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Adding Sources

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I am still finding my way around TMG, with much more questions than answers…


I imported my database (+/- 5000 individuals) using .ged format, and I 'm now dealing with the problem of putting my sources right, but I cannot find much help.


My basic question is as simple as this:

How do I add a source reference to a Birth Tag?


Can you recommend a "source" where I could learn something about how Sources and Repositories are treated within TMG ?

Edited by vabopi

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I am still finding my way around TMG, with much more questions than answers…

Welcome! We were all new to TMG once, and this is a good place to ask questions, so keep them coming!


My basic question is as simple as this:

How do I add a source reference to a Birth Tag?


Can you recommend a "source" where I could learn something about how Sources and Repositories are treated within TMG ?

I find the best place to start is always with TMG's built-in Help documentation. In the Contents, under Data Format, there is a topic called "Citation" (or search for the term citation). In TMG you add a Source once to the Master Source List, then you can make as many citations to that source as desired for multiple event tags, such as a Birth Tag.


The next best (free) "source" for learning about TMG would be Terry's Tips web pages. He even has a tutorial on sources here. You also might be interested in purchasing either Terry's or Lee Hoffman's books about TMG. As a user I have both of them and find them both valuable.


Hope this gives you ideas of how to "find your way around TMG",

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Thank you, Michael Hannah and Terry Reigel. Your help has been very important, it was exactly what I needed.

Basic concepts like Repositories, Sources and Citations are the key information I missed when I tried to understand this mechanics.

The fact that after the import of the initial .ged file I had a Master Source List filled with 770 entries of "junk" didn't help much! Those entries were after all replicas of some duplicate? fields. The point is that I could delete all that without losing information, and begin rearranging the sources knowing what I'm doing.

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I was given a wonderful piece of advice when I first started using TMG and it has proved invaluable.


Remember that there are no daft questions. Everyone using TMG does everything differently to everyone else, it is so versatile. So decide what you want, ask if and how to do it, and you will very quickly receive the advice you want. It grows with you, so there is always something to try or learn. I wouldn't use anything else.



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