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Vertical Lines in Memo

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I am in the process of cleaning up my imported data. I have found that my events with memos have added the 2 vertical lines either before or after the text. Most of the time they are after the text. After looking through this site, the manual, and the program help, I believe these to be Split Memo Field Parts.


I don't have more than one entry in each Memo field. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to remove these in the entire database or if I need to do this manually?


Be very careful about removing them and in fact I would not remove them until you understand why they are there. The memo field can be divided into nine subfields separated by the double vertical lines and referenced by M1 through M9. The import of your data has put some data from the import into these subfields and adjusted the sentence for the event to reference the subfields. Look at the sentence but clicking on the sentence button for the event (must be in advance editing mode) and you will see in the sentence template references to M1 and M2. If you have data in the memo field such as "||data" (without the quotes) you have nothing in M1 and "data" in M2. If you have "data||" in the memo field you have "data" in M1 and nothing in M2.


I suspect you imported from UFT as I did several years ago. It's data from UFT's events that are in the Detail A & B fields in UFT that are moved to the memo field in TMG to M1 and M2. You can remove the || where you have "data||" without any problem. However you do not want to remove the || where you have "||data" unless you adjust the sentence template for the tag. It doesn't hurt to leave them as they are.

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I'm pretty sure that John Cardinal's TMG Utility will help you get rid of the vertical lines. Look under "Other - Find and Replace"

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I think Neil is right that John's Utility can do the job. But be sure to heed Paul's caution to only do so for those that fall at the end of the Memo text. If any have text after the bars you will need to review the Sentence to make sure you don't mess up the output in reports.

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The point of the import is to retrieve all of the data and, if possible, to maintain the integrity of the data.


Legacy event tags use two fields... a Description field and a Note field. The two fields can be used separately in the Legacy sentence.


TMG must import the data from both those fields into the single event tag memo field. The data is imported like this:



The Description data is imported to M1 and the Note data is imported to M2.


In Legacy, events that typically use Description data are events like Occupation. After import, the comparable TMG tag types have default sentence structures that output memo data ([M]) and the imported data would be output with no sentence changes. You should see this with Occupation tags if you use them.


Many other TMG tag types that you might want to optionally output memo data (and that would have imported Legacy Note data) typically do not include the memo variable in the sentence structure. You would normally need to edit these tag type sentences in any event.


The trick is to edit the appropriate tag types and, in these cases, add the sentence variable to the sentences.


The result is that you can achieve the appropriate sentence output for all of the imported Legacy Description and Note data in TMG with a few simple global tag type sentence edits and have no reason to need to remove the '||' delimiters from the memo fields of any tag.

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