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Virginia Blakelock

Tips for viewing forum messages

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The options for viewing messages in the blue message-options bar at the top of each forum message page include


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The Custom drop-down list is a filter to further define the displayed messages - by the topic type, sort and sort direction and time frame. You can filter, for example, for messages which you started or to which you replied, or those with attachments - or Hot topics (with the most views). Particularly in the VCF forum - where topics and examples are generally independent of TMG versions - it is recommended that the Time Frame be set to Show All.


In the upper righthand corner is an option to 'Follow' the forum - receive email notification of new messages posted to the forum. The notifications include a link to the posted message.



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I find this forum a most user unfriendly site


Nothing is simple when ring to view your answer to your last post


Where is the procedure o use?

thanks Lucky 43

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Lucky -


There are a couple of ways to find your previous messages:


1 - At the very top of the forum page is a black bar - with your name in white letters on the righthand end. There is a white dropdown arrow next to your name. Click on that and then click on 'My Content' to see a list of messages you have posted. Click on the message subject to go to that message.




2 - Click on your photo in any of your messages to go to your personal Profile. There you will see three buttons (long bars):


Add me as a friend

Send me a message

Find content.


Click on 'Find content' to see a list of all your messages. Click on the message you want to view.


The forum takes a bit getting used to, particularly after using mailing lists. It does have advantages - like being able to include images in messages. I appreciate your asking this question - very likely something that other folks have wondered about.


Thanks -



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Hi Lucky,


I would add two other tips for viewing recent responses to topics to which you have either started or contributed.


First, after you sign in to the Forum, click on the "View New Content" button near the top. It will then show a list of both the new Forum topics since you last signed in, as well as the topics to which there are new replies. Any topics to which you have contributed will have a star instead of a dot at the left of the list of topics, so yours are more obvious.


Next, for a given topic in that list, over on the right below the name of the person who started the topic is the most recent date of a reply to that topc. Simply click on that date and it will jump to that most recent reply.


Hope this helps,

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Lucky -


To add to Michael's tip on 'View New Content': when you are in that window, hover your cursor over the blank area to the right of the message - and a down-arrow button to Preview the message will pop up. From that Preview there is a button to go directly to the topic (see screenshot below).


Apropos of the VCF forum, I've added yet another tip at the bottom of that screenshot - showing the VCF Drawing toolbar and the 'Insert Image' tool I used to compose the screenshot in a VCF chart - by inserting the three jpg images into a blank chart and exporting the chart as this jpg image:



The 'Insert image' tool is used to insert images into an empty or already created genealogy chart as Mike Talbot has done so effectively in his charts and Christmas cards. This same technique can be used in, for example, a chart for a student's display in a science fair.



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