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Sentence Construction

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Can someone tell me what the problem is in my sentence structure


I’m getting the first part (, as was her father) I want to get (, as was her parents), I have both roles [R:With Father 1] and [R:Wife 1]


[W] appeared on the 1850 Census <of [LCI]><, [LCN]><, [LS]><, [LCR]> in the household of her <grandfather [P1]|grandparents [P1] and [P2]><, as was her father [R:With Father 1]|, as was her parents [R:With Father 1] and [R:Wife 1]><, as was her father[R:With Parents 1]|, as was her parents [R:With Parents 1] and [R:Wife 1]><, as was her father[R:In-Laws 1]|, as was her parents [R:In-Laws 1] and [R:Wife 1]><, [WM]><[M0]>


This is what I get

Marie Elisabeth Appel appeared on the 1850 Census of Yagodnaya Polyana, Saratov, Russia in the household of her grandfather Daniel Appel, as was her father Johann Peter Appel.


In this one I have a different role [R:With Parents 1] and [R:wife 1] and I get what I want


[W] appeared on the 1834 Census <of [LCI]><, [LCN]><, [LS]><, [LCR]> in the household of her <grandfather [P1]|grandparents [P1] and [P2]><, as was her father [R:With Father 1]|, as was her parents [R:With Father 1] and [R:Wife 1]><, as was her father [R:With Parents 1]|, as was her parents [R:With Parents 1] and [R:Wife 1]><, as was her father [R:With Brother 1]|, as was her parents [R:With Brother 1] and [R:Wife 1]><, as was her father [R:With Mother 1]|, as was her parents [R:With Mother 1] and [R:Wife 1]> [WM]><[M0]


This is what I get and want, in this one it selects the "or" function

Marie Elisabeth Appel appeared on the 1834 Census of Yagodnaya Polyana, Saratov, Russia in the household of her grandparents Daniel Appel and Margareth Luft, as was her parents Johann Peter Appel and Marie Elisabeth Benner.


I hope I explained this correct

Kenny Stugart

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You are getting the "as was her father..." part because there is one Principal in the tag - her grandfather. If there were two Principals you would get the "as was her parents..." phrase. The "or" bar refers to the number of Principals in the tag, and her parents aren't Principals, so you can't get the results you want that way.


One way to get it is to create a Parents role, and then assign the father and mother to the Father/Mother roles if only one was there, or if both were there, to the Parent's role.

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Thanks Terry


I have been using your method for census reporting however I have a bit of a problem with those in Russia, There may be up to 45 people living in one house, a very small house and don't ask me how they all fit, maybe the term (stacked like cord wood) originated here. There could be in-laws, uncles, nephews, nieces, brothers, sisters, sons and all their families,


Anyway you must have changed your site or I got carried away.


Where I got into trouble is I have all them done (probably about 15000) and everything was working great until I wanted to change the child sentence to include their parents

I think I will stick to what I have and just modify the sentence for those that have a single "Parent/Grandparent/ Owner/or designated boss of the house"

Those Germans in Russia just had to darn many children, 21 for one family 15-17 was the norm, poor mama.


Thanks again Terry

Tonight I will read that section in your book over again.



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