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Bold Fonts in Reports

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I am sure WG have not been able to address all the points raised on the Public Beta, but one I put still seems to be there -


In the Individual Narrative report, I have chosen to show Surnames and Given names in BOLD. Both in the Preview screen and in a printed report these show as REGULAR. In v.7, these both show correctly as BOLD, and I have used the identical Report Configuration File in both versions.


I have also tried this in Descendency Narrative Reports, with the same result. I have not tried this in other report types. It seems to apply whichever file type is selected.


Neil MacDonald

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First, you did remove all traces of the public beta before installing the release version, right?


It works correctly for me.


Reset your report configuration to default or delete your report configuration. Reconfigure the report from scratch.



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Thanks Jim


You're quite right - some traces of Beta left. It works fine on another machine with a clean install.

So I removed TMG8 and reinstalled. I'm now getting the message:

OLE Error code 0x80040154: Class not registered.


As you advised on TMG-L, I am contacting WG Support on this.



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