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Found 6 results

  1. I was asked recently some questions about the use in TMG of DNA data. Mostly, I had to say that I have not used TMG for recording DNA results for many years. In looking over the feature, I am less sure of how best to use it. Also, I have not been active in the use of DNA in quite a while. For one, the available DNA Fingerprint Templates seem to be limited as I only recognize a few that I used in the past and tests I have used more recently are not listed. I seem to recall a discussion (on the old RootsWeb TMG List?) about creating custom templates, but I don’t recall how the process went. Any comments? Lee
  2. DNA, SS & TMG

    I would be grateful for any hints on using the TMG DNA fingerprint facility, which I will be using in conjunction with Second Site. Other than the TMD help pages, are there any FAQ's or web sites I can view? Pat Dunbar
  3. Boy, do I miss the Rootsweb list! Hope everyone has migrated over here in the meantime. I've been having a fairly unproductive conversation on the Family Tree DNA group on Facebook about citing a Family Finder match in my DNA Match tag. What I do for Ancestry matches is to include the URL to the person's match screen or their profile screen. Ancestry doesn't make it easy to find people again (especially those distant cousins that are 30 pages in), the "Favorite" star notwithstanding. So the URL is the only way I can easily get back to a person. For Gedmatch, I include their kit number. But as far as I can tell, Family Tree DNA doesn't use any kind of ID or kit number, and I'm at a loss for how to include a match locator in my citation. For right now, the person I'm working on is front and center on the first page of my match list, so she's not likely to get lost, yet. But in years to come, who knows, maybe more close cousins will test and she'll drop to the second, third, page, etc. I realize that this locator is only for me. Other people aren't going to be able to find my matches just by searching on whatever I decide to use for a locator. But I'm considering adding a screenshot as an exhibit. I don't normally use exhibits due to my perception that my .pjc file would balloon in size, but this seems like a no-brainer. Have any of you encountered this and come up with a solution that works for you? Robin in Short Pump
  4. Y-DNA & 23andMe

    It sure would be nice if TMG added DNA provisions for tests from 23andMe. 23andMe has a LOT of people in its database, and they have very accurate testing.
  5. Once I've entered DNA test information, for example a Y-DNA 37 test, is there a way to edit the test information to record more markers when the person gets a test upgrade to a greater number of markers? I currently am entering the new upgraded test results from scratch, as I've found no way to edit the existing test results in TMG to a higher test level. Just wondering if I'm missing an easier way to handle the entering of test upgrades? If there's no way to edit existing test information to record the upgraded test results, is there anything wrong with just entering all future tests at the 111 marker level to begin with, leaving the untested markers blank? Thanks for any pointers.
  6. Some time ago I had the 12 marker mitochondrial test done ny the Sorenson Foundation. I would like to put in them in TMG but it is not one of the companies listed. So how do I put these results into TMG 8? Janice Cornwell Down Under