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Changing certain pronouns in a sentence

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I am currently trying to send a PDF file to a friend and would like to change a sentence, which is included within Marriage Banns, to change the following words: she to HER and he to HIM.

secondly can someone please advise me how to amend the Death sentence to show how old they were at Death; presently showing "She died on 4 Mar 1895, [aged ?] , at address, of illness etc.

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You can get the "him" or "her" by typing it directly into the Sentence. There are no variables that will give that output. When you do that you need to create separate male and female Sentences - the correct one will be applied.


The age is generated by the [A] variable, which produces "at age..."


So your Sentence would be:


[P] died

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To be a bit more complete, Terry is correct that there are currently no variables for the objective pronoun [him/her] to refer explicitly to just P1, or just P2, or to PO the other Principal. Thus when the sentence for Marriage Banns is being output for "him" there is no variable for the other Principal that will produce "her", and vice versa. As Terry said, you can customize the gender specific sentences for Marriage Banns to directly enter the him/her. In the Male sentence you can directly refer to the "other" Principal as "her", and vice versa. Since you know that you always will be using this tag so that one Principal is male and the other female, this will work.


The TMG [OBJ] variable will produce [him/her] but it only works for the current Principal. Thus when the sentence is being output for "him" you can use [OBJ] to produce "him", and vice versa. If the sentence only refers to the current Principal this [OBJ] variable can allow a single sentence to produce the correct objective pronoun regardless of the the gender of the current Principal.


However, if you are using roles, then you can use the [RM:role] variable. It will produce the Objective Pronoun [him/her/them] based on the people assigned that role. So if you (appropriately) assign the Principals the roles of Bride and Groom respectively (rather than their default of Principal), then [RM:Bride] will produce "her" and [RM:Groom] will produce "him", and you can have just one sentence that works regardless. In TMG there seems to always be more than one way to produce what you want. :D


As for customizing the Death sentence to show the age, realize that there are two different age variables [A] and [AE] and they work differently. The [A] variable produces output in years only when both the primary tag in the Birth group and the tag that contains the [A] variable contain the full (day, month, year) dates, and the age is over one year. It returns no value when the age can not be precisely calculated (e.g. incomplete dates that have only the year). The [AE] variable will produce an exact age (years, months, and days) if both dates are complete. It will still produce output even if only approximate dates are known, but it will be only years. The TMG documentation calls [AE] an exact age variable, I choose to call it an exact or estimated age variable. There is currently no variable to always output just years regardless of the completeness of the dates.

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