was no longer valid and the system locked up to where I had to force quit the app. When I tried reopening it, the screen would flash gray then nothing. I did a repair, and nothing. I deleted my old project files thinking that it would go right into restore and the same thing happened. I uninstalled and reinstalled and the same thing happens. I do this quite regularly and never had an issue before. What happened and What else can I do? Thanks.
  7. Ancestry and j2k format

  8. Just noticed that some of the documents I downloaded from Ancestry to use as exhibits In my TMG9.05 have changed from JPG to J2K, which TMG does not seem to handle well. I tried loading the image into my photo editing software (Adobe Photo Elements 12) to change image to JOPg but the software does not recognize that format. What exactly is the J2K format and is there a work around to get the image to display in TMG. Thanks
  9. Adding existing spouse

    Ahhh, so simple. Thanks.
  10. Adding existing spouse

    Merry Christmas. I entered a new female ancestor who was married to an existing male record. When I enter the spouses name in the 'add Husband' screen, I get the prompt of a matching record and end up pulling the pick list with the husband's name. However, I cannot select that record to add as her spouse and I cannot figure out another method to add him. How can I add and existing record to a new person as a spouse? Thanks. (Yes, I am actually doing genealogy on Christmas Day.)
  11. Weird database happenings

    Well, I don't sync to a cloud and I've not had a power outage or spike. My TMG had been closed for several hours so and task manager did not show TMG running, so I don't know. Weird things had been happening to me lately so I'll just write this off as one of them. Maybe the eclipse?
  12. Weird database happenings

    Thanks Michael. Don't know how that happened, but it's Been one of those days.
  13. Last couple of days, strange things have been happening with my project database. I back up during and after all of my sessions. Yesterday morning, I opened it and found that a lot of my records, exhibits and sources had been lost. Weird part is that it was not the last records I had entered, but 20 or so records prior. There records were even missing from my recent backups. I started re-entering the records and stopped to take a break. When I returned, I couldn't open my database because it was already in use, even though windows said (after I closed TMG, no programs were running. Then TMG opened in repair mode. I had to restore from a backup to get operating again. Anyone have any ideas what is happening?
  14. Configuring a backup

    Terry, Thanks, exactly what I wanted.
  15. Configuring a backup

    Is there a way to configure the backup to EXCLUDE external exhibits? I sometimes forget to uncheck the box on the second backup screen. I've looked at all the preferences but could find the answer.