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Duplicated roles in Tag Edit WIndow

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Here is a screen shot of the duplicated roles in the tag edit window 8.01.

I think the issue has to do with either A) editing the sentence for the male to add a --when I had no sentence before B) adding a sex filter in the MTTL or C) editing the age range for a role.


Tag role names were edited in English US. This tag has a large number of roles.



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Here's how to reproduce in sample database:


In the Sample DataBase:


Open the Birth tag:


Edit role CHILD to TEST.

Edit role TEST to Child


Okay and Close to get out of MTTL


Open any Birth tag:

Click on the drop down list for P1, role Child is now at bottom of list.


Okay out of tag edit window.


Open MTTL and Edit Birth Tag

Move Child to top of list

Get error ErrorMarker: Record is out of range. 50


(I am now thinking it may be related.)

Click Abort

Okay and Close (this clears the error message)


Open MTTL and Edit Birth Tag

Move Child to top of list

Ok and Close out of MTTL

Open Tag Edit window. In P1 dropdown list, role child and (for me) role recorder will be repeated at bottom of list. recorder will be at the top of the list where child should be.



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:naughty: Teresa - if you saved your screen shots as .jpg, or .png they'd be smaller and we could view them right in the forum rather than having to download .bmp files


Virginia handled it :thumbsup2:

Edited by ggilbert1

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Teresa -


I switched the image to jpg for you. It is a bit easier to read - and you get that little thumbnail. If you haven't figured out how to close the image (it took me a while) you go way down to the bottom right of the image and click on Close X.



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Replicated and reported.


(A little remark: This happens when you edit a tag type multiple times on Tag Type Definition screen, not edit the tag - a fine but significant difference. ;) )

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Actually, it happens when you edit a role name more than once from the MTTL Tag Edit window. But thanks so much Vera for replicating, reporting and also for fixing the image. If you edit the role once and save out of the MTTL Tag Edit window, you will not see this bug.

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