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Can't import a GEDCOM

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I'm attempting to trial TMG v8. Right now, all of my data is in FTM 2012, and I'm attempting to import it. FTM 2012 isn't an option for import, so I've exported to a GEDCOM 5.5 to import into TMG.


Every time I try the import, TMG errors out. Using either the simple wizard or advance, the same thing happens. I tried exporting with different character sets, same thing. When I click Finish to begin the import, it gets to:

Creating the necessary tables 1%

Reading submitter info... 1%


Then the following error:

End of file encountered. 0 TAGOBJE

Abort Retry Ignore


Retry and Ignore just gets the same error again, Abort brings me into the program to what looks like the sample project with the Wizard dialog box stuck open. Data appears to be in the wrong places, and everything looks like general mayhem.


Then, when I try to close the program, it pops open a File Open dialog, and I can't get out. I've got to kill the process in the Windows task manager to get out.


I'm assuming this is all not normal. Is there anything I should try to get it working?

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You are better off importing using GenBridge. According to Jim Byram, on the TMG rootsweb list, TMG v8.00 supports the import of FTM 2008/2009 databases.


If you want to import from FTM 2011, you should export to a FTM 2008/2009

database in FTM and import that FTM 2008/2009 database to TMG8. Be sure to

name your FTM 2008/2009 database differently than your existing FTM 2011

database so that you don't overwrite the original.


check out the TMG List archives for this thread:



There was a later thread which indicated there might be a bit of a glitch. Here is that thread to Jim Byram's message.


Subject: Re: [TMG] Import FTM 2009 dataset to TMG8



Happy Holidays!



P.S. Will be cooking the rest of the day so probably the List is your best bet at getting further input on Christmas day.

Edited by JanisR

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