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Problems with my MPL

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Hi One and All.

I am using TMG version 8.08 and am getting frustrated because I cannot sort my MPL as I would like it. My default country is the UK but I presently have my Counties being shown under the column of Towns/Cities and my Towns being shown under the Column of Village/Area, even though when I enter fresh data into any screen the input appears to be in the right place. When entering data using the US Standard Place styles, my entry of Town and County are in the right order.

Hope you understand the above and if I can help anymore then please ask.

Regards David in the UK

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1) Data will always be located at the place level in which you enter it unless moved between levels in the Master Place List.


2) The labels on the tag Entry screen (and levels for data entry) will be determined by the place style chosen.


3) The column headings for the place levels in the Master Place List are determined by the program language.


The US and UK place styles differ. For example, town entry is in level 3 in the US place style and level 4 in the UK place style.


If you mix the place styles, you can create data with town in two different place levels.


If you use the US style for place entry but have the program language set to UK, the label for town in the Master Place List will be on a different column than the one in which the town data is recorded.


Bottom line... You should always ebter the same data type in the same place level.

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Jim. I knew as soon as I had seen your response that my original question had not been explained properly.

I am hoping that the following explains things better.

1) Firstly I do use the US Standard Places

2) My default country for xx purposes is the UK as asked for on the xxx tab under preferences.

3) I use the language of English UK as mentioned under the tab 'File maintenance'

4) My concern relates to the input of data using the US Standard Places and the resultant output under the Master Place list. I am happy with the input along the lines of: detail-City-County-State-Country etc. However when they appear afterwards in the MPL the input of City is listed under the column of 'Village/Area' and County appears as under 'Town/City' and State appears under County/Region.

5) I would like the following Detail showing as Detail; City to show as 'Town/City'; County to show as 'County/Region'; State to show as 'State'

It seems that I need to change the Column Labels that are associated with the kinds of Places entered.

Regards David

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I answered your questions. Please read what I wrote again.


The place style chosen determines which labels are used for each place level during data entry.


The program language chosen determines what labels are used on the columns for each place level in the Master Place List.


Labels are just labels. The import thing is that your data entry is consistent and that you always enter the same place type in the same place level. If you have data in the wrong levels, you can always fix that in the Master Place List.

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Said another way, David, look at any Tag Entry screen. There are ten slots for a place: 1-5 down the first column and 6-10 down the second. TMG stores data in a table of ten slots. That table has no names for those slots, only 1-10. The Place Style gives names to these slots for the convenience of the user.


You say you use U.S. Standard Place Style for import. As Jim said, "Town" in that Style is a label for slot 3, so when using that Style that data will import there. But you have your Project set to use the U.K. Place Style. In that Style "Town" is a label for slot 4. So when you look at your MPL the data is still in slot 3, but "Town" is the label for slot 4.


You use one Style for import which expects Town in slot 3, and a different Style for display which expects Town in slot 4, hence the confusion. As Jim suggests, either always use the same Style for whatever actions you do so the appropriate data goes in the correct slot. Or always put the same "type" of data in the same slots, and adjust the labels in every Style to correspond.


Hope this helps,

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Hi Michael, I am sorry to come back to you but there appears to be a misunderstanding.


I am operating version 8.08 with Windows 7 Pro. I have been using TMG for many years.


I am presently using both the US standard Names and Place styles. My default is for the UK solely for Mapping and Abbreviations, which is found under Preferences- Current project Options.

I also use the Language choice of English UK. Having checked out your US Standard Place, my 1-5 are as follows: 1- Addressee 2-Detail 3-City 4-County 5-State. I don't have a 'Town' even showing.


Sorry if I seem pedantic but I just want to find out how to have the same input showing in the MPL.


Regards David

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They do say that the English and the Americans are separated by a common language :D

(By the way, you may be a long time TMG user, but I try? to explain my replies so that other users, possibly new, also viewing these posts may understand.)

To review Jim's earlier comments:

1) Data will always be located at the place level in which you enter it unless moved between levels in the Master Place List.

As I expressed, these place levels are the ten "slots" where the place data is stored regardless of their labels.

2) The labels on the tag Entry screen (and levels for data entry) will be determined by the place style chosen.

I think we have discussed this sufficiently.


3) The column headings for the place levels in the Master Place List are determined by the program language.

This is the one causing you problems.

If you choose "File / Language / English (U.S.)" the data "slots" columns will be labeled in the MPL:

3-City [which U.S. people often also use for Town]


But if you choose "File / Language / English (U.K.)" the data "slots" columns will be labeled in the MPL:



Note the differences between these two languages in the labels for "slots" 3, 4, and 5. As Jim stated the "File / Language" choice determines these MPL labels.


Thus if you import or do data entry using U.S. styles, that style will label slot 3 during data entry or import as City (which usually includes town). But the English(U.K.) label in the MPL for slot 3 is Village/Area, where slot 4 is Town/City. Hence your confusion.


I know that it is possible to "customize" a non-US language, such as English(U.K.), but that is beyond my experience. I think? such a customization is what you would have to do to change these MPL labels. Perhaps some other user who sets their "File / Language" to English (U.K.) can suggest some help in changing these MPL labels within that Language file. I don't know of any other way to change these MPL column labels.


Setting your data entry and import style to one language and the program language to a different language is causing your confusion. I think? most non-US language users pick one language for both to avoid such confusions, but again maybe some non-US language users will comment.


Hope this is clearer,

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