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9.02 Role variables

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Reading the newsletter if sounds like the automated process is first going to try and fix role variables for us if the role is the subject of the sentence. Is there a way to opt out of this automatic update if we are happy with our [R:rolename] sentences and don't want to change to the new [s:rolename] variables. I can see where I will have to edit a lot of sentences back to the [R:rolename] otherwise.


Other than that, I am thrilled with this new feature. It sounds just like what we have been asking for for a long time and I can't wait to use it.


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Reading the newsletter if sounds like the automated process is first going to try and fix role variables for us if the role is the subject of the sentence. Is there a way to opt out of this automatic update if we are happy with our [R:rolename] sentences and don't want to change to the new [s:rolename] variables. I can see where I will have to edit a lot of sentences back to the [R:rolename] otherwise.



As Bob says, when this is resolved the results can be posted here. But in the meantime I want to make one clarification - there are no [s:rolename] variables. The variable is simply . It refers to the current subject - the person about which the output is being written - regardless of what role that person has, or where that person is entered in the Tag.

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