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mixing Given and Nicknames in a Marriage tag

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Many of my folks have "nicknames" that they were better known by than their "legal" names.


Thus, I want a marriage sentence to read:


Using [PF] married [PO] <[PARO]>< [D]> <[L]> <[M]>


Nellie married Oscar William Dunford, son of blah blah


Ike married Nellie Pearl Palmer, daughter of blah blah.


If I select the "nickname" for the Oscar I get:


Nellie married Ike Dunford, son of blah blah


Ike married Nellie Pearl Palmer, daughter of blah blah.


I guess I could go back to the "he/she married ..." but I'd rather not.


Any ideas?



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There is a single name record for each person attached to an event. By default, the name record is the primary name, but you can change it to some other variation. If the names you want to use are split across two name records, you cannot do what you want using TMG sentence variables. You could edit the sentences and use the literal "Nellie" in her sentence and "Ike" in his, but that's a lot of work and difficult to maintain.

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Thanks John


Not the answer I wanted, but it'll have to do. Makes for some awkward sentences. These two aren't too bad, but I have a "John/Jack" married "Florence/Flossie" -- she was never known by anyone as "Florence" but it was her given name, regardless.


I'll just have to leave this to a final edit for a journal, I guess.


Have a good day.



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If you have people who never went by their birth and/or legal name, then why not use the name they went by as the primary name and their formal or legal name as an alternate?

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You are wishing to have one name used in the person's own narrative and a different name in their spouse's narrative of that same tag. As John said, "There is a single name record for each person attached to an event." You can produce the sentences you want, but not with the default sentence variables. If I were trying to do this I would probably use a custom sentence and a split memo. For example, use [M1] for the groom's alternate name and [M2] for the bride's, and [M3] for any general memo text. Assuming you assign their "full legal" names to the Marriage tag you could have a custom sentence something like:

Male sentence: [M1] married [PO] <[PARO]>< [D]> <[L]> <[M3]>Female sentence: [M2] married [PO] <[PARO]>< [D]> <[L]> <[M3]>

Now enter a memo of:

Ike||Nellie||additional memo stuff

This custom sentence with the split memo should produce exactly the output you want:

Ike married Nellie Pearl Palmer, daughter of blah blah.

Nellie married Oscar William Dunford, son of blah blah


I would probably retain the default sentences on the Marriage tag and assign these custom sentences to custom roles. However, note that if you assign a custom role to one Principal you must assign a role other than "Principal" to both Principals.


Hope this gives you ideas,

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John -- My problem is less with people who "never" -- really never -- used their formal names, than with those who used the formal name for legal issues, but was "known as" to the general population by another name. Based on that, I might chnage Florence to Flossie, as I never even knew she had another name until I found her birth certificate <G>.


Michael -- I'll try your suggestion with Ike and Nellie. Ike was one who used "O W" and "Ike" and "Oscar William" so I can't change it permanently.



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